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A19e Nitrogen - UNSTABLE


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You need to get something like that in the console:

java -version


java version "1.8.0_231"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)


-> 64-Bit Server VM


Go to the java control panel / Java / Runtime Environment settings,

there you can deactivate the 32 bit version.


Otherwise, you could alter the .bat files, and insert the full path to java.exe for your 64 bit version


C:\my64bitjava\bin\java.exe -Xmx8G -jar nitrogen.jar

Edited by Damocles (see edit history)
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15 minutes ago, Damocles said:

You need to get something like that in the console:

java -version


java version "1.8.0_231"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)


-> 64-Bit Server VM


Go to the java control panel / Java / Runtime Environment settings,

there you can deactivate the 32 bit version.


Otherwise, you could alter the .bat files, and insert the full path to java.exe for your 64 bit version


C:\my64bitjava\bin\java.exe -Xmx8G -jar nitrogen.jar

Is there a way to get that older version of Java then? because the current one that's available on their site is 1.8.0_251 not 1.8.0_231

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38 minutes ago, Divinion said:

I got it working, thank you.


Next question is: Is there a way to create bigger sizes for biomes instead of just splotches of them across a mostly Grass biome?

You can edit biomes.png

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The snow-north & desert south option, together with a higher mountain and desert setting will give you plenty of larger areas other than the forest biome.

For full control you can edit the biomes.png (and use the biomesfixer tool to ensure a correct imageformat).


Or you can copy over a biomes.png from an RWG generated map of the same size, if you like that kind of style.

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I feel like people respond a lot quicker here, so.


whats the steamcmd command for a19?

I thought it was this, but im still getting a18

app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental-unstable


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17 minutes ago, OhYa said:

I feel like people respond a lot quicker here, so.


whats the steamcmd command for a19?

I thought it was this, but im still getting a18

app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental-unstable


I don't recall putting the '-unstable' bit in. Just `app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental`.

That was for a fresh server, first install of a19 so I wasn't trying to update any previous installs etc (if that matters). 

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hmmmm, ok, will give that a try, thanks :)
I made a 8k map in under 2 minutes, but a 16k takes me 22 minutes, didnt test it yet, just found that to be a crazy huge difference

I couldnt imagine how long it would take for the game to build a 16k, ooooff


I'm thinking of trying a 12k to see how that goes 


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Good luck. I have had some people on my server complain that the trader from the beginning quest appears underground (or 'not where I am standing'). Would be good to hear from someone else if they also have that problem. I created a 4K map with one big city and trader next to city... so hoping there is not a glitch happening there.

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All those trader not appearing (or underground) bugs are related to loading in old worlds, or worlds using the A18 prefablists.

The trader quests seems to then show a marker at 0,0,0 wich is underground.


The trader names changed, so A18 world will not load any trader POIs, but still run. 

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24 minutes ago, Damocles said:

All those trader not appearing (or underground) bugs are related to loading in old worlds, or worlds using the A18 prefablists.

The trader quests seems to then show a marker at 0,0,0 wich is underground.


The trader names changed, so A18 world will not load any trader POIs, but still run. 

Thanks @Damocles. I used the v0500 version for the a19 gen. I'll check for a newer version. Are you able to give a recommendation on how to fix it for an existing map? Do I just look at the xml files and try and tweak it to move a trader or insert a new one? Sorry I am new to this. I am happy to observe and keep googling to get a fix... or wait for the next time a build requires a save game wipe.

Cheers for the Nitrogen tool, I have had so much fun with it :)

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This is a "Must Have" tool. I love it because I can get a much better map. I like my maps nice and flat but the in game generator makes all the roads have these sudden changes in height. Love all the options it has too.


The only thing is the Java. I just upgraded my PC and had to get it again and the current version doesn't work. You need jre-8u241-windows-x64.exe 

took me forever to find it because I was looking for Java 1.8 and it's not listed as that.

You should put "jre-8u241-windows-x64.exe" instead of 1.8 when you start it without it, make it less confusing. 


Really nice work though.

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16k maps are really pushing the hardwares limits.

Your system most likely ran out of memory.


You can start it via the start_8G_Ram_16kMaps.bat file and assign more memory (increasing -Xmx8G to -Xmx12G or so)

With the .bat start you can see if there was an out of memory error also.


Another thing is to turn off the preview map, which saves some memory.


You can reduce the number of farms, rednecks, old towns and traders (outside the city) to reduce the road-path calculations.

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26 minutes ago, Damocles said:

16k maps are really pushing the hardwares limits.

Your system most likely ran out of memory.


You can start it via the start_8G_Ram_16kMaps.bat file and assign more memory (increasing -Xmx8G to -Xmx12G or so)

With the .bat start you can see if there was an out of memory error also.


Another thing is to turn off the preview map, which saves some memory.


You can reduce the number of farms, rednecks, old towns and traders (outside the city) to reduce the road-path calculations.

Thank you very much, I will try.
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Hi @Damocles I ran into 2 issues while generating our map for the new server.

1. It seems the map is not generating a radiation Zone. We can simply walk out and fall of the map with no problems. apprarently the radiation file is not generated. that's tolerable to some point... if you are dumb enough to jump out, that's your problem x) and I suppose I could just copy and paste the radiation file generataed from and older version of Nitro? I'm gonna try that.

The second issue is... when generating a map with islands. and a mask separating them enterely... it generate this small dots of land between them. I think it's where the road was supposed to be. as seen in this picture. 


that part is ok... it'd be even nice to try and build a bridge coneecting thos tiny island... the problem is what happens in each island. @%$*#! seen below.





Apparently Moses has been earth bending too.

so.. there's that.


- yeah, manually adding the radiation.png worked just fine.
- ok, moses is not in every island and the line of land and tree does not always generate from every island either... just found a line of trees surrounded by like 10 blocks of water high.

- I double checked the HM and there are no random white pixels or something of the like where the land is spawning.

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I guess thats somewhat related to the main road intersections, where the road is not visible under the mask, but the smoothing somehow activated.

Do you have those dots when roads are off?

Separated islands + mask dont work well with the way roads are calculated.


The radiation.png is not generated in the imported heightmaps (different generation, never got around implementing it in that branch). But you can add the files manually.


The game distributing water is quite buggy. Best is to try keeping large bodies of water more shallow, this might prevent those missing water lines.

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we tried generating a map with no roads and indeed the little islands didn't generate same as most of the moses pathways.


but there are still some water issues here and ther. what depth do you recomend for the water then? what HTML color if possible. I've been using shades between 101010 for the shores and 060606 for ''deep water''

I tried using the water border tone from the resources folder 1d1d1d but for some reason it generated land when I generated´the map.

Edit: I was misinformed... the water problems are 100% the roads fault.

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Am I missing something, why is there no seed option in the generator?


Also, the first post of this thread has two different conflicting instructions on how to upload the world to a dedicated server. Do I put it in the save game folder (e.g. "~/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/GeneratedWorlds/NitroGenMap") or in the server data folder (e.g. "~/7daysded/Data/Worlds/NitroGenMap")? Nevermind, the answer is put it in the server data folder.


I followed the advice on page 77 here to start a game with the generated world on my machine and then copying the folder with the processed files to the server and it worked great (you might want to update the first post with that info btw). Thanks for this awesome software and major props for updating it so soon after the new release!


One more question: do maps generated with the A19 update for NitroGenMap include all of the new POIs Fun Pimps added in A19?

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22 hours ago, Damocles said:

All those trader not appearing (or underground) bugs are related to loading in old worlds, or worlds using the A18 prefablists.

The trader quests seems to then show a marker at 0,0,0 wich is underground.


The trader names changed, so A18 world will not load any trader POIs, but still run. 

@azragarn this maybe the answer you're looking for regarding traders spawning underground

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