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Skyrim Style Lockpicking MiniGame


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1 hour ago, ubai said:

First off, thanks for a great mod, this is a huge improvement to vanilla lockpicking! Just wanted to report that I ran into the same graphical glitch as ddraggy, and I have no other lockpicking mods at all. It worked fine yesterday, but today it's not working and I haven't made any changes.




Are you using the latest version of SCore?   I flew around and checked out dozens of safes and door, and one 1 door I got an artifact of another doors corner.    i few out of the chunk and back then it was gone.  I have no idea whats going on, its like an image is occasionally being cached on that camera or in the UI window.  I will explore but right now I have no idea what's happening.  Thanks for the report.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, xyth said:

I uploaded a new version with minor tweaks that should do nothing, but i wasnt able to make it glitch after, so maybe fixed.  

I played a bit today and it hasn't really glitched out so far.  It was kind of weird, for a split second on the first lock, the glitch texture appeared, and then it sort of slid off to the right and was replaced by the proper lock texture.  All the locks after that were fine.  The minor tweaks that should do nothing look promising! 👍

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On 2/18/2022 at 10:57 PM, xyth said:

Mods should keep their SCore updated, at least to a semi current version.  Not much I can do about that though.  The breaktime is configurable in the blocks.xml of the SCore.   So is the success angle settings. 


                <!-- 4 types of locks based on difficult. Easier to most difficult. -->
                <property name="MaxGiveAmount" value="10,8,6,4" />
                <property name="BreakTime" value="1.2,1.0,.8,.6" />


The easiest locks (based on the HP of that door or container) have a 10 degree success angle and a breaktime of 1.2 seconds.   Each perks increases the success angle 2 degrees and gives and extra .2 seconds breaktime.


So max perks into lockpicking makes the hardest lock the same as the easiest, and make easy locks very easy.


You can also damage the door, which will made a hard container easier.   The more its damaged, the weaker the lock.  





Yeah, I was surprised as they released a new version fairly recently, might've been just before the latest SCore was released.


Oh! I didn't understand how to use those parameters when I saw them and I guess I just forgot about them. Thanks for explaining!


Looks like the defaults for the breaktime in SCore v20.0.31.846 were <property name="BreakTime" value=".5,.4,.3,.2" /> which explain why it was so difficult!


I should be able to make the mod much more useable for my server with this information.

Keep up with the good work! Your help is much appreciated.

Edited by Jibb (see edit history)
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On 2/19/2022 at 11:57 PM, ddraggy said:

I played a bit today and it hasn't really glitched out so far.  It was kind of weird, for a split second on the first lock, the glitch texture appeared, and then it sort of slid off to the right and was replaced by the proper lock texture.  All the locks after that were fine.  The minor tweaks that should do nothing look promising! 👍

It saddens me to report the tweak reduces how often the glitch happens, but doesn't fix it completely:




I think it's an even more zoomed in version of the glitched texture from before? (rather creepy, looks like a person). This was the first chest I tried to pick that session. I exited out of the game, tried again and it was ok.

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I think it's been happening less since today is the first time?  Might be the placebo effect, who knows.  As usual, exiting to the main menu and loading it back up again fixed whatever got scrambled. I appreciate your efforts! Is there anything I can do on my end to assist?  Also, here's the new version of the creepy lock lady.



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  • 1 month later...
19 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

In 20.4, I've noticed that when I am exiting Trader Rekt's place - that damned vanilla graphics bug is showing up on the inside of the front gate sometimes.  They did something in 20.4 that's borked the graphics.  Again.


I have not tested the lockpicking mod on 20.4, but will see if I can reproduce your issue.  There is no lock on the front gate so I dont see the relationship to this mod though.

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On 4/30/2022 at 2:07 PM, xyth said:

I have not tested the lockpicking mod on 20.4, but will see if I can reproduce your issue.  There is no lock on the front gate so I dont see the relationship to this mod though.

I have. I haven't run into any issues with the lockpicking mod. Unsure if the issue is 20.4 or something unique with @Evil_Geoff's setup.

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On 4/30/2022 at 2:07 PM, xyth said:

There is no lock on the front gate so I dont see the relationship to this mod though.

My comment was in reference to the image that ddraggy posted. 

Something was changed in 20.4 that has caused the marble texture graphics bug to re-appear.  That something, whatever it is, may be causing the issue that ddraggy reported.


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Yeah, that's a vanilla block glitch. Sometimes the game hangs up, is short on resources for the tasks at hand, or lag between server and player client; during these events you can be moving as a player and cross the threshold between imposter block and the client loading the actual block texture but because of the aforementioned glitches/bugs the updated texture doesn't arrive and this placeholder texture of green marble block is used instead. Often just moving to a new chunk and letting the game catch up to you can fix that issue without even needing a relog. But that can eat up your daytime so relogging may be the better fix depending on your situation in game. Some blocks are more prone to it, including bulletproof glass blocks. 

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  • 5 months later...

Very much love this mod! Great work!

I have 3 questions if youd be kind enoughto indulge me. First. My wife also plays but she uses a Playstation controller. Using a controller allows L1 and R1 to move the lock pick left or right but X(Jump) nor any other button will spin the lock to try opening. 

I tried to alter the controller configuration to make X use Space bar instead. Still doesn't work. Tried this with a ps4 and a ps5 controller. Neither works. Thoughts?

Also I notice that I can no longer lockpick Gun cabinets. I see no mention of this in the mod description but I assumed this was done intentionally because it's a "Dial" not a lock you can pick. Am I correct in that assumption?

Lastly is it possible to pick player locked doors and if not how can that be enabled?


Oh, Also. I noticed that picking a reinforced POI door removes the metal layer from the door leaving only the wood. Thus weakening the door. Not sure if that was intentional or an unavoidable side effect. 🤷‍♂️


I also have a suggestion. Perhaps enable players to "Lock" doors they have picked open. So that they can be shut and relocked behind you to stop other players/NPC from entering. 

Edited by Quillbeatssword (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, AssasinMartin said:

Hello, I wanted to notify that the /0-SCore link appears to be down


The link itself works for me, but the DownGit website wouldn't actually download the files. It looks like GitHub has some kind of rate limiting and is returning an HTTP 403 to the DownGit website.


As a workaround, you can download SphereII's entire repository as a .zip file:


You will need to extract it, and move only the "0-SCore" folder to your "Mods" folder.

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  • 1 month later...

I just pulled both, OCore and Lock, working together fine for me.


Only complaint is the locks and the tools texture are nearly black at half texture quality.

They are a little better at High quality but tools are still nearly the same color.


As far as the original ask on difficulty, if you played or understand the Skyrim locks or play Fallout(s) it makes sense seems pretty easy as long as your not trying to lockpick and panicked about incoming horde.

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Some Shaders seemed to have changed in one of the A20 builds, so perhaps the assets need to be repackaged to use the new shaders.  Not sure if I will have time to look into this before A21 make that fix need refixing, but I will see what I can do.


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  • xyth changed the title to A21 Skyrim Style Lockpicking MiniGame
21 hours ago, xyth said:

Updated the links to the A21 version that's been hanging out on my repo for a few weeks.  

Love the mod, but so far every time I've lockpicked a police car it has been empty and the sirens start flashing and making noise. Do you know if it is this mod doing that... or is that from 0-Score? I don't recall the police cars doing that, haha. Also possible that it is a different mod causing it. I will have to take a closer look.

Edited by ShowerHour (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, ShowerHour said:

Love the mod, but so far every time I've lockpicked a police car it has been empty and the sirens start flashing and making noise. Do you know if it is this mod doing that... or is that from 0-Score? I don't recall the police cars doing that, haha. Also possible that it is a different mod causing it. I will have to take a closer look.


I can confirm this. After lockpicking the police car, it started alarming and had no loot.


A check of my log showed the following error:


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) LootManager.DMD<LootManager::LootContainerOpened>(LootManager,TileEntityLootContainer,int,FastTags)
  at GameManager.lootContainerOpened (TileEntityLootContainer _te, LocalPlayerUI _playerUI, System.Int32 _entityIdThatOpenedIt) [0x00184] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) GameManager.DMD<GameManager::OpenTileEntityUi>(GameManager,int,TileEntity,string)
  at GameManager.TELockServer (System.Int32 _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, System.Int32 _lootEntityId, System.Int32 _entityIdThatOpenedIt, System.String _customUi) [0x00139] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at BlockSecureLoot.OnBlockActivated (WorldBase _world, System.Int32 _cIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue, EntityAlive _player) [0x00067] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) BlockSecureLoot.DMD<BlockSecureLoot::OnBlockActivated>(BlockSecureLoot,string,WorldBase,int,Vector3i,BlockValue,EntityAlive)
  at XUiC_Radial.handleBlockCommand (XUiC_Radial _sender, System.Int32 _commandIndex, XUiC_Radial+RadialContextAbs _context) [0x00034] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at XUiC_Radial.CallContextAction () [0x000b8] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at XUiC_Radial.SetCommonData (GUI_2.UIUtils+ButtonIcon _controllerButtonForSelect, XUiC_Radial+CommandHandlerDelegate _commandHandlerFunc, XUiC_Radial+RadialContextAbs _context, System.Int32 _preSelectedCommandIndex, System.Boolean _hasSpecialActionPriorToRadialVisibility, XUiC_Radial+RadialStillValidDelegate _radialValidityCallback) [0x000d0] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at XUiC_Radial.SetCurrentBlockData (WorldBase _world, Vector3i _blockPos, System.Int32 _cIdx, BlockValue _blockValue, EntityAlive _entityFocusing) [0x0009e] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) PlayerMoveController.DMD<PlayerMoveController::Update>(PlayerMoveController)


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