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Romero Mod - A game mode/suite of zombie tweaks


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17 hours ago, doomtucan said:

How is headshots supposed to work with traps and turrets? there is no point in any of these if its only headshots


Did you actually try any? Traps and turrets can be quite effective. I haven't tried all of them, but of those I have:


Electric fence - slowly kills them but real benefit is it holds them in place so you can headshot them.

Blade traps - chops off their heads if positioned at head level and you can direct the AI's path to them.

SMG Turret - works well, lot's of head shots.

Barb wire - slows them down for head shots.

Sledge turret - not much damage but you can hold back zombies in a doorway if you are getting overrun.

Junk turret - sadly not that effective. Will get occasional headshots but most zombies will walk past before significant damage.

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  • 1 month later...

Right, i'm mad busy atm, but Romero Mod V2 is uploaded and ready 


Romero Mod V2 changelog.


- Updated to A20.
- Updated Sphereii-Core.
- Removed my pipe weapons in favour of TFP's as the models are better.
- Removed the Guppy-carts as they are a little buggy.
- Removed a lot of modlets to allow players greater customization features.
- Cops should HOPEFULLY no longer run at the player when below 50% health.


So what is actually included?


- Scrap tier of weapons and tools.
- Log spikes.
- Large wandering hordes.
- Cops and vultures should not spit.

- Cops should not do their "sprint and explode" thing.
- Forced bloodmoon off and zombies to walk.
- Headshot only mode.
- Pickup plants with E.
- HP Bar.
- Dangerous Cities modlet.
- No trader protection or god-mode traders.
- Random zombie walk types for greater variance. 

Install Instructions.

Download the zip and open it. There will be a folder called RomeroModA20-main.


Click on that and you'll see a load more folders. Go to your 7DTD folder, make a Mods folder, drag the folders from the zip into Mods, run with EAC off, done.




Reasons for the changes.

Honestly, I realised there was a lot of my modlets in there that -I- wanted. Which was not the intent of Romero Mod.

So I stripped a lot of them out and left only the ones that I felt were in keeping with the setting. This allows greater customization for you, the end user (like using any UI you want), and also lowers the download size and RAM usage, so better performance.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Hey.  I mentioned this in another thread on the Dangerous Cities mod - but I'm definitely seeing the game not respect gamestage when playing with Romero mod or Dangerous Cities installed separately in an otherwise vanilla game.  Night 1 I have bikers, feral tourists and spiders which seems way OTT when I'm running around with a level 2 club 😆- and this was in a fairly small town.  Any ideas what might be going on?  I've had a look through the files and can't see anything obviously responsible.  Thanks.

I don't have any other mods which adjust zombie spawns/behavior - just a few crafting recipe mods.

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22 hours ago, Curuedhel said:

Hey.  I mentioned this in another thread on the Dangerous Cities mod - but I'm definitely seeing the game not respect gamestage when playing with Romero mod or Dangerous Cities installed separately in an otherwise vanilla game.  Night 1 I have bikers, feral tourists and spiders which seems way OTT when I'm running around with a level 2 club 😆- and this was in a fairly small town.  Any ideas what might be going on?  I've had a look through the files and can't see anything obviously responsible.  Thanks.

I don't have any other mods which adjust zombie spawns/behavior - just a few crafting recipe mods.

Anything not a wandering horde, screamer horde or POI is NOT gamestaged.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Launcher file made, uploaded and submitted to sphereii.

So hopefully it'll be on the launcher soon. :)


IT is there and Thank You 


I have 1 question, Do I use the "RomeroModA20-main" _ folder to add a couple extra mods or do I add a separate folder for Mods ... it is the first time I've seen your mod folder labeled that way and wasn't sure ... I like using AGF Hud and my personal stacking mod that adds just a bit more to Vanilla. Food stacks are 100 instead of 10 ammo is double that of vanilla, etc. Just a bit, no over kill.

Thank You again and Have a good week ... Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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Good day KhaineGB

There might be an issue with the way the launcher is unpacking the mod ... if I put a couple mods in your folder they will not work and if I add another mod folder, then your game doesn't load correctly ... well for me anyway.


Just thought I would let you know, Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

Desktop Screenshot 2022.02.01 - (2).png

Desktop Screenshot 2022.02.01 - (2).png

Edited by gpcstargate
correction (see edit history)
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@KhaineGB  I love this mod but this time wanted to play without the HP bars and have traders still invulnerable.  However even though I removed the modlet folders for those, I'm still getting HP bars and the traders are still destructible.  Is there something else I need to change?



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17 minutes ago, Zarzthor said:

Thanks but what is "sphereii-core"?


It's one of the mods that are used in Romero. Go to your Mods folder and you'll see a 0-Spherii-Core folder. Inside find Config/blocks.xml and that has the values you need to edit, UnlockEnemyHealthBar and MakeTraderVulnerable.

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@bigrowdy yes there is a new splash screen for this mod.


As for my efforts to remove the HP bars that has worked but the trader compound is still destructible even with everything I can find related to the trader in the 2SCore folder, blocks.xml file set to false.  I looked in the other files but don't see anything trader related that would make the trader compound invulnerable again.

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21 minutes ago, Zarzthor said:

@bigrowdy yes there is a new splash screen for this mod.


As for my efforts to remove the HP bars that has worked but the trader compound is still destructible even with everything I can find related to the trader in the 2SCore folder, blocks.xml file set to false.  I looked in the other files but don't see anything trader related that would make the trader compound invulnerable again.

Yeah ok. It's not installing with the launcher. Undead Legacy installs perfectly so I dont know what the issue is. Shame. I LIVE for Darkness Falls but I sure hope I dont have these issues with it like this one is giving me. Although I could easily install it manually, that is the purpose of the launcher...

Imma try one more time and then give up,

Well looking in the mod launcher location there is a 'backup' folder with romero mod and inside that the files are still zipped and not unpacked...dont know if it supposed to be like that...I dont think so.

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