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Hey, anyone else have issue with, if you die on blood-moon (solo), then no more zombies spawn? none of my friends were online so I did blood-moon, and died, then no more zombies.......its happened a few times, and its so boring...wait until blood-moon for some good xp and fun, then big let down.. also why isn't there any 2x2 doors!!?!? or why cant we flip the garage door...grrrrrr so mess's up my builds, I have resorted to building 2 single doors and flipping position of second door so the open like double doors, but the frame (which doesn't hinder moment) is visible when open....omg my ocd! 


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56 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Doesn´t logging out and in again, restart the horde anymore?

This definitely still happens unfortunately, I made the mistake of logging out after I finished a blood moon but before the night ended and when I came back I instantly got jumped by like 15 zombies and had to log back out and set it to be daytime (I was literally just standing on a road nowhere near my base because I was getting ready to go do some night looting)

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No I didnt log out, didnt know this was a thing..... It was basically the beginning of blood moon around 11 pm game time, once I died, I went back to area I died, and got my bag, and then wandered around looking for zombies, didnt find any, cant say I went much further then 250 mtrs from where my lame z def was built and where I had been killed. thanks for all your comments, will have to log out next time this happens then .

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Re-logging will work for most situations, so this might be pointless, but;


It seems that horde nights are actually EMPTY of random world spawns, no problem otherwise, it's nice and calm after the horde. It just makes finding a zed to attack for re-triggering the hordes quite annoying.. your best bet will be a POI, attacking a sleeper should work.

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