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Someone said it on stream but... F for Harvest.


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13 hours ago, JoeCavallo said:

It used to be E for harvest but they had to change it for obvious reason, stealing crops from others. Would you like that somebody with a gyro lands on your base and steals all your crops by just pressing E? Because that's what was happening before.

So couldn't they just make E work for the person that owns the land claim block surrounding the crops and not work for anyone else?

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Yeah, punching them is just not doing it. Either 'activate to harvest' or a tool that harvests without breaking them, and also won't strike the ground next to them and destroy them. 

If 'players stealing your crops' is such a problem, then... make them not able to do that. Obviously. 


Land Claim blocks exist. 

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I fully support bringing this function back.


On 8/27/2020 at 2:25 AM, JoeCavallo said:

It used to be E for harvest but they had to change it for obvious reason, stealing crops from others. Would you like that somebody with a gyro lands on your base and steals all your crops by just pressing E? Because that's what was happening before.

I never encountered this issue before, but let's take a shot at fixing it for the victims of the past and potential future.

How to fix stealing crops (in no particular order):

- Tie harvest ability to LCB (as mentioned several times already). You're not the owner/friend of the LCB? No harvest!

- Take a page from Minecraft: Glass blocks do not prevent crops from growing.  LCB + Glass Ceilings = no stolen crops.

- Similar to second point: Tweak spike traps to be 'transparant' and allow crops beneath them to grow. Now fill your ceiling with spikes, and kill thieves that attempt to copter to the top.

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