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A19B180 - Wild Animals in buildings?


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Question everyone, if a wild animal (couger/wolf/bear/whatever) gets into a building...are they supposed to literally blow up once they get through a door/window? Or is that a bug?


I'd taken a few potshots at a cougar from atop a roof just for fun while looting a house. It aggro'd and kept trying to get in the house. I ignored it for a bit but heard it break through the door finally. Heard it take three steps (I was in the next room) and BOOOM. 


Free dinner for my character, but huh? no landmines (I'd been thru that area of the house already).


What do you think? Bug or I got lucky, lol?



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16 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

There is a cooking pot mine on the floor in the kitchen of this POI.

Huh. I'd walked thru the area where it died no problem a few minutes before. I've seen what those look like so I would have spotted it but yay that I didn't get hit? Lol. Thanks!!

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18 hours ago, Hawtmama said:

Question everyone, if a wild animal (couger/wolf/bear/whatever) gets into a building...are they supposed to literally blow up once they get through a door/window? Or is that a bug?


I'd taken a few potshots at a cougar from atop a roof just for fun while looting a house. It aggro'd and kept trying to get in the house. I ignored it for a bit but heard it break through the door finally. Heard it take three steps (I was in the next room) and BOOOM. 


Free dinner for my character, but huh? no landmines (I'd been thru that area of the house already).


What do you think? Bug or I got lucky, lol?



was/is not a bug, there is a cooking pot mine on the floor.



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15 hours ago, Hawtmama said:

Huh. I'd walked thru the area where it died no problem a few minutes before. I've seen what those look like so I would have spotted it but yay that I didn't get hit? Lol. Thanks!!

You have probably read Urban Combat Vol 5. This book allows you to walk over mines without them exploding.

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3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

You have probably read Urban Combat Vol 5. This book allows you to walk over mines without them exploding.

Haha you're probably right. I read every one I come across and have long since lost track of which ones. I'll look when I log in next.

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