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7D2D VS Space Engineers


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I bought Space engineers the other day as I wanted to see how their voxel system works compared to 7D2D A19.


They both have in development since 2013


The main difference seem to be that in their system:


1: The blocks clip into the terrain which lets them get away with not having the hard edge that we have, but it has its own issues terrain getting stuck on blocks ect.

2: The terrain is not as nice 7D2D, much less texture quality

3: Few NPCs, so much AI overheads to worry about, 

4: No Structural integrity system, you can build as big as you want only limit is amount of blocks placed.

5: Physics are still an issue, google clang

6: Collision block sizes are wrong, which results in clang and other weirdness.

7: Mining can leave tiny little blocks floating in the air which are really annoying to get rid of.


With 7D2D we have that hard edge on the side of our builds and I dont know a there is way to fix that without the block clipping, which has it own set of issues.


So I just cover it with a plate If I am going for a super clean build.


The only issue I have with the 7D2D is that you damage blocks when you go over them with a vehicle on the lip of the first block.


The main point of this is people do not understand the massive difference between a voxel random generated world and a static world, even with BF4 that was all pre-calculated


For me as long as I can remember I have loved been able to destroy stuff in games going back to the commodore 64.


Their are plenty of other zombie survival games but to me they dont offer what 7D2D does.




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1 hour ago, Annihilatorza said:

6: Collision block sizes are wrong, which results in clang and other weirdness.

Actually, their recent update fixed a lot of that apparently. There's still a few more wrong sized blocks though, but at least they've made good progress on it. Unfortunately, now there's new issues like blocks merging after re-loading saves.


And Rising World is another example of Voxel based game with (in my opinion) far nicer graphics detail, though not nearly as developed in terms of combat / difficulty as well as item usefulness. The exploration above and below ground is pretty decent as well but could be better. The building mechanics and crafting are far more interesting / realistic, the game overall has much more realism in mind, minus structural integrity... I don't think they implemented that.

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2 hours ago, Annihilatorza said:

I bought Space engineers the other day

Hope you're having fun with it. For me, even with all it's many, many flaws, the things you can build in that game are really something else. Not just the rovers & ships, but the crazy mining contraptions.

& just in case you don't know already, the youtuber Splitsie has some of the best tutorials I've ever seen on yt.

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8 hours ago, Annihilatorza said:

Mining can leave tiny little blocks floating in the air which are really annoying to get rid of.

Due to SI considerations, it's pretty rare, but I have encountered these little irritations occasionally. RWG used to put slightly larger versions right into the terrain.



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20 hours ago, Vampirenostra said:

Loved SE, for mining machines building. Pity we can't make such in 7d2d

Oh yeah.. beyond mining machines (which would be mana from heaven), can you imagine all the crazy zombie killing machines we could make?? Holy hell that'd be amazing..


Giant paddle arms on a rotor sweeping zeds into trash compactors where piston walls squished em.

Heck, your entire base on a rotor to face the incoming.

Or a walking base like the huge steam punk spider in the Wild Wild West remake, so when moving to a new city, you can take your base with you.


Now if only we could figure out a way for 7dtd and SE to go on a date, fall in lust and have a baby... 🤣

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I am loving Space Engineers, currently building a ship that is symmetrical with its thruster design , I have the fact the everything needs a conveyor to be fed what it needs to work.


Last night I build a really compact welding ship that worked first time :)


Only thing I need to check out and fully understand is how many blocks can a large hydrogen thruster lift, since my current design has 6 LHT for vertical take off and 3 LHT for forwards and 12 Large tanks

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4 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

Last night I build a really compact welding ship that worked first time

Grats! That's always a great feeling :)

6 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

Only thing I need to check out and fully understand is how many blocks can a large hydrogen thruster lift

Ya gotta do the maths, heh. Tip: you can turn a thruster -off- then max out the manual thrust override to see how many newtons it makes.

And don't forget the parachutes & canvas!

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31 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

Parachutes and what does canvas do?



Parachute blocks can allow over-weight ships to safely land in a grav well; when just the thrusters either can't slow the ship down fast enough, but thrusters do have enough juice to counteract gravity (coming in to hot and you can't brake fast enough to prevent crashing), or when the thrusters have no chance of countering gravity. Say you're bringing a bunch of uranium ore down from an asteroid to refine on a planet.


But to work, there has to be canvas (the actual parachutes) in the blocks to deploy.

The blocks only hold a few chutes, so it's easy to neglect filling them, if they aren't piped into the conveyor system.


"Auto Deploy" used to be goofed, not sure if they've fixed it. And there are a couple other oddities about parachutes that can cause trouble. Might want to experiment some prior to risking a major ship.


Edit: totally forgot that the tiny ship you spawn in when you start a new game in "Star System", where there isn't a prefab base like there is in the "Earth Planet" game, that spawn ship comes down via a parachute.

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On 8/12/2020 at 10:02 AM, FileMachete said:

Oh yeah.. beyond mining machines (which would be mana from heaven), can you imagine all the crazy zombie killing machines we could make?? Holy hell that'd be amazing..


Giant paddle arms on a rotor sweeping zeds into trash compactors where piston walls squished em.

Heck, your entire base on a rotor to face the incoming.

Or a walking base like the huge steam punk spider in the Wild Wild West remake, so when moving to a new city, you can take your base with you.


Now if only we could figure out a way for 7dtd and SE to go on a date, fall in lust and have a baby... 🤣

Yep, I loved building crowler bases for planetary exploration a gigantic machine with everything on board including dock places for several smaller machines like miner/shredded/builder/scout, and few different flying/wheeled armed machines... Would love to have it in 7d2d))

On 8/12/2020 at 9:34 PM, TorrentRayne said:

Actually it’s on Xbox not sure about PlayStation 

Im currently a MacBook user, so XBOX/PS/PC are out of something I possess and can use. Dual booting is forbidden with my MacBook as I use it for banking solutions development, security....

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