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Riles Vanilla Plus


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HERE COMES the product of EXCITING hours of coding and game testing! And lots of help from  my supporters, testers, and collaborators.


TL;DR Description: MASSIVELY Enhanced Vanilla Friendly Gameplay. Build/Upgrade "ALL" Blocks. Simplification of building through MISC System. Bundle MANY things. MURDER AXE. Many Fixes. Vehicle Seating+. Ammo Scrapping Improvement. Wasteland Mining. Entity Death Improvements. Max Level 1000. MASTER Skill Tree. Label Improvements. AND SO MUCH MORE!


Riles Vanilla Plus version 1.00! (SERVER SIDE)

Also available on Nexus Mods Here. <---MORE IMAGES with DESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE AT NEXUS.


***WARNING*** When applying this mod to a game that used a previous version of Riles Fixes, may cause serious errors such as character and/or world resets.


If you wish to read more detailed description of the mod, see the Readme file.


















Edited by Riles
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nice mod... wondering if you can add in a way to speed up the way scrapping items works? may it be a perk or something... Sometimes i pickup an item that contains brass for example a car radiator and then when you scrap it, it takes almost 5 minutes to scrap that item... Queing up your scrap bar with other items to be scrapped that takes less time...

Edited by renejant
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3 hours ago, renejant said:

nice mod... wondering if you can add in a way to speed up the way scrapping items works? may it be a perk or something... Sometimes i pickup an item that contains brass for example a car radiator and then when you scrap it, it takes almost 5 minutes to scrap that item... Queing up your scrap bar with other items to be scrapped that takes less time...

Oh man. I just did a search and there isn't any A19 fast scrap mods!!! I have added it to my "to do list" and will keep you posted.


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4 hours ago, renejant said:

nice mod... wondering if you can add in a way to speed up the way scrapping items works? may it be a perk or something... Sometimes i pickup an item that contains brass for example a car radiator and then when you scrap it, it takes almost 5 minutes to scrap that item... Queing up your scrap bar with other items to be scrapped that takes less time...


Boom. Riles-A19Cheats-NoScrapTimes1.00


I took this from crazy A18 mod testing I was doing in my beginning learning phase. Let me know if it works AND...... it is recommended that you DO NOT scrap brass items as when you smelt them, you get EVEN MORE brass out of them. 😉 But I understand the need to save on space.

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On 8/6/2020 at 11:38 AM, Riles said:


Boom. Riles-A19Cheats-NoScrapTimes1.00


I took this from crazy A18 mod testing I was doing in my beginning learning phase. Let me know if it works AND...... it is recommended that you DO NOT scrap brass items as when you smelt them, you get EVEN MORE brass out of them. 😉 But I understand the need to save on space.

Thanks for the quick work! I will test it out and let you know!


Works like a charm!! Is there a way to make it applyable to every item? or is that too much work?

Edited by renejant (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, beware14 said:

How about adding this recipe?

First Aid Bandage = 1 Simple Bandage + 1 Aloe Cream

YESSSS!!!!  Freaking awesome. Version 1.01 will be ready soon and will include this. 🙂

On 8/6/2020 at 2:50 PM, renejant said:

Is there a way to make it applyable to every item? or is that too much work?

I just saw this edit! easier to find your comments if you make a new post? <-- or is that not considered "Forum Best Practices?"

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On 8/15/2020 at 8:38 AM, Riles said:

YESSSS!!!!  Freaking awesome. Version 1.01 will be ready soon and will include this. 🙂

I just saw this edit! easier to find your comments if you make a new post? <-- or is that not considered "Forum Best Practices?"

I want like you want "convert arrows to bolts to arrows" and "sorting by Type and Amount".

How about to increase spikes damage?

Edited by CrazyAluminum (see edit history)
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"Many of the blocks used to decorate houses (roof edges, window frames, columns, etc) are now upgradeable!"


That's pretty cool.  I've gotten more used to the "pick a POI  then reinforce/rebuild/etc as necessary and live in them as long as possible, then move on if needed" game style.  Being able to upgrade more block types will likely make this more fun or at least have something reinforced that looks more "home sweet home like" vs "I repair my house with ONLY cinder blocks" ;)

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8 hours ago, Scomar said:

some bug: if you pick up the yellow flashligt in pois you will get a flashlight in your inventory, but you need to get Flashlight (POI) ->flashlightDecor<-


otherwise you cannot put it down as a light source

Thanks for the feedback! To clarify, that is how it was intended, to be picked up as another flashlight. Placing it down as a light source is currently not possible through xml.... even though I'm keeping my eye on that too! So for now, I just stuck with getting a flashlight, and being able to stack flashlights like torches.

7 hours ago, beware14 said:

"convert arrows to bolts to arrows"

I have considered this. I will look more into it, but I was under the impression that one bolt is NOT equal to one arrow. But yes, that would be amazingly convenient to be able to do!....UPDATE: it's happening. The difference is ONLY between exploding arrow to exploding bolt... Exploding bolt takes 2 additional gun powder. So that will be part of the conversion ingredients.

7 hours ago, beware14 said:

increase spikes damage?

I would consider this more of a "cheat" mod. Which can be done, I just tend to prefer close to vanilla.  The values you would change under blocks.xml for the spikes are these:

    <property name="Damage" value="33"/> <-damage to entities/players/zombies
    <property name="Damage_received" value="33"/> <-damage the block receives when walked into.

Edited by Riles (see edit history)
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Yeah, I think it would be nice if picking up the flashlights in the world specifically gave you the version you place down rather than the tool version, to make the tool version a bit more important instead of getting it on day 1-2.

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14 hours ago, Scomar said:

i dont know how you mean its not possible.

WHOA! Hmmm... I haven't been able to get it to work for me! 😛 I'll keep messing with it. What did you change exactly to make it work? When I place it down, it is turned off.


-Not having much luck. I even tried making a separate block in which there is a "player" flashlight block and still it is placed turned off. In the prefab editor i believe it is placed turned on, but not in the game world?

Edited by Riles (see edit history)
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hum, strange, yesterday ill placed it down and the light was on, today the light is off 😳

At the moment i changed it to  "lanternLight_player" so you get also an red lantern by picking up the yellow flashlight, this works and the light is on by placing it down.

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48 minutes ago, beware14 said:

Pickupable sandbags?

Well, it is an easy line of code. But I'm not sure the big picture function of having this feature. Yes, when placing sandbags down, it would be significantly easier to correct mistakes. Picking them up when finding them in the world is a thing too, but I guess I don't understand the game mechanic reasoning behind it? Specifically, if it were a PVP situation, you can just run up and snatched their sand bags? lol?

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24 minutes ago, Riles said:

Well, it is an easy line of code. But I'm not sure the big picture function of having this feature. Yes, when placing sandbags down, it would be significantly easier to correct mistakes. Picking them up when finding them in the world is a thing too, but I guess I don't understand the game mechanic reasoning behind it? Specifically, if it were a PVP situation, you can just run up and snatched their sand bags? lol?

Sorry I didn't think about it

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One thing I noticed is that the lanterns you pick up suddenly become much more powerful when you place them back down. Guessing this is a Gameplay > Logic thing from TFP, but I think it mostly comes from the fact that the lanterns you find in POIs obey physics/objects with their lighting, while when you place them back down the light from them shines straight through the top and bottom of the lantern + seemingly through walls. Lanterns are a huge upgrade from torches (electric/non-flame lighting in general is meant to be a big upgrade step, because it doesn't attract zombies), so these lanterns being so powerful breaks a bit of the progression. Pick up 3 or 4 of them and it's enough to light your entire base + the area around it for horde nights. Would it be possible to replace them with weaker versions, perhaps that don't shine through everything like the POI versions?

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On 8/28/2020 at 1:27 PM, Sunbursts said:

is it possible to translate for the native language? on my rented server its seems doesnt work (v1.02).

Which Language do you use for your game?

On 8/28/2020 at 3:03 PM, Teacyn said:

One thing I noticed is that the lanterns you pick up suddenly become much more powerful when you place them back down. Guessing this is a Gameplay > Logic thing from TFP, but I think it mostly comes from the fact that the lanterns you find in POIs obey physics/objects with their lighting, while when you place them back down the light from them shines straight through the top and bottom of the lantern + seemingly through walls. Lanterns are a huge upgrade from torches (electric/non-flame lighting in general is meant to be a big upgrade step, because it doesn't attract zombies), so these lanterns being so powerful breaks a bit of the progression. Pick up 3 or 4 of them and it's enough to light your entire base + the area around it for horde nights. Would it be possible to replace them with weaker versions, perhaps that don't shine through everything like the POI versions?

Hmmm. This is an interesting topic. First, I didn't realize the lighting difference until you pointed it out. Second, the ability to change the lighting is currently a bit "bugged" or not available on the xml level? I will have to look more into this one in case it is possible... I understand that picking up the lanterns changes the progression of lighting availability around the base. It was just really confusing that you couldn't just grab resources from other houses and bring it back to your base. I will have to think more on the progression aspect of this. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? 

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