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A-19-exp Blood moon duration?


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we are playing on alpha 19 experimental on a server and so far we are LOVING the patch , its great, but we have noticed something kind of strange, for the 2nd blood moon in a row now the blood moon has fizzled out and stopped at 1:30 am, usually it goes from 22 til 4 am and we all showed up loaded for bear and it just kinda fizzled out around 1:30. has this happened to anyone else? is it a know issue? is this the new time for the blood moon ? not sure whats going on so thought id ask.


edit - going to add this, someone on another forum said that it spawns a set number of zombies based on game stage, this is my reply to that  reply


is this something new with alpha 19? it never did this in alpha 17 or alpha 18 we would have a constant stream of zombies from 22 til 4 am every single time, this is the first time this has ever happened , well the 2nd time now. and there were 4 of us all game stage 80-90 and it still fizzled out at 1:30 the same exact time it fizzled out last blood moon when our game stage was considerably lower

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It has been that way for quite a few alpha versions now. There was a version or two before that where the game would send one zombie at a time for the rest of the night just to keep you on your toes? It has been a common tactic for a long time to save and quit then restart the game and it'll send a fresh horde your way.

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2 hours ago, bushybeard123 said:

we are playing on alpha 19 experimental on a server and so far we are LOVING the patch , its great, but we have noticed something kind of strange, for the 2nd blood moon in a row now the blood moon has fizzled out and stopped at 1:30 am, usually it goes from 22 til 4 am and we all showed up loaded for bear and it just kinda fizzled out around 1:30. has this happened to anyone else? is it a know issue? is this the new time for the blood moon ? not sure whats going on so thought id ask.


edit - going to add this, someone on another forum said that it spawns a set number of zombies based on game stage, this is my reply to that  reply


is this something new with alpha 19? it never did this in alpha 17 or alpha 18 we would have a constant stream of zombies from 22 til 4 am every single time, this is the first time this has ever happened , well the 2nd time now. and there were 4 of us all game stage 80-90 and it still fizzled out at 1:30 the same exact time it fizzled out last blood moon when our game stage was considerably 

Game stage is no longer adding everyone in party. 

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gamestage has a new formula so maybe its as high as your party allows for now, and blood moons for the last 2 alphas last from 22-4, but there is an entity limit to the horde, so if you kill em all fast, it'll end early unless you all log and reset it before 4am next day

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Total number of zombies in a horde can be found in gamestages.xml, under the <spawner name="BloodMoonHorde">. Here's the one for GS 40-43:

<gamestage stage="40">
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS31" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1" interval="28"/>
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS35" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1" interval="10"/>
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS40" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1"/>

This horde would send a total of 177 zombies (57 x 3). Probably not too difficult for 2 or more players to run through this horde well before 4AM especially on 120-minute days. On 60-minute days the horde lasts 15 minutes so if you're killing say 20 zombies per minute the above horde would be done in about 9 minutes, which if my math is correct means you'd be finished about 1:36AM.

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On 7/17/2020 at 11:05 AM, Boidster said:

Total number of zombies in a horde can be found in gamestages.xml, under the <spawner name="BloodMoonHorde">. Here's the one for GS 40-43:

<gamestage stage="40">
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS31" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1" interval="28"/>
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS35" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1" interval="10"/>
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS40" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1"/>

This horde would send a total of 177 zombies (57 x 3). Probably not too difficult for 2 or more players to run through this horde well before 4AM especially on 120-minute days. On 60-minute days the horde lasts 15 minutes so if you're killing say 20 zombies per minute the above horde would be done in about 9 minutes, which if my math is correct means you'd be finished about 1:36AM.

 this is GREAT information that's almost exactly what happened , that's really good to know , will try the log in / log out trick and if that doesn't work out ill try editing the number of zombies allowed to spawn.

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Apart from increasing numbers I recommend doing the log in/out trick if you want more bloodmoon action. Or you guys can use the extra time to prepare for the next BM since you guys are ahead of the curve.


Eventually the difficulty will ramp up and it will take longer to kill the zeds and thus stretch out the spawns longer.


In SP I will typically only change the max count blood moon zeds whenever I reach the point the horde is too easy AND the zombies keep coming the full duration.  The latter point is important because increasing the max bloodmoon count can actually cause the blood moon horde event to end even faster if your killing efficiency is high.


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On 7/17/2020 at 6:05 PM, Boidster said:

Total number of zombies in a horde can be found in gamestages.xml, under the <spawner name="BloodMoonHorde">. Here's the one for GS 40-43:

<gamestage stage="40">
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS31" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1" interval="28"/>
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS35" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1" interval="10"/>
  <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS40" num="57" maxAlive="15" duration="1"/>

This horde would send a total of 177 zombies (57 x 3). Probably not too difficult for 2 or more players to run through this horde well before 4AM especially on 120-minute days. On 60-minute days the horde lasts 15 minutes so if you're killing say 20 zombies per minute the above horde would be done in about 9 minutes, which if my math is correct means you'd be finished about 1:36AM.


I might be wrong, but I think at the above gamestage the game would stop sending waves after 3 in-game hours (plus the 28+10 real-time seconds between the different spawns) even if you didn’t kill them efficiently. Just as an alternative reason for why it ended so early.


In one playthrough I wanted shorter horde nights and ended up setting the duration to 1 for all spawns. All my horde nights then ended at about 1 am then.

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