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Memory usage.


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Hi guys


I was wondering if anyone can assist. I have Laptop with 12GB RAM. It has the 7200 Ryzen with Vega10 onbord.


I have had this lappy for a year and a half now, and was able to play A18 8k, and even 10k maps with Darkness Falls and many additional modlets. Game performance was a bit more sluggish compared to what it is now, BUT I never had any issue actually entering the game. 

Now with A19, I can't get in to any maps larger than 4k. The game runs a lot better, I can ramp up graphics way better than what I used to in A18, but when I load a larger map, I get Out of memory errors, VM allocation errors, etc etc and CTD. ( This happens during the Initiating World phase of loading, and sometimes even up to the point where the quest line pops up. The game starts lagging then until it completely slows down and crashes )


Does anyone have any information about this, is this a known issue, are there any advice ? I have set deiffierent virtual memory setting. Allocating even large size on 6 GB. Now back to letting Windows manage it. I have started game with all graphics setting to off/0/eights size textures. Nothing seems to help.


Much appreciate any feedback.

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I'm not the best PC technician in the world. I'm not stating this is your problem.


VM allocation errors could mean your disk is full. How much free disk space to you have? If you have more than one it's the disc that has the system swapfile on it that is probably going to be the desk that has your operating system on it.


What is your operating system? Windows 10 dynamically adjust size of the swap file whereas in Windows 7 that was manually set. Perhaps you need to make it bigger. I used to know how to do that but I have forgotten after I switch to Windows 10.

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3 minutes ago, ElCabong said:

I'm not the best PC technician in the world. I'm not stating this is your problem.


VM allocation errors could mean your disk is full. How much free disk space to you have? If you have more than one it's the disc that has the system swapfile on it that is probably going to be the desk that has your operating system on it.


What is your operating system? Windows 10 dynamically adjust size of the swap file whereas in Windows 7 that was manually set. Perhaps you need to make it bigger. I used to know how to do that but I have forgotten after I switch to Windows 10.

I have played around with the swap file size. I will clear some more space on the SSD, but 10GB should be more than enough. Windows typically use up to 2GB for swap, iirc.

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2 hours ago, Marinxar said:

I have played around with the swap file size. I will clear some more space on the SSD, but 10GB should be more than enough. Windows typically use up to 2GB for swap, iirc.

Personally, playing around with the swap size is just going to kick you in the @%$*#!. Especially with Unity. It should be managed by windows, particularly if you have Win10. You will not see enough improvements from modifying it, and it causes more problems in the long run.


Update your GPU drivers from the manufacturer, and if it's still an issue after that, I'll need logs. Instructions are in the Sticky.

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50 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Personally, playing around with the swap size is just going to kick you in the @%$*#!. Especially with Unity. It should be managed by windows, particularly if you have Win10. You will not see enough improvements from modifying it, and it causes more problems in the long run.


Update your GPU drivers from the manufacturer, and if it's still an issue after that, I'll need logs. Instructions are in the Sticky.

You don't like my logs, due to mods.

I'll do a clean run or two tomorrow with everything on default/vanilla, and post the logs.

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2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.076 INF Casted asset TraderHugh as AudioClip.
2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.077 INF Finished loading TraderJen.
2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.077 INF Casted asset TraderJen as AudioClip.
2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.078 INF Finished loading TraderJoel.
2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.078 INF Casted asset TraderJoel as AudioClip.
2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.078 INF Finished loading TraderRekt.
2020-07-05T08:24:49 197.078 INF Casted asset TraderRekt as AudioClip.
2020-07-05T08:24:50 198.053 INF createWorld() done
2020-07-05T08:24:51 199.430 INF PlayerId(256, 0)
2020-07-05T08:24:51 199.432 INF Allowed ChunkViewDistance: 6
2020-07-05T08:24:52 199.856 INF Created player with id=256
2020-07-05T08:24:52 199.877 INF Found own player entity with id 256
2020-07-05T08:24:52 200.587 INF Origin Reposition (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (1440.0, 32.0, -528.0)
2020-07-05T08:24:53 201.073 INF OpenSpawnWindow
2020-07-05T08:25:11 219.376 INF Respawn almost done
2020-07-05T08:25:13 220.688 INF GMSG: Player 'Marinxar' joined the game
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4233656.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4233656.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4233656.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4233656.
DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 4233656!
Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 4233656B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: FMODSample
Allocation happened at: Line:224 in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/AudioManager.cpp
Memory overview

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 1463269915B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1581191035B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 4458420B | peak: 0B | reserved: 24117248B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 74391B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 2422629324B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2502602356B 
[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 1042231976B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1070577688B 
[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 15149328B | peak: 0B | reserved: 17825792B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 35732B | peak: 0B | reserved: 4096000B 
Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 4233656B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: FMODSample
Allocation happened at: Line:224 in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/AudioManager.cpp
Memory overview

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 1463269915B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1581191035B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 4458420B | peak: 0B | reserved: 24117248B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 74391B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 2422629324B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2502602356B 
[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 1042231976B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1070577688B 
[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 15149328B | peak: 0B | reserved: 17825792B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 35732B | peak: 0B | reserved: 4096000B 

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Allocator/MemoryManager.cpp Line: 1175)


Did not start a new game yet, but this is the same reason every time. This morning I forgot to close my browser before launching the game. Then it even crashes on 4k map.

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10 hours ago, Marinxar said:

 I will clear some more space on the SSD, but 10GB should be more than enough. Windows typically use up to 2GB for swap, iirc.

I have 16GB ram and my swap file is at about 20GB in size while playing 7dtd - without any mods. Have that in mind please.

I don't think that 10GB free space on your swapping partition will be enough, free more space, you'll need it.

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1 hour ago, q123 said:

I have 16GB ram and my swap file is at about 20GB in size while playing 7dtd - without any mods. Have that in mind please.

I don't think that 10GB free space on your swapping partition will be enough, free more space, you'll need it.

That's crazy high memory usage, haha..., but thanks for the headsup. I will try that as well. 

EDIT : Sadly, it did not work. I cleared up a additional 16GB space, so total should have been close to 30GB now, but it seemed to have made no difference. 


2020-07-05T11:17:34 535.431 INF Finished loading TraderRekt.
2020-07-05T11:17:34 535.431 INF Casted asset TraderRekt as AudioClip.
2020-07-05T11:17:36 537.720 INF createWorld() done
2020-07-05T11:17:38 539.276 INF PlayerId(256, 0)
2020-07-05T11:17:38 539.276 INF Allowed ChunkViewDistance: 6
2020-07-05T11:17:39 540.307 INF Created player with id=256
2020-07-05T11:17:39 540.333 INF Found own player entity with id 256
2020-07-05T11:17:41 541.975 INF Origin Reposition (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (1184.0, 32.0, -624.0)
2020-07-05T11:17:41 542.737 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityZombie, name=zombieFootballPlayer, id=3470] id=3470 pos=(1167.4, -6.0, -622.8)
Kinematic body only supports Speculative Continuous collision detection
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Physics/Rigidbody.cpp Line: 740)

2020-07-05T11:17:42 543.085 INF OpenSpawnWindow
2020-07-05T11:17:49 550.267 INF Respawn almost done
2020-07-05T11:17:50 551.718 INF GMSG: Player 'Marinxar' joined the game
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 938844.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 1536280.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 1536280.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 1536280.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 1536280.
DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 1536280!
Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 1536280B with 32 alignment. MemoryLabel: VertexData
Allocation happened at: Line:171 in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Graphics/Mesh/VertexData.cpp
Memory overview

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 1461479044B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1584481252B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 6210900B | peak: 0B | reserved: 23068672B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 30408B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 2370287436B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2462244484B 
[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 1041911816B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1078966296B 
[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 15149288B | peak: 0B | reserved: 17825792B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 32768B | peak: 0B | reserved: 4096000B 
Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 1536280B with 32 alignment. MemoryLabel: VertexData
Allocation happened at: Line:171 in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Graphics/Mesh/VertexData.cpp
Memory overview

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 1461479044B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1584481252B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 6210900B | peak: 0B | reserved: 23068672B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 30408B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B 
[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 2370287436B | peak: 0B | reserved: 2462244484B 
[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 1041911816B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1078966296B 
[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 15149288B | peak: 0B | reserved: 17825792B 
[ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 32768B | peak: 0B | reserved: 4096000B 

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Allocator/MemoryManager.cpp Line: 1175)



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11 hours ago, ElCabong said:

I think ten would be plenty too...


When's the last time you updated your graphics drivers? That's all I can think of.

Drivers were updated on 29th June. I did double check and it is still latest version yes.

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4 hours ago, Marinxar said:

EDIT : Sadly, it did not work. I cleared up a additional 16GB space, so total should have been close to 30GB now, but it seemed to have made no difference.

You should not run out of memory, not if your virtual memory is configured as intended. Is the size managed by windows (should be) or manually?

Maybe do a screenshot of the settings dialog and someone could see something strange here.


Also the full logs of an unmodded run may help here.

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4 minutes ago, q123 said:

You should not run out of memory, not if your virtual memory is configured as intended. Is the size managed by windows (should be) or manually?

Maybe do a screenshot of the settings dialog and someone could see something strange here.


Also the full logs of an unmodded run may help here.

It seems to be Random Gen maps. Still testing more, but I ran Pregen02 map now without the slightest hiccup. With all the same mods/settings/ram. I quite the 8k map, try and join the 4k map again, and game crashes with out of memory. 

I'm working through all the steps, and when I narrow it down, I will include some vanilla tests as comparisons as well. 

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I haven't generated RWG worlds myself since A17 or A18. I'm using the Pregen0x worlds or generate my own with Nitrogen only. So I don't know if there are maybe still bugs in.... dunno. Btw. the Pregens are RWG worlds too ;)

Maybe your 4k map is just broken (?)


Whatever, most important is you're able to play the game again :)


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Have you took a look on your system, while generating a map and/or starting a game? I'm still not sure where the problem is. OoM while generating a 8k map or while starting a game on a 8k map?


Memory usage while map generation is different from loading a game on a fully generated map. Generation might even need more memory at some points that just playing on it.

Take a look on your memory usage with a tool that shows or even better logs usage into a file while the game is running (maybe MSI Afterburner or HwInfo64 <- That especially also shows the virtual memory usage). Take a look at how much memory is especially used by 7d2d and how many is used by Windows and maybe by running programs in the background.


12GB memory is not that much. However it should be enough to run the game. I assume you already tried closing all unneeded programs? I hit 16GB easily with all my usually running background programs and 7d2d.


Also a 7200 Ryzen does not exist. The only ryzen i found with integrated Vega 10 is the 2700U. And there the Vega 10 uses the main ram too. So if you have 12GB in the system, even 1-2GB (or even more) might be additionally dedicated to your GPU.


I had twice the problem now that windows somehow @%$*#!ed up memory usage. It said virtual memory was used up to 99,9%, however there were stil 20GB of ram free and i had various oom crashes, not just with 7d2d. A reboot fixed that. And this is a windows problem on my machine, not related to 7d2d.

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I remember having a memory problem with A18 at the beginning. I don't recall the error I was getting but I fixed it by creating a brand new seed. Create a totally new random gen using a seed that you never used before. This might take a while. I believe it took a little over 20 minutes on my system, hopefully yours is faster.

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I've been testing memory use in various situations and, briefly, here are some results.


An 8K local vanilla game uses about 9.5 Gb Ram.

An 12K remote dedi vanilla game uses about 13.5 Gb Ram.

An 8K remote dedi modded nitrogen game uses about 19.5 Gb Ram.


So, I'd say your memory use is highly dependent on the game you're playing.

Do some tests for yourself. See what your usage is in different situations.


Also, clean up your hard drive.

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