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ZQLaNavObjectsZombie (Alpha19) - Adds zombies to world, map, compass.


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ZQLaNavObjectsZombie is a Proof of Concept modlet that adds zombies the new on-screen sprite system introduced in A19.


This is just to show it can be done and how to do it, maybe someone can build upon this and make it into something more useful. As for a use case for this modlet, I guess it can be useful for people with hearing impairments that cannot hear the zombies, they will now get a visual indication that a zombie is between 10-50m away from them. Other than that I do not recommend anyone using it unless they want to ruin the zombie horror part of the game.


  • Zombies will show up on the compass, map and on the on-screen sprite system.
  • Fully customizable in regards to functional ranges and other functions.
  • Supports off-screen display. Trails along the edge of the screen to show a zombie that is not on screen.
  • Comes with a custom Zombie icon that is more fitting to this than the vanilla.
  • XML only, no DMT magic required.








Edited by Sirillion (see edit history)
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I made an account just to say, this is great!

I'm a deaf player. Completely deaf, can't hear a thing even if you fire a shotgun off up against my ear in an enclosed room.

In Alpha 18, I made this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/851

This mod you made... It's way better! Thank you! It's going to make it much less frustrating to defend my base during blood nights!

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9 hours ago, DoctorNightmares said:

I made an account just to say, this is great!

I'm a deaf player. Completely deaf, can't hear a thing even if you fire a shotgun off up against my ear in an enclosed room.

In Alpha 18, I made this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/851

This mod you made... It's way better! Thank you! It's going to make it much less frustrating to defend my base during blood nights!

I’m glad you like it, this is exactly the kind of use case that I pictured when putting it together as I’ve noticed requests from people with hearing loss over the years.


Since you’ve made mods yourself I advice you to have a look in the xmls and adjust it to fit your needs, from there you can adjust the range settings.

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Heck yeah, I'm really loving this mod! I like how the on-screen sprite have shorter range than the map and compress sprites.


It's perfect out of the gates, no need to tweak the numbers. Amazing that you nailed it like that! It really helped during my recent blood moon, making it so I don't have to put in so much effort spinning around to kill everything. Surprise group hugs are a thing of the past now!

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, stallionsden said:

Sirilion, wondering if you could add hostile sleeper zs to this as well like vultures, dogs , bears and snakes

I only made this to show how it could be done, I encourage you to build on it and try to add that yourself :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

    <perk name="perkAnimalTracker" max_level="3" parent="skillPerceptionGeneral" name_key="perkAnimalTrackerName" desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_animal_tracker">
        <level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attPerception" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqPerceptionLevel01"/></level_requirements>
        <level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attPerception" operation="GTE" value="4" desc_key="reqPerceptionLevel04"/></level_requirements>
        <level_requirements level="3"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attPerception" operation="GTE" value="7" desc_key="reqPerceptionLevel07"/></level_requirements>
            <passive_effect name="TrackDistance" operation="base_set" level="0,1,5" value="0,100,100"/>
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfCrouch" action="AddBuff" buff="buffAnimalTracker">
                <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffAnimalTrackerAcquired"/>
                <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkAnimalTracker" operation="GT" value="0"/>

            <effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerRank1Desc" long_desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerRank1LongDesc"/>
            <effect_description level="2" desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerRank2Desc" long_desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerRank2LongDesc"/>
            <effect_description level="3" desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerRank3Desc" long_desc_key="perkAnimalTrackerRank3LongDesc"/>

How do I increase this perk distance! I figured you would know op.

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  • 1 month later...
9 hours ago, xxx73 said:

The range for when zeds pop up in radar is very long, maybe 200-300 meters. I have played around with settings to try to reduce this distance with no luck. So i wonder if it is possible to reduce distant for compass?

I am currently at the start of my work rotation so I cannot help with this question until I get back home. Remind me sometime after October 23.

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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, xxx73 said:



Is there any hope to get reduced distant in compass, around 50-100 meters would be very nice.

And even better was if this effect could be attached to an item or armor or something like that, to make it more exclusive.


Ahh, thanks for reminding me.

As I have no plans to revisit this at the moment I haven't really tested this. But to get this done you should only need to edit the nav_objects.xml file, find the nav_object_class named zombie and adjust the min and max distance values for the compass_settings.

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1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

Hi again
hehe that worked, Im happy now, thanks :D

Btw do you have any idea how I can make this into a perk, like animal tracking?
im trying to find a way to make this not feel too OP.
Would be great to have a perk that increased range for each level.

I suggest you take a look at animal tracker and see how that is done and then try to adapt this to fit. If you run into a snag make a post here and I can take a look.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

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