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Suggestion: Crafting Empty Glass Jar from Murky Water


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I just had a thought and wasn't sure where to post it as a suggestion to the game, but it would be nice to be able to craft an empty glass jar out of Bottled Murky Water (dumping the water out to just get the jar) since there are many times you come across useless bottles of dirty water early game that would be nice to be able to scrap or craft into empty jars. Just a thought!

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Once we get a forge and a supply of snow balls we generally just drop any murky water we find. But prior to that I agree with OP. Bottles/jars of anything should scrap to glass jars. From there they can be scrapped to glass if we want.

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Drink it and you will get your empty jar. 😛


But really why do you want to empty a bottle of murky water? Usually you find way more empty jars then filled ones. And the only thing you can do is fill it with murky water again. So why go one step back?


If it is about inventory slots while looting... then just leave murky water behind. You'll find enough empty ones. And jars themselfs are just an issue in very early game and even there just a very little one. I had issues with food in multiplayer the first few days, but never nearly with water. And if you start in the dessert and there is really no source of water nearby, you should prefer keeping the murky water even over empty bottles.

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2 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

But really why do you want to empty a bottle of murky water? Usually you find way more empty jars then filled ones. And the only thing you can do is fill it with murky water again. So why go one step back?

  • Molotov cocktails
  • More efficient glass forging (scrap jar = 1 broken glass = 4 sand; forge jar = 10 sand)

Both are very minor at any point past the early  game. But it just makes sense IMO that scrapping a full jar should result in an empty jar. No need to second-guess anybody's reason for wanting empty jars, it just makes sense and does not detract at all from any other use for either murky water or jars. Win-win change IMO.

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  • 4 months later...

If you want here is some xml to add a recipe to craft empty jars, I quickly tested this on A19.2 and so far so good. you can craft right from your inventory

    <append xpath="/recipes">
        <recipe name="drinkJarEmpty" count="1" craft_time="1">
            <ingredient name="drinkJarRiverWater" count="1"/>
        <recipe name="drinkJarEmpty" count="1" craft_time="1">
            <ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1"/>

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