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Loyalty & Respect


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The fact you have abandoned loyal 7d2d gamers. You know, your supporters & fans, shows a complete lack of loyalty and respect on your behalf. We know we may not get updates for some time but you could at least fix and stabilize the current game. Instead you have shown your true colors. We, your loyal supporters were nothing more than piggy banks. You have failed you creation and failed your supporters. Thanks for nothing!

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Small correction: You were mostly a loyal supporter of Telltale, not TFP. How much of that support found its way to TFP through royalties (and how much then went back again through the licence auction) is an unknown quantity.



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Really every employee is working on updates for pc but to hell with console. That's nice! You know what we may not get updates so be it. We may not get new ports so be it. At least fix the current game for console. We have been pretty loyal thats the least you could do.

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TFP develops PC games. They don't develop Console games. The updates are continued development of the ALPHA game that is still being designed.


Your complaint is with TellTale. They're gone. Bankrupt. Don't exist any more. 

The reason there aren't any more updates for the console is entirely their fault.

If you can't grasp that, then you need to just drop it and go do something else.

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In case you can't grasp it TellTale is gone. So it belongs to TFP again just like it did when they asked for the money to make the game. So it is their responsibility again to either take care of it or to allow some who does know what they're doing to handle it since you seem to think they don't know how. That is how ownership and business ethics work. 

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4 hours ago, Casaibrian said:

In case you can't grasp it TellTale is gone. So it belongs to TFP again just like it did when they asked for the money to make the game. So it is their responsibility again to either take care of it or to allow some who does know what they're doing to handle it since you seem to think they don't know how. That is how ownership and business ethics work. 

They have been very clear on their intentions and general plan which shows a ton of ownership.  There is something to be said about doing the same thing and expecting different results.


That is why they have decided to wait until the PC version is released.  This is a tough pill to swallow for those who have the game on console right now but it's the reality of the situation like it or not.

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5 hours ago, Casaibrian said:

In case you can't grasp it TellTale is gone. So it belongs to TFP again just like it did when they asked for the money to make the game. So it is their responsibility again to either take care of it or to allow some who does know what they're doing to handle it since you seem to think they don't know how. That is how ownership and business ethics work. 

What do you mean by "again". At the kickstarter fundraising there was no plan for consoles at all AFAIK (if you have different information please tell me). What you got promised was a game for PC/Mac/Linux.

If Telltale hadn't approached TFP to ask for console rights there would not exist a console version at all. And TFP would probably have done exactly what they do now: Wait for release before approaching any plans to port to other platforms.  


Did you give money to TFP directly for a console version? How? When?



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On 6/19/2020 at 6:34 AM, Casaibrian said:

In case you can't grasp it TellTale is gone. So it belongs to TFP again just like it did when they asked for the money to make the game. So it is their responsibility again to either take care of it or to allow some who does know what they're doing to handle it since you seem to think they don't know how. That is how ownership and business ethics work. 

I hear ya man. I too was a console warrior and I totally understand your frustrations. 

It's disappointing that the console version is more or less dead but that seems to be the reality of it. 

I'm guessing you're an Xbox player and it sucks how bad I've heard from others that game runs on that system. Luckily I had the ps4 version and it was overall pretty stable. 


Hopefully there comes a day when The Fun Pimps can give a little attention and at least do what they can with the Xbox version. 


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On 6/22/2020 at 3:57 AM, Outlaw_187 said:


I'm guessing you're an Xbox player and it sucks how bad I've heard from others that game runs on that system. Luckily I had the ps4 version and it was overall pretty stable. 




On Single Player I found the Xbox version fairly stable no MD5 crashes just a crash every so often while playing but I get that with other games as well even on the XboxOne X. However so far playing MP I have had 2 MD5 crashes that wiped a portion of the POI that we had set up. Last one forced us to take over the underground bunker in the burn zone near the cell tower as the zombies on the Console version can't get into it since they don't dig down.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/24/2020 at 8:40 AM, KennyBMallNinja said:

On Single Player I found the Xbox version fairly stable no MD5 crashes just a crash every so often while playing but I get that with other games as well even on the XboxOne X. However so far playing MP I have had 2 MD5 crashes that wiped a portion of the POI that we had set up. Last one forced us to take over the underground bunker in the burn zone near the cell tower as the zombies on the Console version can't get into it since they don't dig down.

I've only ever experienced one md5 crash and it was on a series x, my base xone seems to do just fine, if it's only happening in mp it's possible the host has a bad internet connection or a semi-screwed system


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On 7/15/2020 at 10:58 PM, Ralco said:

I've only ever experienced one md5 crash and it was on a series x, my base xone seems to do just fine, if it's only happening in mp it's possible the host has a bad internet connection or a semi-screwed system


I was the host on a new XboxOne X. I never had it happen in Single Player and in Multiplayer it happened only twice but even then it just wiped the base partially oddly enough the building across the road was fine and had all of the forges and chem stations untouched.

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5 hours ago, KennyBMallNinja said:

I was the host on a new XboxOne X. I never had it happen in Single Player and in Multiplayer it happened only twice but even then it just wiped the base partially oddly enough the building across the road was fine and had all of the forges and chem stations untouched.

Hmm so it's happening most often in multiplayer games, that much is clear what I cant figure out is what's causing it exactly. Was the reset on your work or another person in the lobby's work? 

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On 7/20/2020 at 2:42 PM, Ralco said:

Hmm so it's happening most often in multiplayer games, that much is clear what I cant figure out is what's causing it exactly. Was the reset on your work or another person in the lobby's work? 

It was on my work. I know what to look for now. Basically each time my crafting menu starts to glitch out and that is how I know it is coming.

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On 7/22/2020 at 12:50 PM, KennyBMallNinja said:

It was on my work. I know what to look for now. Basically each time my crafting menu starts to glitch out and that is how I know it is coming.

Okay so we're dealing with an issue clearly with corruption of saves but primarily in multiplayer. I've seen it happen in split screen play first hand yet I hear more about it in online play, the root cause of this glitch is still a mystery as I've started hearing stories from PS4 guys who've had it so it isnt Microsoft's system, it's something to do with the way the game loads certain chunks. 

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