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Were are able to damage bedrock.


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We have been fighting the horde on bedrock. (Drop pit etc) But for some reason I have been getting bedrock in my inventory. (4 blocks so far) Also we have damaged the bedrock about 30 hp out of the 50000 its has.


Any ideas how or why this is happening?


What happens if we do destroy it 😅

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2 minutes ago, Damocles said:

You would fall long, and then end up in a place full of lost backpacks and spears, that all the previous players lost at one point due to glitching.

The spears point upwards.

...and mini bikes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is mining down to bed rock and then blasting a moat with Dynamite a viable way to do this quickly? The thought of digging even with an auger seems like a huge chore.

How big per side are your guys bed rock moats?

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