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Wasteland , or how the game should be


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Stranded into a war torn environment, the survivor has to constantly hunt food and be aware of his surroundings. There are no canned foods.All have expired after the great war. Tin cans with rotten material are all that remain.

The only fresh source of food are the animals and the crops . Crops are occasionally found spawning on the land in small patches . Oftentimes one can find seeds near newly created nests however caution is advised as those are protected by multiple flying predators.

Water is SCARCE in this world however it can be found in small patches of land (whatever's left of it) . Wells or electrical humidifiers can be used to gather it and store it for future uses. It is however mandatory to grow crops. On the plus side it is very easy to grow crops since the only ones that have survived the great war are the mutated ones.


No traders are available , no "magically respawning POI's" are available as one have to scrap for everything and craft everything from other scraps. One man's trash is another man's treasure.


The only company of this savaged world are the occasional ambushes by humans turned into insanity, natural predators, or beings who have succumbed to the infestation ... the unluckiest ones will find unspeakable horrors lurking in the night, waiting to feast on the weak and unsuspected.

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The wasteland is challenging.  I started a new game on a new map because I was bored with starting in the same spot over and over.  I needed to get out of the desert as I was showing the hot de-buff even though I was level 1, so I knew once I hit level 6, I'd be in bad shape.  Good news/bad news, the trader was 3.2 km away.  Joy. 


Started traveling, and the desert turned to wasteland.  I spend night 1 holed up in a poi where the floor gives out right before you get to the loot box.


Reached Trader Jen on day 2, and yep she's in the desert biome too.  But I can see trees ahead, so I go to the grassland and spend the night in another POI, then day 3 find a 2nd trader and a city.  Yay for new experiences.

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If you want the game to be like this, configure it like this. It's possible to create a wasteland-only map. You can also remove traders from RWG and also turn of loot respawn. A little bit more complicated, but also possible would be to remove all the cans.


If the game would be like this, i'd not play it all. Since essential things would be missing then, i could not even simply change the configuration.

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18 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Your starting spot depends on the name you use for your game. Choose another name and you will spawn on a different location.

Yes and no. The world seed sets the possible spawn locations, the game name + player ID chooses one of them. Sometimes changing the game name will not result in a different spawn location. If you use Nitrogen, you can force it to create a single spawn point for co-op. Otherwise each player might spawn in a different spot (or they might not).


I just tested a RWG 4096 map and it has 5 different spawn points. The 6th and 7th new games I created had duplicate spawn points from one of the previous saves.

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Yeah, each map has a limited number of spawnpoints, but it does help with not starting at the same one, over and over again. I just found out about the starting on a random roof option in nitrogen, gonna try that as soon as i start a new save. Sounds spicy. 

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@pApA^LegBa I already play on a wasteland generated map, which is why I support the lone survivor- no trader gamestyle. It's more realistic and it's how I like it. However I understand a lot of people don't like this kind of gameplay and enjoy looting more than surviving the harsh environment.


The trade off of modding the game too much is changing the game to the point you can no longer go back to playing PvE servers with their settings.

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@Hollowprime True, but I think that's still manageable. The only resource I found that would be slightly difficult to get would be wood, but I make do. Oil really isn't as bad as you think at first, you got plenty of mechanical-style (car shops, etc.) to loot from and the increased cars in the area will net ya oil (just make sure you get some points into the perk). Iron, stone, sand is everywhere :)

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On 5/16/2020 at 9:16 AM, Jugginator said:

@Hollowprime True, but I think that's still manageable. The only resource I found that would be slightly difficult to get would be wood, but I make do. Oil really isn't as bad as you think at first, you got plenty of mechanical-style (car shops, etc.) to loot from and the increased cars in the area will net ya oil (just make sure you get some points into the perk). Iron, stone, sand is everywhere :)

For wood you only need but one tree seed and plant them in soil.


But for big base projects oil shades and auger are dead end. Unless you have a lot of patience of course.

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