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Pregen02 - caves and other questions.


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Hi Meganoth, My question is not about Alpha 19.


I'm trying to find out if there are caves on the map. I have not found any but clearly I have not covered every inch of the map.


And the first part of my answer was about A18. POIs for example are randomly generated in RWG and while PREGENs are obviouly fixed they were created with the normal vanilla RWG

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Pregens are fixed so I could not see how your answer about RWG in A19 related to my question about pregens in A18.


But OK, I see you're saying that the pregens have only the biomes rotated and the rest of the map was made by some RNG. somewhere along the line.


So that still leaves my question about whether there are any caves to be found on pregen02.

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This is not too difficult to check. Open up ...\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds\PREFAB02\prefabs.xml and search for "cave". The vanilla caves are cave_01 through cave_05 (I think).


I did not find any instance of "cave" in prefabs.xml for PREFAB02, so I don't think there are any caves. Contrast with Navezgane's prefabs.xml, which appears to have exactly one of each type of cave.

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The Pregen maps were RWG maps that TFP rolled before releasing A18 and included as pregenerated maps so that people could get to playing on maps they weren't already familiar with. It was actually thanks to the Streamer Weekend because we didn't want the streamers to have use up precious time generating a map especially since it was so unstable and just as likely to crash mid-generation as not back then. There is no difference between how PREGEN01 - 03 work and how any map you generate works. ALL randomly generated maps in Alpha 18 have the same biome configurations either flipped and/or rotated. POI placement is going to be random and it seems that not all POI's always appear in every seed that is generated.


Therefore, whether the cave POI's show up or not is random. Looks like PREGEN02 has no caves, thanks to Boidster. You can check 01 and 03 and also any maps you generate in addition to those. Could be that the caves aren't included yet in RWG...

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Caves that were created by a random generator are not currently present anywhere due to technical problems.


It's possible you and I are talking about different things; I'm not really all that familiar with the problems with caves. However PREGEN01 shows cave_03 at location -1848, 27, 162. Traveling there in-game the actual entrance to the cave is at 207N 1816W (-1816, 59, 207).


Cave looks normal to me.

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Could be that the caves aren't included yet in RWG...


The cave POIs do come through in RWG maps. I tried seed 'morecaves' and got a cave. I also put "prob=2.0" into rwgmixer.xml for the 4 cave types and got 2 caves in that same seed the next time I generated it.

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It's possible you and I are talking about different things; I'm not really all that familiar with the problems with caves. However PREGEN01 shows cave_03 at location -1848, 27, 162. Traveling there in-game the actual entrance to the cave is at 207N 1816W (-1816, 59, 207).


Cave looks normal to me.

It's just a prefab - it's not real.

I'm talking about real caves that were created randomly before.

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