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On 12/13/2023 at 1:37 PM, doughphunghus said:

tested/playtested on a21.0, so its possible there is an issue with the latest versions of the game

When extracting the files, my thought was that it was the same as the performance "mod" because the only available files for said mods are default game files (boot.config for the performance mod and worldglobal for the dark nights mod). I didn't see the typical array of files and folders that I've been used to seeing, but I've only installed a small handful of mods so I'm not all that familiar. 


As for the performance mod, all you have to do is replace the game's config file with theirs, so I figured it would be the same for this. I'm learning that modding for this game can be done in multiple ways. 


But I dropped it in the mods folder and it's great. I can't see @%$#. It's all silhouettes like we're back on alpha 16. My first thought when encountering a wandering horde a 2:30am was "I gotta start a new game with this". 


This is how the game should be...or at the very least, have a built in option. Or I guess I can just keep running this mod, because it's doing what I was hoping it would do.

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Update: Added a few small mods that are vanilla skinned zeds with some different abilities. These are all "for fun" and are supposed to be for a little chaos/unpredictability, especially during horde night. Note the "Drop Blocks On Death" drops explosive blocks that can be very damaging to you/your base.


Zombies: Add Birds That Are Not Real - Adds vultures (that are "drones") that move faster shoot darts
Zombies: Add Leaping Lizards - Adds spider zed that has much more powerful jump capability.
Zombies: Add Some That Drop Blocks On Death - Adds several zeds (vanilla zed skins) that appear only during horde night that drop certain blocks a short time after death (first they drop a gore pile, and then that turns into a block). See README in the mod, but basically: ash pile (can burn if walked on), candy tin mine (can pick up), "organic dirt pile" (if harvested it yields some goo you can enhance pipe bombs with for blowing up organic blocks), and Gas barrel (cannot pick up, but can harvest. blows up if shot/hit). If you destroy the corpse or gore pile fast enough, then no extra block is left behind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I love the Dark Nights mod, as it makes the night vision goggles actually useful. The only thing that breaks the immersion is the fog lighting of the game at night as it's too bright. Can this be adjusted for the nights only? So that the night still has haze/fog but stays dark in the shadows.

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3 hours ago, LEXXIUS said:

The only thing that breaks the immersion is the fog lighting of the game at night as it's too bright.

Possibly? Ill look onto it this weekend.  Is it "because there is x level of fog its too bright to use the night vision goggles to see well?" If so there are ways to lower/remove fog, but im not 100% sure if the fog levels can be forced to be below a certain level with a basic XML mod as the "world weather" isnt moddable, and i dont know if some level of fog is part of that.


also: can you provide a screenshot of "too bright" For reference?

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Hi, it has nothing to do with NV goggles visibility, it was just a comment that I finally have a use for them. I actually mean the overall brightness increases so much at night, I sometimes don't need a flashlight to see everything.

biomes fog brightness

This is my comparison in different biomes. I was expecting the fog to keep the visible area as dark as it is in the wasteland and just reduce the view distance. The snow biome is the brightest one and gets foggy very often which breaks the immersion of pitch black nights / dark shadows at night. 

Since the wasteland biome does not have any brightness increase with fog during night time, I thought maybe the same could be applied to the other 3 biomes? But if the fog in "world weather" isn't adjustable at all, I'll have to accept that as it is.


Other than the fog, I love the added immersion of not seeing everything easily at night and sometimes having zeds silently run up to me and jumpscare/surprise me.

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UPDATE: 2 small new mods added

Doughs-InitialPlayerSpawn-AddSmallBundleWithT1Pistol - For games where a "more powerful zed than vanilla" may be encountered on day 1. Gives player starting box with a T1 pistol, and a *very* small amount of ammo/food/clothing/medical items.  The box can be sold to trader if its not needed for a tiny bit more than the individual items to buy a few basic items or about 1/2 a cooking pot. Basically its "oh crap I need to open the box" moment OR you want the pistol.

Doughs-InitialPlayerSpawn-RemoveMostVanillaStartingItems - Removes all vanilla starting items EXCEPT the keystone block, as if you remove everything the game crashes.

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On 1/10/2024 at 2:26 PM, LEXXIUS said:

Hi, it has nothing to do with NV goggles visibility, it was just a comment that I finally have a use for them. I actually mean the overall brightness increases so much at night, I sometimes don't need a flashlight to see everything.

biomes fog brightness

This is my comparison in different biomes. I was expecting the fog to keep the visible area as dark as it is in the wasteland and just reduce the view distance. The snow biome is the brightest one and gets foggy very often which breaks the immersion of pitch black nights / dark shadows at night. 

Since the wasteland biome does not have any brightness increase with fog during night time, I thought maybe the same could be applied to the other 3 biomes? But if the fog in "world weather" isn't adjustable at all, I'll have to accept that as it is.


Other than the fog, I love the added immersion of not seeing everything easily at night and sometimes having zeds silently run up to me and jumpscare/surprise me.

That's an interesting pic/comparison.  There *is* a special "spectrum" setting for the wasteland, forest, and snow biomes... I have no idea what it actually does but its not tuneable, only add/remove to a biome. so maybe that is doing it?  I'll play around and see if maybe setting the spectrum to "wasteland" in the otehr biomes clears this out BUT it might make them all dark and brooding day and night (vs "dark") without possibility of "normalcy" like bright snow on a sunny day as the spectrum affects day and night times with no known way of setting it for just night.  Of course, maybe just 'removing the other spectrums will make it work.

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Would it be possible to make a mod that allows you to set when it starts getting dark? The game's setting only seems to change the morning. And I also don't want to change the zombie's running behavior, as in keeping it at 10pm-4am while having it start getting dark at 7 or 8pm and getting light at 5 or 6am. 

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16 hours ago, Arez said:

Would it be possible to make a mod that allows you to set when it starts getting dark? The game's setting only seems to change the morning. And I also don't want to change the zombie's running behavior, as in keeping it at 10pm-4am while having it start getting dark at 7 or 8pm and getting light at 5 or 6am. 

I don't think so, at least for an XML mod (maybe a C# of dll mod can do it, but I have never seen anyone publish one).  But I'm not 100% sure if there are any other options as I have not looked into it very deeply.


There are ways of making the dark hours "be longer" (like 20 hours of darkness, or even 24 so you never get daytime), but I believe that the "official nighttime starts at 22:00 and ends at 4:00 AM (which is the morning)" is hardcoded into the game, so adding darkness always just extends into the morning hours (like if you add several hours of darkness it stays dark at 7 AM, and if you add a lot of hours it just adds to the morning time) as you mention "it only seems to change the morning" is true, but if you add 15 hours of darkness it will change the morning and extend past noon.


oh: I forgot: I have a mod "Doughs - UI: Add More DayLight Hours Options" (and others have made similar mods) that allow you to add more options to the games daylight settings making 0 hours of daylight (24 hours of darkness), up to 24 hours of daylight (no darkness), but it suffers the same problem of 'adds darkness starting at the 4 AM mark' but I haven't played around a lot with the "adding daylight hours"... which might add the daylight starting at the 22 PM mark?  but you cannot add both, you can only pick one.


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19 hours ago, Arez said:

Would it be possible to make a mod that allows you to set when it starts getting dark? The game's setting only seems to change the morning. And I also don't want to change the zombie's running behavior, as in keeping it at 10pm-4am while having it start getting dark at 7 or 8pm and getting light at 5 or 6am. 


Another option than what @doughphunghusgave you is adjusting the biome's weather.  I won't attach pictures in doughphunghus's mod thread, but if you set cloud thickness to 100 (min and max) and fog to 100 (min and max), you get a much darker day / more depressing.  You can also do it by increasing the storms chance to 100% and everything else to 0%.


Myself, I removed storms from the game (both rain and stormy weather) but made the fog be more prevalent overall (min of 50 max of 100).

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  • 2 months later...

Quick question: I am creating an overhaul mod and I would like to use the mod that decreases the stability of blocks, though for just the opposite outcome. I need a couple of blocks to have more stability. I have augmented the file for new stability, as well as removing the unnecessary bits. I was hoping to have your permission to use this augment version of your mod in my overhaul. I will of course accredit you for the coding that lead to the final version.

Thank you for your time and effort,



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Posted (edited)
On 3/17/2024 at 4:18 PM, More2Me4Life said:

Quick question: I am creating an overhaul mod and I would like to use the mod that decreases the stability of blocks, though for just the opposite outcome. I need a couple of blocks to have more stability. I have augmented the file for new stability, as well as removing the unnecessary bits. I was hoping to have your permission to use this augment version of your mod in my overhaul. I will of course accredit you for the coding that lead to the final version.

Thank you for your time and effort,



Yep! All my mods for a21 are "public domain" and anyone can take them, make changes, and use them freely!  I don't even mind (as long as any actual, meaningful changes are made to them, then I would mind a tiny bit but .. its "public domain" so it's still ok) if you rename them as yours and post them for others.  Of course, I'd like a mention somewhere in the mod but the license I set on them does not require it :).

Also: The TFP modding agreement has restrictions on all mods, no matter what I say about mine

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)


- Added mod: "Ambiance: Sky Is Burnt Forest In All Biomes" per request by @Arez here: miserable sky mod request

NOTE: This mod is likely not very compatible with my "Weather: Core" mod. but there is an untestd possible workaround (by renaming this mod) listed in this mods readme file. Also: the smoke effect in the burnt forest is not added to all biomes, just the sky spectrum so its grey and smoky looking.

- Small patch to "Lights: Harder To Craft". I believe a recent vanilla patch? changed how some meshes were referenced. Something I read on the forums.

- Merged Github pull request by 👋IronSharkInc for refactor to "Ailment: Infection Is Random And Quicker".  Mod is more efficient in how it works (less random rolling), and also should work more as advertised with respect to infection percent chances as I never knew much about storing variables in buffs so I didn't do that with the original version.

- Did some recoloring/editing of my main mod page (see first page in this thread) and added some likely compatibilities/incompatibilities with the District Zero v2.0.1 overhaul, which I am currently "play testing" with several of my mods added.

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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- Added a few notes to my mod page (first post on this thread) for known (in)compatibilities with the "Afterlife" overhaul mod. Note: i was only able to find this overhaul linked on some Steam discussion inside the "mods" section of Steam for 7D2D and nowhere else. So far it's quite fun IMHO.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to take a break from modding for awhile so if anyone wishes to copy/dupe/fork or update or reuse parts of any of my mods (see "EXCEPTIONS be" below for the exceptions) for 1.0 and beyond, feel free to do so! Permission granted to everyone, etc. per the "Unlicense" license i put in them.


All my mods source is on github under my username. See the 1st page of this post for links.


EXCEPTIONS: Any mods i may have on my github that have a different primary author (anything a20 and previous that has my username and theirs in the repo name and details in the readme) does not have this permission as i was just maintaining a different persons mods, so they are not mine. They all have a github repository name like "7D2D-Doughs-<Primary Author Here>-Mods-<game version>".

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