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A little testing of wandering horde spawning


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So after reading some people saying they didn't get wandering hordes much I did some testing. I haven't been seeing them as often either. Use to be every day but now maybe twice a week.

So I used the spawnwanderinghorde command 15 times in a row (single player from my client and out in the middle of a forest so I could see around me well) and this is what I got. In the middle of testing and killing out the hordes I must have got to "wolf stage". They seemed to work better but maybe because they move fast and change directions some. Just wondering if this might be why we aren't seeing them much. Wonder what @faatal thinks.


1 - far off not coming my direction

2 - wait 1 hr message

3 -wait 12 hr mesage

4 -little ways off heading toward me

5 -a little ways off but no coming my direction

6 wait 12 hr msg

7 wait 12 hr msg

8 near and coming toward me

9 wait 12 hr msg

10 wait 12 msg

11 wolf horde came right to me

12 wait 1 hour msg

13 wolf horde not headed to me

14 wolf horde came to me

15 wolf horde came near

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From resident genius wookienookie, our Ravenhearst coder, digging through the code this is what he has discovered about Wandering Hordes. We are actually adding settings to RH where players can control their frequency and spawning.


In Vanilla a Wandering Horde is set to spawn on a player starting on Day 2, 12-24 hours. In that 12-24 hour time period where they can spawn, there is only a 30 percent chance you will actually spawn a wandering horde.


That is a drastic reduction from previous Alphas, and is probably why we dont see very many. they only spawn 30 percent of the time when they do have a chance to spawn.


They are also set to spawn i believe 90m away from a player, where in previous versions it was about 50m so theres a very good chance they just wander away and die off. Exciting right?

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This one is probably real tricky to get right as it will be very subjective. Swing too hard then it will feel like its non stop. The current system is probably a place holder for the encounter system that MM has been spitballing about.


Encounter system?

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1 - far off not coming my direction

2 - wait 1 hr message

3 -wait 12 hr mesage

4 -little ways off heading toward me

5 -a little ways off but no coming my direction

6 wait 12 hr msg

7 wait 12 hr msg

8 near and coming toward me

9 wait 12 hr msg

10 wait 12 msg

11 wolf horde came right to me

12 wait 1 hour msg

13 wolf horde not headed to me

14 wolf horde came to me

15 wolf horde came near

What should that tell? Wandering hordes become "harder" ... over what? time? Or count? Will they statically increase?


In Vanilla a Wandering Horde is set to spawn on a player starting on Day 2, 12-24 hours. In that 12-24 hour time period where they can spawn, there is only a 30 percent chance you will actually spawn a wandering horde.

That means in MP with 4 players (if we stay together) we have 4 times the chance of any wandering horde will spawn, right?


I can just tell what i saw ingame (in multiplayer with 4 players). We see wandering hordes quite often. I would not say they are super rare... and i couldn't detected any raise in difficulty. Mostly they are just walking by if you don't get to close or shoot at them. It is really uncommon that they spawn and walk in your direction and so "find" you without you to want them to find you.


And then there is the case where you are moving too. Even if you are just walking on foot, there is a good chance, a horde will spawn somewhere and you just walk off and didn't even notice that anything spawned.

I have the webmap of our server usually opened on my second monitor, where it shows how much Zombies are "active". And i had seen jumps from 0-3 enemies to 10-20 enemies, which is usally a sign of a spawned horde at any player. So if a player triggered the horde who is currently just traveling (by foot, bycicle, motorcycle), the enemy-count lowers back to 0-3 after some seconds.

Indeed we acutally quite only really met wandering hordes, when stood still in a place for longer. When doing a larger trader quest, or when standing in our base. I couldn't even remember once we met a wandering horde while we were moving...


We had a dog pack (zombie dogs, not wolfs) just yesterday. If not one of our players stood ontop of our base and accidentally spottet them, we propably wouldn't even have noticed the spawn. But they were really very fast running past our base. On even died in our spikes. My mate couldn't even follow them, the overall happening took maybe 5 seconds from spawn to gone. He didn't even had a chance to hunt them (because we wanted to have the rotten meat).


So yes, i totally support your theory. They do spawn, but there is a high chance you just won't even notice that anything spawned.

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Edit spawning.xml. I did and they spawn everyday. I had to nerf the setting because as soon as I killed 1, another would spawn to replace the one I killed. There was no special conditions they just spawned generically regardless of what area I was in. 60 zombies in 1 area is challenging i must say and couldn't keep up with the constant spawning I was on the run constantly. Fun for a group but single player, almost impossible.

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