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Crafting X+1 resources now on shift click "build all" in b5....anyone else?


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So as B5 hit, suddenly when I try crafting bulk items with shift click, it tries to craft using the remainder.


Example: wood frames take 2 wood.

If I have 9 wood, and shift click to "build all that i can" the game SHOULD queue up 4 wood frames.

Now in b5, the game sets quantity to 5 frames when i shift-click to "build all"...clicking "build" then does nothing.

I have to manually reduce the amount by one every time i shift click build all on something to get it to build if I don't have "exact change"


Is anyone else running into this problem? I noticed one other person mentioning something like it on the forums since B5 dropped.


For what it's worth, I'm playing a game that was started in B2. It could be a bug holdover from switching builds.


If you do post that "yes" or "no" on whether or not it's happening in your games (specifically it only happens when you shift click a recipe to build all, and that recipe requires more than 1 of some ingredient, and you don't have the exact amount of that ingredient. If you want to test it, try it with wood frames with an odd amount of wood in your inventory), please also post what version you're playing and what version you started your game on.


Hopefully, if it is a bug that everyone is experiencing, it'll get fixed quickly....kind of pointless to have a keyboard shortcut for an input that makes you go back and fix the input.

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Yeah I get this, except in workstations where it always crafts a little less items than I actually could craft.


That's been around since at least A18.0 B143. Also a very irritating bug, especially when trying to empty out a forge in preparation for moving it, but I'm hoping to keep the thread to the one subject to make it easier and clearer to discuss and give feedback to those who need to see it.


The X+1 issue does happen on some crafting stations. It happens at very low resource amounts in the forge (was trying to smelt 3 iron pipes in a trader forge to make my own....i needed 36 iron, i had 25 (and climbing) and it tried to tell me i could make 3...with 25/36 required resources) and in the campfire....basically anything that uses the crafting menu and the ability to shift-click to "craft all."


As an aside, i just started a fresh B5 game....X+1 issue is still there.

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Yeah I get this, except in workstations where it always crafts a little less items than I actually could craft.


It actually has this behavior in workstations too (confirmed to happen in chem station)


I mean queue up too many crafts and clicking craft does nothing. This is in b5 though like the OP states


This is also on a fresh save for b5, so its not a holdover bug OP (wiped all past saves, verified files, etc.)

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Yes, getting this bug ever since yesterday. That's when we switched over from A18 stable directly to 18.1 b5.


Didn't they mention trying to fix the forge bug, where it crafts less than possible everytime? Maybe that bug fix (which, if it actually was attempted, didn't actually fix anything) also caused a regression error with crafting in your hands?

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Yes, getting this bug ever since yesterday. That's when we switched over from A18 stable directly to 18.1 b5.


Didn't they mention trying to fix the forge bug, where it crafts less than possible everytime? Maybe that bug fix (which, if it actually was attempted, didn't actually fix anything) also caused a regression error with crafting in your hands?


Well the forge bug is still there, it wont craft all the resources when you try. But in your inventory, and other workstations it tries to craft too many items if you try to craft max. Then it fails to craft anything and you have to -1 from the total.

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