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Getting a Gyrocopter!


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We started a new world when 18 was released stable and have been enjoying it. We've been lucky with our looting and have some really nice stuff on day 18. On our most recent loot run we found the last schematic we need to make our first gyrocopter. The pieces are currently crafting, 35min chassis time is killer but that's no problem, and on the morning of the 19th we will be airborne. It's kind of weird getting this vehicle this early and with neither of us having any points in Grease Monkey but we are excited. This will make getting to quest locations MUCH easier. Hopefully we don't crash and burn. Wish us luck!

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Congrats and best of luck. I still can't land that dang thing lol.


I gave it a test drive and got the hang of flying but landing is rough lol. I keep coming in too fast and when I hit the ground I just bounce back up into either a tree or a building. Maybe with some more practice I can get the hang of it.

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Anybody remember where we edit the XML files to change the speed on the copter? Because it is essentially useless without the speed tweaked, way to slow. Also can you edit the gas mileage while there?


vehicles.xml has a block of XML values for each vehicle type. You are looking for a line of XML like this:


<property name="velocityMax" value="x, y"/>


x is normal speed; y is throttle speed (vehicle sprint)


I adore the gyro-copter and practised hard with it in A17 till I mastered it. However you NEED to modify its speeds because it defaults to 8, 8 making it slowest vehicle in the game. wth??? We have it set at 20, 20. This actually makes take off more difficult, and you need a LONG straight clear runway, but with practise its doable and 20, 20 makes more sense to me otherwise a cross country Motorbike (max speed 14) would outrun it.

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I gave it a test drive and got the hang of flying but landing is rough lol. I keep coming in too fast and when I hit the ground I just bounce back up into either a tree or a building. Maybe with some more practice I can get the hang of it.



Try pulling up before you hit then ejecting when you're close to the ground.

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Gyro speed is 8 max. Slower than a Bicycle (10 max).


Max speeds (with shift held) are:


Gyro: 8

Bicycle: 10

Minibike: 10

Motorbike: 14

4x4: 13


Makes sense to me that the Gyro should be fastest so we set it to 20. I'd have gone for 25 but the higher you set it the harder the take-off and longer runway you need.

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do you use shift while flying? Imho its the fastest vehicle in game


I do... but Hek is probably right, the height just makes it feel slow. However, that is enough for me to not want to use it. I don't want it to feel slow, whether it actually is or not.


- - - Updated - - -


Gyro speed is 8 max. Slower than a Bicycle (10 max).


Max speeds (with shift held) are:


Gyro: 8

Bicycle: 10

Minibike: 10

Motorbike: 14

4x4: 13


Makes sense to me that the Gyro should be fastest so we set it to 20. I'd have gone for 25 but the higher you set it the harder the take-off and longer runway you need.


Think thats old data.... what I'm seeing now (at least here http://7d2d.rocks/xml/18s/vehicles.xml)





<property name="velocityMax" value="9, 15"/>


<property name="velocityMax" value="5, 10"/>


<property name="velocityMax" value="7, 10"/>


<property name="velocityMax" value="9, 14"/>


<property name="velocityMax" value="9, 13"/>

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