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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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xyth is there someway you can disable NPC damage to player? NPCAMMO is literally one shotting me every 10 or 20 minutes out right killing me when im at 100 % health. He is more of a hinder than a help with this happening lol


He is a bit of a mad man he is even somehow shooting himself at times.

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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After I verify game files, I build with DMT. After building, if I try starting via vanilla launcher, the game can't even load to the main menu. If I start via DMT, it skips the main menu and loads my latest save. Once loaded in though, nothing moves. This is without manually deleting anything, and after checking, it is not an anti-virus issue either.


I tried with the 7D2D launcher as well, but I couldn't get it to find my mods.


can't even load to the main menu: This sounds like the vanilla launcher is enabling EAC. You must disable EAC for this mod.


loads my latest save: Check if your scroll lock is on. It's a feature of the 0-SphereIICore to make testing a bit easier. Having scroll lock on will load the last saved game.


nothing moves: This indicates there's an error in your Player.log file, which can be found in your %APPDATA% LocalLow folder.

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@Redarmy Why is he targeting you? Miss it your doing melee and he's aiming at a zombie but hitting you?


- - - Updated - - -


Well, after my initial troubles, everything now seems to be working as intended. I started a new game, so haven't gotten very deep into the NPCs, but so far so good.


There is one thing I noticed though. With the NPC mods installed, the normal zombie textures look terrible. They're incredibly low resolution, much worse than the vanilla game.


Is there any way to solve this? I vaguely remember talk about lowering the NPC texture resolution due to memory concerns, but I might be mis-remembering that.


Sounds like you are running out of video memory. Not sure the best solution other than lowering the games texture setting or maybe disabling texture streaming.

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@Redarmy Why is he targeting you? Miss it your doing melee and he's aiming at a zombie but hitting you?


- - - Updated - - -




Sounds like you are running out of video memory. Not sure the best solution other than lowering the games texture setting or maybe disabling texture streaming.



Sorry i didnt explain correctly...he is not intentionaly shooting me.But if he is shooting a zombie,and i am melee with zombie,he will shoot through me in order to hit the Zombie,it results in alot of deaths. For example im trying to enter a POI house,and i awaken a zombie inside,the zombie tries to break through the door or an open block on the structure,if i try to melee zombie from outside of house,NCPAMMO will shoot through me trying to hit the zombie resulting in me instantly dieing...


After it happened the first few times i just tried to "play around" NPCAMMO and try not to get in his way,but he still often shoots at me by mistake even in open terrain when im hitting zombie from an angle outside of his line to enemy(his accuracy varies ofcourse).



This problem is even more realsied since his ROF has been increased of course. He will often aim head height too,so this would cause a headshot on me probably amplifing the insta death factor and not just a wound.


Of course any NPC can hit and hurt the player but they do far less damage so i wouldnt die instantly.

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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Of course any NPC can hit and hurt the player but they do far less damage so i wouldnt die instantly.


Until we can figure out how to add hired NPCs into your party and therefore make you both allies, this friendly fire might happen. I can turn down the NPCs headshot bonus and damage in general. And I also notice sometimes the NPC shoots and the impact is local to him but no damage. That just started when I changed the rate of fire but not sure why. I suspect its a timing issue with the firing animation and the rate of fire

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Until we can figure out how to add hired NPCs into your party and therefore make you both allies, this friendly fire might happen. I can turn down the NPCs headshot bonus and damage in general. And I also notice sometimes the NPC shoots and the impact is local to him but no damage. That just started when I changed the rate of fire but not sure why. I suspect its a timing issue with the firing animation and the rate of fire



I think toning down the damage NPCAMMO does is a good start,perhaps make him more accurate to compensate if thats a tweak thats possible.

To be honest i think his ability to one shot zombies was a little OP anyway to begin with.


And im 90% percent sure that the NPC shooting himself was happening BEFORE the ROF tweak. Nearly positive i saw it happen.Since its doing no damage(to the NPC firing) perhaps its a visual bug,in that the green particle effect that emits from NPCAMMOs rifle upon impact onto a target,IS actually hitting a target (or missing and flying off somewhere)but not applying to it and instead atatching onto the closest entity/NPC.


Just a thought

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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EDIT: About adding those NPCs to player faction/disable damage from them...what about the Junk turret? Doesnt that have values in it to stop damage occuring onto the player? If so couldnt you take some line of code from that and apply it? Just thinking out loud here i do not understand the inner workings of this game yet as im pretty new to the engine itself.

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I think the issue is the collision radius of the "vomit" projectile. You could try lowering the collision radius on the item named AmmoProjectilePlasmaAmmo , property Action1 , <property name="CollisionRadius" value=".5"/> to a tiny value and that might reduce the spillover.


His Entity damage is also 200 right now, should be lower but that was a testing value.


Let me know if that helps and I can push the patch.

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Sounds like you are running out of video memory. Not sure the best solution other than lowering the games texture setting or maybe disabling texture streaming.


Well, I'll give it a shot, but I'm using the same settings as the vanilla game, and the zombie textures in the vanilla game don't look this bad.


Also the textures on the NPCs look fine. Are they not affected by the settings?


In any case I'll try it out and let you know how it goes.


EDIT: In my video options, there were two settings: "Texture Filter" and "UMA Texture Quality". Both were set to "Low", though I don't remember ever setting them at all. I set them both to "High" and it seems like the issue is solved.


It's very strange that this doesn't happen in the vanilla game - maybe the settings didn't carry over properly? (I copied to a different game folder when I created the MyMod in the Mod Launcher.) Whatever the cause, I think it's OK now.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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I think the issue is the collision radius of the "vomit" projectile. You could try lowering the collision radius on the item named AmmoProjectilePlasmaAmmo , property Action1 , <property name="CollisionRadius" value=".5"/> to a tiny value and that might reduce the spillover.


His Entity damage is also 200 right now, should be lower but that was a testing value.


Let me know if that helps and I can push the patch.


Im not sure where to tweak that value,what file?however i went into entity .xml and simply swapped the NPCammo "hand item" entity to "hand hunter" so NPC ammo is using the hunter projectile(bolt action rifle round) and its causing less damage,about 76 points worth.


Could even swap it with Ghost NPC pistol too for lesser damage. And with these damage values its alot better alright,taking friendly fire wont result in death outright.


Also i wanted to ask,how s NPC despawning handled if at all?

For example when NPCs travel with me and i die,and i spawn miles away,will NPCs remain where i died indefinetly? And if i tellhem to gaurd my base and i move miles away will they still be there gaurding when i return?

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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Thanks so much for the responses and help! The EAC and scroll lock fixed those two issues. I still haven't been able to get any entities to move however. I repeated these steps:

1. Redownloaded all mod files in case original download got corrupted.

2. Verified game files.

3. Built using DMT 1.5.7, and Xyth NPC, Xyth Bandit, Sphereii core, Sphereii dialogue.

4. Kept the new NPC and Bandit files DMT created in the Mods folder, not sure what these are.

5. Started game via DMT.

6. Started new game on default settings, and made sure EAC was off this time.


I only have the 6 mod folders in the game Mod folder. Do I need to add any of the other files like gitattributes or something?


This is my new player log: https://github.com/SteelBlood2/7-Days-SDX-Issue/blob/master/player%20log


I notice the resource error on line 30. But everything is vanilla, just verified, I have no idea if that's the issue.

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Xyth after i hire an NPC and exit game,upon loading the game the NPC is not with me or on the map anymore....was this normal? I assumed they persist with the player


Never mind...it seems the spawning them through F6 is the problem.NPCs naturally spawned in the world seem to load with player upon continuing a game.


I was bording up a house as night approached and i had the farmer NPC inside with me.I was quiet,so zombies didnt hear me(i heard them outside) and farmer decided to destroy my wood frames to get to them even though the zombies were not aggroing us,farmer was set to "stay" mode,and there was no LOS...


Is there any tweak i can make to stop NPCs going after zombies while in stay mode? Even reducing the chances by debuffing their detection of enemies?


also i just thought of somehing...will placing a player block in the house prevent my NPCs doing damage to walls? iv not even played the game enough to know how the block works i just heard other players cant damage your base if a block is placed.

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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The npcs can and will hit you if you get in their way, the npcs will attack any enemies they notice even when told to stay/guard, i tend to leave them out in an open area of my base so they can run around if they aggro on something rather than breaking all my walls/doors, and for the love of gawd turn off the maslow or they will run to every bloody corpse to munch on it, even through doors and walls. They will persist if you leave them at your base, but if youre out and about and die with them in tow there is a chance you will lose them.

Edited by Darkstardragon (see edit history)
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The npcs can and will hit you if you get in their way, the npcs will attack any enemies they notice even when told to stay/guard, i tend to leave them out in an open area of my base so they can run around if they aggro on something rather than breaking all my walls/doors, and for the love of gawd turn off the maslow or they will run to every bloody corpse to munch on it, even through doors and walls. They will persist if you leave them at your base, but if youre out and about and die with them in tow there is a chance you will lose them.


Whats a "maslow"? And why is there a chance they will go AWOL if your out and about with them?


I was considering choosing one of the NPCs..a melee one,and tweaking that NPCs detection range from 80,to say 10....and put them inside my base and have them act as static "traps" for the zombies,letting the zombie aggro them rather than vice versa,sort of make them like trip mines inside my walled bunker or whatever,while the other NPCs can run free outside to slow the Zs down. Im wondering if that would work.

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The npcs can and will hit you if you get in their way, the npcs will attack any enemies they notice even when told to stay/guard, i tend to leave them out in an open area of my base so they can run around if they aggro on something rather than breaking all my walls/doors, and for the love of gawd turn off the maslow or they will run to every bloody corpse to munch on it, even through doors and walls. They will persist if you leave them at your base, but if youre out and about and die with them in tow there is a chance you will lose them.


I agree that their AI is way too aggressive. I was looting a POI recently, one with a concrete wall separating two major areas of the POI, and my NPC companion sensed a zombie on the other side and immediately tried to knock down the wall to get to it. It would have taken probably fifteen minutes in real time for the NPC to break through, so rather than stealth like I prefer to do, I just went around the wall (the long way) and the NPC just popped up beside me and started attacking everything.


When it did, it pushed me into a zombie, where I couldn't move out of the way, so I ended up dying. Fortunately I did not encounter any issue with losing the NPC - it just spawned next to me when I spawned near my bedroll.


I know that neither SphereII nor Xyth actually created the AI that they use, so I don't know if it's possible to turn off aggro if the zombies aren't in line of sight. But if it is possible, it would be a good idea to do so.


Until then, it's probably best to have them wait at your base, or outside the POI to defend against wandering Zs.


(I also don't know what is meant by "maslow," FWIW)

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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Maslow is the setting for the npcs needing to eat. You can turn it off in the xml last time i checked. I also dont hire more than 3 or 4 npcs at a time cause the ai sometimes borks out and they do wierd things like walking backward, but that was in a17.


I believe Xyth edited AMMONPC AKA mickey,to act more like a gaurd,he follows less closely iv found and tries to shoot Zs at range.


I had a small bug just now with him,i hired him just outside trader bobs,now mickey frequently uses trader dialogue with me,and in and around trader area he spaz's out a little as if he is trying to return there..trader bob also despawns if a hired NPC gets too close..


IE..trader Bobs soul has bled into AMMONPC. Im ok with it,i find having ammo NPC patrol my base is the best job for him and i keep melee NPCs to go into tight looting areas with me because gunshots from NPCs kill the player quite a bit.

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I need to check this mod out. Are npc's only recruited or can the be rescued in pois?


Does this require a fresh game, or can i use it for a current save? just stated a new world, and got TWO bunkers next to each other and decided to renovate them into one base....

Edited by SenpaiThatIngnoresYou (see edit history)
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I need to check this mod out. Are npc's only recruited or can the be rescued in pois?


Does this require a fresh game, or can i use it for a current save? just stated a new world, and got TWO bunkers next to each other and decided to renovate them into one base....


Do check it out,is a very good mod,no other NPCs mod for 7days to die and this i well put together.

NPCs are hired for 1000 casino tokens by default...they spawn in the wild animal spawn category,so they tend to spawn around randomly.You cannot rescue them.

No need to start a new game as far as i know.

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Do check it out,is a very good mod,no other NPCs mod for 7days to die and this i well put together.

NPCs are hired for 1000 casino tokens by default...they spawn in the wild animal spawn category,so they tend to spawn around randomly.You cannot rescue them.

No need to start a new game as far as i know.


Now all of this is very awesome news. I will have to check this mod out. Is this for stable or experimental?

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Use stable for now. You can edit what it takes and the amount of it to hire them in the xml. Example: wandering hounds will need 10 cooked meat to hire them, but they are not in this mod atm. Im working on a couple overhauls right now and there are plans to have npcs at certain pois as well as randomly wandering. Example: in fantasy mod we will have a tavern where some npcs will spawn and you can hire them there. Example 2: in true survival mod, there will be a police station where you can find certain npcs and be able to hire some. Xyth is currently working on some needed fixes as well.

Edited by Darkstardragon (see edit history)
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New update ? Nice start to the weekend,thanks Xyth.


Could you explain what is faction based targeting and how it affects the NPC?


Also ,and im pretty sure your aware but will point it out anyway since this might just be a new Alpha18 issue...but NPCs using melee have a very hard time targeting crawling zombies,infact i think its impossible for certain NPCs such as frankie the farmer to hit them at all.

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New update ? Nice start to the weekend,thanks Xyth.


Could you explain what is faction based targeting and how it affects the NPC?


Also ,and im pretty sure your aware but will point it out anyway since this might just be a new Alpha18 issue...but NPCs using melee have a very hard time targeting crawling zombies,infact i think its impossible for certain NPCs such as frankie the farmer to hit them at all.


I will test again but I thought the crawler hitting was fixed. This property in the farmers hand in Items.xml controls the hitbox he has for that weapon : <property name="Sphere" value="1.0"/> which is one block from the weapon. might need to be 1.1 or 1.2 so you can test that is you want. DarkStar is doing some testing tonight and might find the optimum value.


At the bottom of the vanilla NPC.xml is a list of factions and how they feel about each other. If the NPCs "hate" another faction, like the undead faction, they will attack on sight. Right now NPCs hate bandits and undead.

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I will test again but I thought the crawler hitting was fixed. This property in the farmers hand in Items.xml controls the hitbox he has for that weapon : <property name="Sphere" value="1.0"/> which is one block from the weapon. might need to be 1.1 or 1.2 so you can test that is you want. DarkStar is doing some testing tonight and might find the optimum value.


At the bottom of the vanilla NPC.xml is a list of factions and how they feel about each other. If the NPCs "hate" another faction, like the undead faction, they will attack on sight. Right now NPCs hate bandits and undead.


Ahh yes in last version,my NPC didnt attack ash bandit until first being hit by him,nice.

I think the NPCs sometimes connect with crawlers..i even had one instance where frankie farmer NPC fought a crawler who was stuck on a block(so was a little higher than ground level) and could not hit him and was trying to for some time,until crawler killed him.


I will try and test with tweaks after work later.Cheers

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