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Gyrocopter Flight Physics


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♥♥♥♥ing awesome.


I have thousands of hours in MS Flight Simulator and X-Plane and I CANNOT BELIEVE how fun the Alpha 17 gyrocopter is to fly. No two of my landings or takeoffs are alike. I learned pretty quickly to flare for a precision landing and that I need to thing about the takeoff route before I put the copter down but after dozens of takeoffs and landings I am still learning. I have to state that I am using a speed mod that boosts the speed of all vehicles a little bit but I hope the DEVS do not respond to the calls from players to dumb down the gyro flight physics.



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My only complaint is that it's too slow compared to other vehicles which cost far less fuel to drive. The flight gives something different to look at which is great and all, but I think I prefer the motorcycle or truck over the gyrocopter for getting to places just because it's much faster and cheaper. Then again, I also think the motorcycle should be a lot faster, giving us the option to ride at dangerous speeds and crash and burn...


With all the vehicles going at similar speeds... it doesn't feel exciting to move on to the next vehicle upgrade.


It did take me several minutes to figure out how to get it off the ground (mainly cuz there's no control guide or tutorial or anything on it), but I don't mind the learning curve of the flight itself. Landing it is super easy in my opinion, take offs just require a little space which is only rarely annoying, mainly in the wasteland biome where there's debris everywhere and there's no clear runway except on the roads, so it requires a little planning before deciding to land.



Here's what I think the vehicles should be like:


Minibike: Travels at character run speed or slightly faster based on quality, 4 + quality for storage slots (mainly for storing fuel, food / water)


Motorcycle: Very fast (much faster than truck, but difficult to control on loose surfaces), 4 x quality for storage slots


Truck: Keep max speed as is, 10 x quality for storage, although those front forks constantly dig into the ground / destroys the bridge, it'd be nice if that was fixed


Gyrocopter: Almost as fast as motorcycle when storage is empty, but every 4 items in storage reduces speed and maneuverability... can end up as slow as minibike. 4 x quality for storage



Quality of vehicles can add variation to max speed and/or performance. Fuel consumption would also need to be re-balanced.

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I have to state that I am using a speed mod that boosts the speed of all vehicles a little bit but I hope the DEVS do not respond to the calls from players to dumb down the gyro flight physics.


According to what I read in the forum, the players didn't have any problems with the physics itself but that the control keys are not documented. A simple explanation in the game would be very helpful.


That the gyrocopter is awfully slow is another problem. I was actually hoping to use it so I could fly quickly and easily from trader to trader but with the motorcycle I am faster even when I have to use the roads. I may have to modify this sometime but at the moment I leave everything as vanilla as far as possible.

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The feel of the gyrocopter control is really partially similar to the real one, despite the fact that its physics makes it strange somersaults.

There is a sense of flight and the physical weight of the aircraft.

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The motorbike will do small slides at full speed so the thought must be in there somewhere. Faster speed and sliding enabling proper jumps would be a lot more fun.

Funny as hell jumping off a dodgy road surface and squishing a vulture that just started its attack pattern!

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