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Removing xp


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My desire for a particular playstyle has grown to the point of wanting to create an actual mod for it but I am not exactly sure how to go about it. I am happy to do the grunt work if someone can point me in the right direction. Here is my objective:


I want a zero experience game where no action in the game grants xp. Instead, I would like the game to grant the player one perk point every morning when the music plays if the player did not experience a death during the preceding 24 hrs. On the third day of no deaths the player would gain 2 perk points and that would continue daily as long as there were no deaths. After a death the player would get no perk point the following morning but then after a day of no deaths they would again gain 1 point and that would grow to 2 points again once 3 days of no deaths had been achieved. Player level would increase by one each day regardless of death in order to keep gamestages going.




Remove xp from all player actions.


COMPLETED! Thanks to DukeW74 for pointing to the place where the developers added the new option that adds a multiplier to experience gains. I replaced the 25% option with a 0% option and nothing I did gained me any experience at all. Best of all it was one simple edit that took care of everything all at once. Awesome.


Change all quests to give skillpoints instead of experience.


COMPLETED! I changed all quests in the game that give xp to instead give a perk point. I see this as the trader giving training as a reward for doing his bidding. It has been an extremely fun change for me. When I want to improve in an area I go and complete a task for the trader instead of doing one repetitive activity in order to gain xp. Tier 1 and 2 quests give 1 perk point, Tier 3 and 4 quests give 2 perk points, and Tier 5 quests give 3 perk points. Challenge quests each give 1 perk point.


Increase zombie loot drops slightly


I changed the percentages to 8% 12% and 16% for normal, feral, and radiated zombies. I didn't want them to be pinatas but at the same time since I am now getting zero xp for them I thought it would be nice for a slightly greater chance for loot. So far this setting has seemed fine. It is still rare so I'm not feeling tempted to farm them them but I usually see an average of a bag or two each full day. Will probably adjust this as time goes on.


Add an automatic skillpoint gain each day without a death.


COMPLETED: Thanks to Royal for the placeholder quest that allowed me to testrun it. Thanks now to Guppycur who provided me with an SDX mod that uses the bleed buff timer to give me a skillpoint every 60 minutes of real time. This works out to one skill point a day if I'm playing 60 minute days. If I die the timer resets so it isn't really a skillpoint each morning but every 24 hrs of game time from the last time I died. At some point there may be an easier way to implement this feature but for now it happens automatically and is disrupted to some extent by death.


Gain a level each day.


After further testing, I realize that I need to increase my level past one because my gamestage just equals my day count which is pretty lame-o. I'm tempted to go for the easy out which would be to change the multiplier so that it ramps up the gamestage faster but that could get to a point where it starts to skyrocket exponentially. I think if there is a way to just up my level each day that would be helpful for gamestage. UPDATE: The devs just fixed giveselfxp so that it isn't affected by the modifiers. This might be a good placeholder to manually get my experience up and increase my gamestage.



Remove level gates.


I've done this already but I don't know how to change the tooltips to match. Right now the tooltips all tell me the wrong information.


Any help would be appreciated. If what I want to do with the daily perk point awarding is not possible I guess I should know that at this point. :)

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Look in my Vanilla+ Modlets

The Bully bandana grants -100% xp (as long as you wear no nerd glasses)


For the dailie quest .... can a quest be triggered by a buff ? (i think about the beer buff in one quest)

If yes make a quest that triggers every time a 24h buff runs out (and add the buff again additional to your skillpoint)

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Extending this line of thought, I would like a mod that allows you to customize what gives exp or even a slider on it for various sources


Mining - 200% exp, 100% exp, 50% exp, 0% exp (none)

Zombies - same deal (200, 100, 500, 0%)

Building - ^^

Looting - ^^

Selling to Trader - ^^


this would let us customize our game even more. I personally don't want a zero exp game, but would love the ability to turn (some) to zero, or adjust them.


I may even do this mod myself if I can figure it out.

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Edited my last post


Hmm i guess its even possible to add the -100% xp to the buff.


Means at gamestart give the player the buff that runs 24h and a quest

after 24 The buff runs out,

Then a Quest triggers and give the player the buff again + 1 SKillpoint + the quest

No idea if -110% XP could eleminate the 10% bonus from the glasses too or if XP become buggy if you have -10% xp


Someone more experience with buffs than me ?


(Maybe problematic can be that a quest cant restart itself (no circle possible) in Vanilla+ i solved that by a quest the player must start by activating a questitem he get as reward, no idea if there is a nicer sollution)

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I have a similar dream but got stuck on buff giving skillpoints. I haven't found a way yet.


My concept is.

Starter quest gives 15 points.


1 point per day.

2 day pause penalty on death.

If you survive 7th day you bonus points.


Magazines gives permanent perk.


2 magazines can be combined to a skill point.


About the beer buff. Isnt it just a requirement for the quest to accept kills.

I was thinking about quest with time that fails upon death. But haven't figured out how to fail a quest yet.


- - - Updated - - -


Edited my last post


Hmm i guess its even possible to add the -100% xp to the buff.


Means at gamestart give the player the buff that runs 24h and a quest

after 24 The buff runs out,

Then a Quest triggers and give the player the buff again + 1 SKillpoint + the quest

No idea if -110% XP could eleminate the 10% bonus from the glasses too or if XP become buggy if you have -10% xp


Someone more experience with buffs than me ?


(Maybe problematic can be that a quest cant restart itself (no circle possible) in Vanilla+ i solved that by a quest the player must start by activating a questitem he get as reward, no idea if there is a nicer sollution)


You can have a quest trigger another quest like starter quests.


Day1 triggers day2. Day2 triggers Day1 in a endless loop.

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About the beer buff. Isnt it just a requirement for the quest to accept kills.

I was thinking about quest with time that fails upon death. But haven't figured out how to fail a quest yet.


Hmm thats a bit complicated but


Add a buff that start to run 24h if you die (can be added to the Death penalty buff as a kind of stage 2)


and then what i wrote above, only with the difference that if the 24h Counter buff runs out

And the Death 24h Buff is not active you get: Skillpoint, the quest and the 24h Counter again

If the Death 24h buff is active you get: the quest and the 24h Counter again

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@Royal: I downloaded your bully bandana modlet but I don't understand the xpath notation. I was hoping to be able to see where the change would occur in the xml files.


@Anyone: Can anyone point me to where the new multiplier is that increases or decreases the xp gains? I think the easiest is going to set that to zero.

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@Royal: I downloaded your bully bandana modlet but I don't understand the xpath notation. I was hoping to be able to see where the change would occur in the xml files.


@Anyone: Can anyone point me to where the new multiplier is that increases or decreases the xp gains? I think the easiest is going to set that to zero.


Load the modlet in game then hit f1 exportcurrentconfigs. That will have comments in the xml in the save directory.


- - - Updated - - -


Just search for the modlet name and you’ll see the changes the xpath applied


See gups post here.



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@Royal: I downloaded your bully bandana modlet but I don't understand the xpath notation. I was hoping to be able to see where the change would occur in the xml files.


@Anyone: Can anyone point me to where the new multiplier is that increases or decreases the xp gains? I think the easiest is going to set that to zero.





<level max_level="300" exp_to_level="9545" [color=#00ff00]experience_multiplier="1.0149"[/color] skill_points_per_level="1">



With this you should get no points per level

<set xpath="/progression/level/@skill_points_per_level">[color=#00ff00]0[/color]</set>



I think the new multiplier you are looking for is in

7 Days To Die\Data\Config\XUi_Menu\windows.xml

<gameoption name="XPMultiplier" title="goXPMultiplier" value_wrap="false" value_type="int" values="[color=#00ff00]25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 300[/color]" display_names="" value_localization_prefix="goXPMultiplierValue" />


You might also check entityclasses.xml


        <entity_class name="playerMale">
                  Lots of  property stuff here but the one that should help is below
<property name="ExperienceGain" value="[color=#00ff00]173[/color]"/>

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I think the new multiplier you are looking for is in

7 Days To Die\Data\Config\XUi_Menu\windows.xml

<gameoption name="XPMultiplier" title="goXPMultiplier" value_wrap="false" value_type="int" values="[color=#00ff00]25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 300[/color]" display_names="" value_localization_prefix="goXPMultiplierValue" />


This one did it! I changed the 25 to a 0 and voila! There was zero xp gains for any action in the game.


Awesome! Objective one is achieved and in a fantastically simple edit as well. THANK YOU!

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Is there a relatively easy way to change one of the magazines in the game so that it gives a perk point instead of whatever other benefit it would have given once it is read? This would allow me to give myself a stack of these modified magazines and just read one each morning to get a point. This would let me test out whether what I'm thinking in theory would even be worthwhile to pursue in practice.

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Do you want to use modlets or only own Overhauls ?


I don't know how to do modlets. I suppose I could go through the tutorials but if I can do just a simple thing like the one edit above just for testing I'd rather do that first before trying to learn xpath.


If there is an easy way to just change one of the magazines to give "skillpoint" instead of "exp" that would be my choice at this point. Then I can just manually try it out to see if I want to keep exploring this.


or if there is console command to give a skillpoint instead of giveselfxp. I guess I could look at that possibility as well.

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Thanks Royal. That morning toilet quest is perfect. Now I feel guilty about getting you to wrench a mine so long ago... :)


So now I can test out my theory at least. It won't be perfect but it will give me an idea if the mode of play is worth pursuing. Thanks to all who helped me so far.


The only other problem I can think of is that my gamestage will never progress since I won't ever increase in levels. Not sure if it is worth redoing the gamestage formula or figuring out a way to increase my level without xp...

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Damn, missed the opportunity to add something painfull to the quest ^^


Well you can set the Skillpoints per level to zero and "giveselfxp 1234567" if you wish a higher gamestage.



First line in progression.xml

<level max_level="300" exp_to_level="9545" experience_multiplier="1.0149" skill_points_per_level="1">


This way you not even need the 0XP modification

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Damn, missed the opportunity to add something painfull to the quest ^^


Well you can set the Skillpoints per level to zero and "giveselfxp 1234567" if you wish a higher gamestage.



First line in progression.xml

<level max_level="300" exp_to_level="9545" experience_multiplier="1.0149" skill_points_per_level="1">


This way you not even need the 0XP modification


I see what you are saying but I vastly prefer not seeing any xp gains in the lower right corner of my screen. If I changed it so I still gained xp in order to level up but not gain a point then I would still know I was gaining xp for different actions. The point of this test is to see how the game feels when nothing I do results in more or less xp and all gains are just a function of living another day in the apocalypse.


Gazz's description in the gamestage.xml is as follows:



This is a running total, kept for every individual player.


Every 24 hours GAME time 1 (day) is added.

On every death "daysAliveChangeWhenKilled" is subtracted from the total.


After this the daysAlive is capped.

It is low-capped at 0, high-capped at "your player level".

At player level 41 you can have a daysSurvived value anywhere from 0 to 41.


gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * gameDifficultyMultiplier


It would be cool if there was a way to make the high-cap be daysSurvived instead of PlayerLevel. Then my playerlevel could remain 1 and the gamestage would simply progress by days in the game.


I guess to make it easier I could change the xp required to level to just 10 and change the multiplier to just 1.0 and then just type giveselfxp 10 each morning after my toilet ritual :)

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Or add it to the quest in the modlet

<reward type="Exp" value="10" />


or set the xp for level to 10000 and the multiplyer to 1 and then replace the 1 Skillpoint with 10 000 XP


<level max_level="300" exp_to_level="10000" experience_multiplier="1.0" skill_points_per_level="1">


<reward type="Exp" value="10000" />

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Looks like I misunderstood. The gamestage does still progress even if I remain at level 1 forever. So no need to even try giveselfxp.


I played through my first day and gave myself my first skill point on the morning of day 2. It was weird to not need to kill zombies but to sometimes forget and kill them from habit. I almost died when I was encumbered and had three lumberjacks around me. It suddenly dawned on me that there was absolutely no reason to not run away and if I wanted my survival point every reason to run and avoid death. So I played it safe and ran.

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i guess only issue you will have are the levelgates.

Maybe someone has a modlet or a idea.


But very interesting, keep giving feedback. I like gameplays with no casual gamerules


I usually mod out level gates anyway. I'd rather have no level gates and play around with the skill point economy if necessary. I was also thinking that tier one quests would just award dukes and rewards but then starting with tier 3 they could also reward with a skill point. But that is something to be tested. I'm also considering increasing the loot drop chance slightly. Not enough to make me want to hunt down zombies but enough so that you might typically expect to get a loot bag or two when clearing a POI and maybe 5 or so during a blood moon horde.

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