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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Hey Bdub! giving some creative mode feedback, not indicitive of actual game play YET. i do plan to play on the world i generated. speaking of, putting the lines into the prefab box worked a charm! got your lovely nuka factory spawning, as well as the bandit POI's. 


Firstly, the idea of keeping the bandits locked inside these hideouts, only to be disturbed when broken open is actuly a neat idea. means you get to do something intentional to rile them up and assault ya. your idea of wondering hordes being replaced with bandit squads also sounds like fun! (tho if ya can, limit that to a higher gamestage) 


however, there behaviour is.... wierd. where the zombies pathfind to try and get to you, these guys have tendencies to get stuck. not a big deal im sure, but finding three in a  basement walking into a wall and shooting into it to break it was a little jaring. also, when they kill you.... uh... i mean sure, they are cannibals' but its a little odd to eat right off the bone. 😛 is it possible for them to use the zombie whack animation and deal high melee damage to doors (as apposed to oppening fire on the door infront of them)? or perhaps just open doors in there hideouts. would lead to less issues i feel as they curse at the door loudly and angrily in a attempt to assault you. 


overall, deffinatly doing a playthrough of this, because you put good loot in there hideouts! the vault tec chest being filled with mod ammo? what a awsome idea! hell im sure its tied to game stage so theres gona be even better stuff to find. 


On my other world (up to day 32 now) we havnt found a single legendary yet. probably a good thing but, dureing my creative testing had a couple of questions. are legendaries effected by skills? and can they be modded. and if not, why not? these are rare as sin items from what i can tell so far. makeing them powerfull endgame items would be cool. (having a maria with a silencer would make my freind very happy im sure. XD ) 


will probably start up on the world i generated with a fresh run! a solo run for myself. give it a good playtest and see how it goes. i will give more critique as it goes! 


that is, if your willing to hear it. i can stop giving such feedback if your not too fussed. 😛 


EDIT: oh! forgot to mention. the exp rate for bandits seams kinda low... 1000 as a flat value no matter the type you killed. (im asumeing the gummy bear variant are the bosses. 😛 ) also, there weapons dont act like said weapons. shotgun and rifle behave fun, slow fireing n such. but the ak boi fires a single shot and waits years to fire again. should be a low damage but more frequent shooter. also the gentlemen with firearms tend to rush ya... duno if you can make it so they hang back and open fire, whilst there melee buddies close the gap. 

Edited by Colin248 (see edit history)
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I'll never turn down feedback. Lol.


Alright, so the AI that these guys use is code TFP added back in A15(I think) for bandits, so it is obviously dated now. It's a bit of a hodgepodge of that and zombie AI. So there's not a whole lot that can be done by xml to make them better. So the shooting to break blocks, getting inside your face, general pathfinding oddness, eating you, etc is just kinda how it'll be for now I think. As TFP adds in better AI to use, they will improve, but short of going DMT with this mod and using sphereii's and Xyth's custom code, there's not much else I can do. And that's not something I really wanna do right now.


The eating part could maybe be made to look better by changing the feeding animation to something else. I'll have to check into that.


I can take a look at the fire speed. That should be something I can tweak.


I purposely left almost all doors open in their POIs. There are a few I wanted to keep closed to prevent players from running through too easily.


The Raider wandering hordes wouldn't be a day 1 thing, for sure. Maybe sometime into the second week or so.


The mouse head guy is actually the "scout". Not screamer scout though. Lol. The leader has a mask on, and a leather trench coat. Leaders give 1k xp, the rest are currently 500. That can definitely be tweaked. Maybe make the melee guys 500, ranged 750-1k. Then melee leaders could be 1250-1500, and ranged be 1500-2k. I'll think on it.


As far as the lengendary weapons go: Most of them can use most weapon mods. I had to limit some in certain cases. Some were just by choice, such as the Lincoln's Repeater only taking an 8x scope. Maria should be able to use a silencer. Most fall under the obvious perk. The energy weapons are tied to Advanced Engineering. I wanted them to be different, and I thought it would be good to add more value to that perk tree.


The rareness is intended, but I can tweak it a bit. They are currently aimed to be super rare normal loot, and fairly rare trader quest reward loot. I might make them a bit more commonly dropped by the Raider leaders. I plan to eventually add more custom quests, like the one that nets you Pew Pew, to have more ways to obtain them. But it's not a priority right this minute. POIs may be used to get them as well. I've had it in my mind to make a army bunker style POI that gives you a Fat Man, for example. And I just started work on a Vault POI. Might throw the Cryolator in it somewhere.


Anyways, hope that answers some things for you. And hope you are enjoying the mod. :)

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16 hours ago, bdubyah said:



Anyways, hope that answers some things for you. And hope you are enjoying the mod. :)

as i mentioned, started a fresh game with your POI's with bandits in em. il let ya know what day and gamestage we find a rare variant on our main server! curiously tho, whats the repeater class as then? a pistol, a assault rifle? cos it doesn't seam to count as a rifle and thats... wierd to me. X3


i wouldn't tweak it yet, we just got to game stage 100, lets see if they start dropping more commonly, or at all. the idea of super rare loot is realy appealing. :D 


a shame to hear about there AI. tho im curious... whats the issue with useing the custom code from the said modders? is it just more hassle then its worth? hell i dont even know if the codes any good just wana know why your adverse to useing it. X3 for the time being, see bandits casually wondering around is a bit tense, but they have the benefit of beating the crap out of any nearby zeds. they super aggro to them it seams.


EDIT: on the topic of exp, these guys seam on par with a feral. (i also forgot i play with 200% exp instead of 100. cos gaining 1 level per horde night is boreing. XD ) so making them match respectively, seams about right. your plan for a more ladder like exp seams much better. especily with there threat levels. 


and a last question, whats your plans for the mod? you just gona keep adding fallout esc stuff to the game? if so, what does that entail? new POI's obviously. (i scoped out the nuka factory, what a lovely looking place! and keeps with the 7 days theme of a progressive through line of exploreing the POI. )

Edited by Colin248 (see edit history)
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Plans are just to keep adding more of everything over time. I just kinda hop from weapons to POIs to NPCs and so on. Keeps me from burning out so quick.


The Repeater is tagged with perkDeadeye. So it should scale with that.


The code I mentioned would move the mod in to requiring DMT. Which means another layer of difficulty for people installing the mod, as well as for me keeping everything up to date. And believe me, people in general are not very smart. Lol.


Not saying I won't ever do it, but it's not happening now. Maybe after gold if the workshop support works out like I hope it does. Of course, by then we should have Bandits in vanilla so custom code may not be necessary to have decently smart Raiders.

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28 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Plans are just to keep adding more of everything over time. I just kinda hop from weapons to POIs to NPCs and so on. Keeps me from burning out so quick.


The Repeater is tagged with perkDeadeye. So it should scale with that.


The code I mentioned would move the mod in to requiring DMT. Which means another layer of difficulty for people installing the mod, as well as for me keeping everything up to date. And believe me, people in general are not very smart. Lol.


Not saying I won't ever do it, but it's not happening now. Maybe after gold if the workshop support works out like I hope it does. Of course, by then we should have Bandits in vanilla so custom code may not be necessary to have decently smart Raiders.

I'm very happy that you're improving The Wasteland mod. I finally found the crash site today, and let me tell you that it took me couple of real world hours to generate a map that contains both Nuka Factory and the crash site lol, because I was either getting Nuka or the crash site, but not both at once for the most time and now I finally found one that has both, so I'm exploring and having fun so far, still trying to troubleshoot some incompatibilities between the mods I installed though, but your mods work perfectly. You know what I think we as modders would need to make some cool progress? I think we need more advanced quest system, so that we could add our own quests, because what we have right now is pretty much barebones. We can add some interesting NPCs to the game, but making new quests for them to give you is not as easy and straightforward, not to mention the quest system is pretty much barebones at the moment as it has just couple of actions available, that's not much to create some immersive stories.


Imagine random encounters - save a friendly NPC from zombies or bandits, supply crates surrounded by bandits / zombies you have to fight to get the supplies, send the players to a specific POI, let the quest creator to choose which NPC to return to (it's just trader by default), etc..

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after playing a bit more, and getting past game stage 100, my freind found a rare variant of a laser rifle as a quest reward! made me super chuffed! HOWEVER< its then i realise we havnt found a single bit of ammo for it.... thus i realised, do the ammo packs/storage units have any chance of having laser/plasma ammo/rare types? otherwise im limited to doing T5 quests and hoping for the best. 


and on the subject of ammo, we found out you cant craft bulk 10mm ammuniton when having learned all the books. this kinda sucks bud, any chance you can sort that? would make the 10mm series more worthwhile useing if we can mass produce the ammo. 

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Like the bundle things? I could look at adding them. Never really crossed my mind.


Energy ammo can be rare loot in the normal containers, sold from traders at higher barter levels, and is guaranteed to be in Raider POIs. The Vault Tec containers will have it in those POIs. There is usually at least 3 VT containers in each one, just gotta find them. Raider leaders can also drop some in their loot bags.


I guess since the weapons are as rare as they are, I could bump the ammo a bit.

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7 hours ago, renejant said:

@bdubyah looking at your military vehicles, may i suggest to add in a Abraham/Tiger tank or an Apache helicopter? I think they are missing from your collection... Would be a nice addition to the game, seeing the military tried everything to fight the zombie apocalypse... 🙂

Find a free 3d model of this Apache helicopter in the network and then bdubyah might add this

Edited by CrazyAluminum (see edit history)
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Supermutants!! RoaR!

Having  a lot of fun with all the vehicles and have been for a few months now. It would be hard to re-adapt without them.


In fact, a gaming bud had been building a track in the background dedicated to the buggy but a few other vehicles also fare well. I'm asking him to Prefab it as it runs well and acts as a great template for customising although it is perfectly great as is.




The buggies can really get some air but also come down just as quick when you ease off.




I mean! Flaming barrels jump.




We all really appreciate the vehicles and the care you give them.

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oh! another thing i wana talk about is how stingent your weapons are with mods. for example, the repeater doesnt want many of the mods that dont even show up on most models. a bipod, a folding stock n so on. same goes for the Arizona campaign rifle. my friend tried putting on a few mods but it wouldn't accept them. like a silencer, stock, ect. i would recommend giving the weapons a look at to allow mods to be put on them. laser sights, flashlights and so on. they don't need to be perfectly functional, or even show on the model, just so the effect from them works. (silancer being the big one for something like the Arizona.)

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Afaik, they are how they should be. A folding stock on an old repeater makes no sense. Same with the bipod. 


The Arizona Scout is a nod to the Gobi sniper from New Vegas. It couldn't have a silencer either. Part of a balance since it was better in almost every way to the normal heavy sniper. 

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On 9/29/2020 at 1:17 AM, bdubyah said:

Afaik, they are how they should be. A folding stock on an old repeater makes no sense. Same with the bipod. 


The Arizona Scout is a nod to the Gobi sniper from New Vegas. It couldn't have a silencer either. Part of a balance since it was better in almost every way to the normal heavy sniper. 

its more the fact a weapon cannot get its true potential because it lacks the ability to have mods put on it. there are very limited selections when it comes to the weapons in game currently, and overly restricting it just makes it worse. good example would be the M60. cant have any scope, already throwing a ton of selection away. 


i figured as much with that sniper. however, i always played modded new vegas so even the rare variants could have the normal attachments. and every weapon in the game had 3. gota collect them all! a essential mod for that game if you ask me. mostly cos it did what your trying to limit, give reason to mod and tend to the weapons. but i digress! it does a ton of damage already so, its not too mcuh of a fuss. 



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4 hours ago, Souhank said:

I found a strange bug the creature pack humans ak47 humans dont shot whe i install your mod, any ideas why?

Damn, looks like I forgot to change the name of that AK in mine. I'll fix it on my end, but I don't know when I'll update again.


If you have N++ and aren't scared editing some files, do a search and replace for gunBanditAk47 and change it to gunBanditAk47_b in items.xml and entityclasses.xml. That should fix the issue.

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8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Damn, looks like I forgot to change the name of that AK in mine. I'll fix it on my end, but I don't know when I'll update again.


If you have N++ and aren't scared editing some files, do a search and replace for gunBanditAk47 and change it to gunBanditAk47_b in items.xml and entityclasses.xml. That should fix the issue.

Thanks for the tip. I've noticed similar behavior, but I wasn't sure what exactly the problem was (87 mods installed, 87 potential culprits lol). Although, I'm not quite sure - is it only the AK47 that's having this issue, or maybe other weapons too? Because I saw some other NPCs with crossbow and bows that were taking their sweet time around the hordes of zombies and then just decided to fight them all with bare hands instead of their ranged weapon lol

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8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Damn, looks like I forgot to change the name of that AK in mine. I'll fix it on my end, but I don't know when I'll update again.


If you have N++ and aren't scared editing some files, do a search and replace for gunBanditAk47 and change it to gunBanditAk47_b in items.xml and entityclasses.xml. That should fix the issue.

thanks i get on it

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@bdubyah, gunBanditMR10 could possibly cause similar problem.



Also, in entityclasses.xml, humanRaider4Rifle, humanRaider4Riflesleeper start with gunBanditMR10, BUT get 9mm ammo, the other raider with the same gun had 7.62mm ammo, which makes me believe that using 9mm ammo here is a bug.

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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Yeah, I've changed them around a lot. I originally planned on having them use mostly weapons from my mod, but I haven't had any luck since they never wanna shoot my guns for some reason. So that was probably a copy/paste issue. Think I got that one sorted as well.


If you guys see any other ones, let me know. :)

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Just now, bdubyah said:

Yeah, I've changed them around a lot. I originally planned on having them use mostly weapons from my mod, but I haven't had any luck since they never wanna shoot my guns for some reason. So that was probably a copy/paste issue. Think I got that one sorted as well.


If you guys see any other ones, let me know. :)

I was also wondering about effect_group names. I've noticed that in vanilla, effect_group names usually match the name of the item, but some of the items in this mod have different names in effect_group, like <effect_group name="gunBanditMR10"> inside <item name="gunBanditHSniper_b"> etc.


I don't know if it really matters, but it could potentially mislead you when working with those chunks of code.

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It's just the gun I copied it from. I think vanilla was always Base Effects before, then they started using the item names for it. It doesn't affect anything, just makes it easier to search for when editing things. For my actual guns I usually follow the vanilla, but these have been hacked and changed so much I don't care anymore. Lol.

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Also the information that they refused to use your weapons is little bit disturbing. I would definitely like to see some raiders to run around with pipe guns, laser and plasma guns or even fatboy etc. lol


But admittedly, the funniest thing would be to meet a supermutant with the fatboy. I wish we could have some random encounters, like fights between supermutants and raiders lol

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