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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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@Dre Glad you like them. :)


Pushing another update for The Wasteland. Should fix the Nav Object NRE for the old map quest. Added my shotguns to work with the Wabbit challenge. Also added the Service Rifle schematic and recipe.


Also, to anyone who uses this mod, I could use some feedback on loot. I've gotten comments on Nexus about higher end weapons and Legendary items being way too common. This update was a first pass to try and fix that. So please let me know how it is now!

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8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

@Dre Glad you like them. :)


Pushing another update for The Wasteland. Should fix the Nav Object NRE for the old map quest. Added my shotguns to work with the Wabbit challenge. Also added the Service Rifle schematic and recipe.


Also, to anyone who uses this mod, I could use some feedback on loot. I've gotten comments on Nexus about higher end weapons and Legendary items being way too common. This update was a first pass to try and fix that. So please let me know how it is now!

Legendaries way too common? Oh man, believe it or not, I've never found any!

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13 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

I haven't had time to really play much so far, so I'm just going on what people tell me. A guy on Nexus said multiple people on his server had combat shotguns and various legendaries by day 2. Which is bad. Lol.

Yeah, but what kind of settings he has on his server? Maybe they have overall loot set too high. Also, if the said players on his server boosted their loot with perks and special items that boost their loot, perhaps to have a higher chance to find some other items they were looking for, their chance to find your legendaries as well will be much higher than a chance for someone who plays on vanilla settings with no perks. You can't possibly make everyone happy, trying to find a sweet spot for everyone will be impossible.

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Well, obviously RNG is a factor no matter what. But I don't want them showing up in the first week, really. Maybe the lower melee weapons, but that's it. 


I'm still combing through the vanilla loot groups seeing how it is all put together so I can add my stuff similar to how vanilla is set up. But staring into the xml too long makes my eyes bleed, so it might take a bit. Lol. 


I have a few days in a row off at the end of the week, so I'm gonna try starting a vanilla setting playthrough and see how it goes. 

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I think what I'm going to try to do is add my stuff to the correct base loot groups, so that it gets added in along side its vanilla counterparts. Then I'll go into certain containers, like the hidden stash and big metal chests and add very small chances for certain items to show up. 


Either way, I'm going to try and make fairly small changes until it feels good. And then TFP will probably redo loot again and break all of it. Lol. 

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Good evening Bdubyah!


I wanted to ask if it was possible for you to do your coding magic to perhaps get your vehicle mod to work well with Khaine's Darkness Falls overhaul? As it stands currently these seems to be a lot of red/yellow text of item incompatibilities between either the modlet or his overhaul. Just wondered if you have ever tried it out?


Thanks in advance for any answers!


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My knowledge of DF is limited, but from what people have said it would seem DF makes changes to Grease Monkey. I think it changes it to where there are only 3 levels of it, which means the vast majority of my vehicles will error as they are level 4 or 5.


I threw this together real quick, so no promises it will work. Just rename it, taking the DF off the front and overwrite the progression.xml if my mod's Configs folder. Probably best to make a backup of the original, just in case.


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3 hours ago, bdubyah said:

My knowledge of DF is limited, but from what people have said it would seem DF makes changes to Grease Monkey. I think it changes it to where there are only 3 levels of it, which means the vast majority of my vehicles will error as they are level 4 or 5.


I threw this together real quick, so no promises it will work. Just rename it, taking the DF off the front and overwrite the progression.xml if my mod's Configs folder. Probably best to make a backup of the original, just in case.

DFprogression.xml 1.23 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks Bdubyah,


I'm fairly sure your right about the shortening of the Grease Monkey trait, though not sure until I can get in game and check it out. I'll give your file a try tonight and let you know.




Edit: So I also asked the question in Khaine's Discord channel called #mod-suggestions


Though I am not modder... but someone replied with these answers.


TivaYesterday at 10:26 PM

Yeah that'd be pretty neat. We're using Bduds on our playthrough. If you wanted it to work as intended you'd need to edit the loot.xml, the progression.xml and the recipe.xml. It definitely wouldn't be hard to make it compatible, but man, these fellas got enough on their plates right now lol. We just made it so the Greasemonkey perk unlocks the vehicle parts and it seems to work fine. Didn't bother adding it to any loot containers or changing it from crafting on the workbench to the vehicle workstation.
and here's another.

MagedaddyToday at 12:25 AM

@CoreWatch simple xml edits, add the modlet then add the associated items from the modlet either as recipes in recipe.xml or loot in loot.xml. if using recipes, make sure to make an entry in the progression.xml for unlocking said recipe
Edited by CoreWatch (see edit history)
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Well, I mean, I already have the parts in loot, and everything has recipes. So the only issues for either is if vanilla loot groups were removed/renamed, or if resources used to craft them were removed/renamed.


And that would just be finding what the loot groups/resources got renamed to and changing it accordingly. If removed, then add them back or change it to something similar.

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25 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Well, I mean, I already have the parts in loot, and everything has recipes. So the only issues for either is if vanilla loot groups were removed/renamed, or if resources used to craft them were removed/renamed.


And that would just be finding what the loot groups/resources got renamed to and changing it accordingly. If removed, then add them back or change it to something similar.

Yeah, but Darkness Falls mod author (or any other overhaul mod for that matter) knows about all the changes he did to the game, so it would probably be easier for him to do the compatibility patches with various different smaller mods, if possible. Obviously it's not always possible, the example I always use when it's impossible is basically two different mods that change the forge in two different ways. You can't have both at once in that case lol

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Hello Bdub! figured i would give some feedback on wasteland and the vehicle pack. 


first off, been useing the vehicle pack (or rather, some of the vehicles you put in. such as a UH60 and the Jeep) and i love them. simply having more verity in what to drive is just wonderfull. so far i dont have any complaints but, if theres any issues il be sure to bring them up. 


as for the wasteland, me and my group are still in infancy, but the models all seam fantastic for the cola and such. discovering the new weapons and items are a joy, realy helps break up the general monotomy of the game by includeing some fallout stuff into the game. that said, golf club has no quality varation and seams a bit too strong for something to be stitched together by hand. 


curiously, do you have more plans for the wasteland mod? if any, i mean. 

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Appreciate the feedback. Any issues with loot? Finding things to easy, etc?


Glanced at the golf club. Toned the damage down a bit. Think it was missing a tag, so that's why it didn't have a quality level. I'll test it to be sure, but it should be fixed.

3 hours ago, Colin248 said:

curiously, do you have more plans for the wasteland mod? if any, i mean. 



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Hey I'm using the wasteland modlet in my a19 singleplayer and just found the Long Distance, I was so stoked.. until I tried it and it doesn't do any damage. It says it has a ranged damage of 69 but I do no damage with it. Any idea whats wrong? 😕

EDIT: It actually does 1 damage.

Edited by fnfear (see edit history)
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Bleh. Yeah, I forgot that one was 7.62. Gave it the wrong perk. Probably be at least a few days before I update the mod again, so if you wanna fix it in the mean time, just go into the mod folder, into Configs, and open items.xml. Near the bottom is an item called "gunPipeRifle_Legendary". Under its list of tags, change "perkGunslinger" to "perkDeadEye" and it should fix it.

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17 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Appreciate the feedback. Any issues with loot? Finding things to easy, etc?


Glanced at the golf club. Toned the damage down a bit. Think it was missing a tag, so that's why it didn't have a quality level. I'll test it to be sure, but it should be fixed.



WOH!? BANDITS?! :D hell if you get a suitable version in game thats gona be badass! also you did it faster the fun pimps 😛 

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They run off the same code that Xyth uses for the Creature Packs. All credit for that goes to him. I just added my own Raiders.


I've updated the vehicle AIO on Git and Nexus, and currently updating the individual vehicle mods on Git to include some new engine sounds and some new horn sounds. All vehicles should have the vanilla horn sound replaced, but some still use the vanilla engine sounds. The individual mods probably won't be updated on Nexus till tomorrow at the earliest.

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19 hours ago, bdubyah said:

currently updating the individual vehicle mods on Git to include some new engine sounds and some new horn sounds. All vehicles should have the vanilla horn sound replaced, but some still use the vanilla engine sounds...

Had to jump up and run outside to check, sunny, warm, beautiful day. Nope, it's definitely not Christmas but it feels like it.


I read my son the part I quoted, he turns and said "Oh, f**k yeah!"


This is just amazing. We already enjoy the variety your vehicles add to the game but this makes it better. When we are all gearing up in large groups to go raid we use the horns to signal we are ready but since they all sound the same we aren't sure who to shame for taking long. Problem solved. :D

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Well, there are like 4 horns, so there will still be that issue. Lol. Wasn't going through the trouble of making one for every vehicle. The sounds have already been an absolute PITA since I had to rename them for each of the individual modlets so there wouldn't be any errors. I should have just made it a separate add on modlet for the individual vehicles, but oh well.

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