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Everything posted by CoreWatch

  1. Thanks Bdubyah, I'm fairly sure your right about the shortening of the Grease Monkey trait, though not sure until I can get in game and check it out. I'll give your file a try tonight and let you know. Edit: So I also asked the question in Khaine's Discord channel called #mod-suggestions Though I am not modder... but someone replied with these answers. TivaYesterday at 10:26 PM Yeah that'd be pretty neat. We're using Bduds on our playthrough. If you wanted it to work as intended you'd need to edit the loot.xml, the progression.xml and the recipe.xml. It definitely wouldn't be hard to make it compatible, but man, these fellas got enough on their plates right now lol. We just made it so the Greasemonkey perk unlocks the vehicle parts and it seems to work fine. Didn't bother adding it to any loot containers or changing it from crafting on the workbench to the vehicle workstation. and here's another. MagedaddyToday at 12:25 AM @CoreWatch simple xml edits, add the modlet then add the associated items from the modlet either as recipes in recipe.xml or loot in loot.xml. if using recipes, make sure to make an entry in the progression.xml for unlocking said recipe
  2. Good evening Bdubyah! I wanted to ask if it was possible for you to do your coding magic to perhaps get your vehicle mod to work well with Khaine's Darkness Falls overhaul? As it stands currently these seems to be a lot of red/yellow text of item incompatibilities between either the modlet or his overhaul. Just wondered if you have ever tried it out? Thanks in advance for any answers! -CoreWatch
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