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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Is there a manual for this mod?  I don't understand why I can't upgrade levels in my skill tree where it shows a green shopping cart, and green locks.  It say "NA" when I hover over them.  Also, my health never goes above 106 even though the max is 158.  Using a bandage at 106 health doesn't increase the health.

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13 minutes ago, Alan Lau said:

Is there a manual for this mod?  I don't understand why I can't upgrade levels in my skill tree where it shows a green shopping cart, and green locks.  It say "NA" when I hover over them.  Also, my health never goes above 106 even though the max is 158.  Using a bandage at 106 health doesn't increase the health.

Every time you respawn in an in-game week you lose 3 health could be that ?

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So does that mean I never get the ability to get above my max health - (3 *numberOfDeaths)?  Or does that reset every 7 days?  Is there a discord channel where I can ask questions?  I love so many things about this mod, but it's frustrating not knowing how certain things work.

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11 hours ago, AaronTheArrow said:


Is there any way to increase your attribute level post reading the 21 books at the start of the game ?

From what I understand, we can find 'statues' which carry additional SPIFSAL attribute increases for individual attributes.

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10 hours ago, Alan Lau said:

Is there a manual for this mod?  I don't understand why I can't upgrade levels in my skill tree where it shows a green shopping cart, and green locks.  It say "NA" when I hover over them.  Also, my health never goes above 106 even though the max is 158.  Using a bandage at 106 health doesn't increase the health.

The Progression has certainly changed for this build and since we can no longer interact with the attribute tree, it can pretty much be overlooked. I spent 5 SPIFSAL on Strength and I will only concern myself with what's on the left side from hereon. Saying that, there is still some residual interaction since each SPIFSAL added to strength opens up a slot on the Backpack regardless of adding no Skill to Pack Mule.



And now all the SPIFSAL unlocked Perk Skills have become level dependent there are some interesting trade offs compared to the regular system.


For example, I can access Miner 69'er Skill Level 4 pretty quickly since there is no need to build the attribute tree and all those Skill Points can be dedicated to Miner 69'er based on Level. And since early Level increases come rapidly, our selected SPIFSAL options are going to be a real asset to offset the ones we didn't select.


Choosing that initial SPIFSAL load out very carefully was something I found to be critical. I went with a very very balanced selection that provides for early game features with survival and 'body' features being predominant. This ensures I can take a knock from the zombies and get my base up and running without any slogging for resources. My understanding is we can find further SPIFSAL as we progress and I can unlock some specialised items later on.


And that's what I like about this new system. We can choose either a very balanced set-up to give all the essentials right from the start, or slightly move towards a very specialist track. And players who can deal with that initial struggle who put all their SPIFSAL into something highly specialised are investing for latter Game Stage where that initial suffering will have paid off.


It took me a couple of play throughs to get a feel for the SPIFSAL set up as with learning anything new, but I can appreciate its intricacies and 'manipulate' it to the way I play.


What's up with your health? Are you carrying an injury from one of the Wasteland beasties?

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hopefully someone else has encountered this issue and knows a fix


whenever I place any door from the Wasteland, the next time I log in to the game all of the doors are stuck in a permanent loop of opening, and I can't interact with them
I always need to destroy blocks around them to make the door collapse, and place a new one but it just happens all over again with every login

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Hmm, that's odd. I redid the doors in Unity to make them more like how vanilla doors operate. I never noticed that happening before, but just repro'd it. If the door is closed, it seems fine, but if it's open when you log out it seems to break. I'll see what I can find out.

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1 hour ago, Kellnaved said:

Quick Question: Is there a way to change the limit of 21 Attribute increases from reading the SPIFSAL books in the beginning by editing?


Where would I find this in the files? Thx Guys.


It's a limit hardcoded in each of the SPIFSAL book, so you can change it in items.xml, preferably by patching it with your own mod rather than editing the file itself, otherwise every new update to Wasteland mod itself would revert that change and you would have to change it all over again. If you don't know how, this would be a good start if you want to learn.

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4 hours ago, Kellnaved said:

Quick Question: Is there a way to change the limit of 21 Attribute increases from reading the SPIFSAL books in the beginning by editing?


Where would I find this in the files? Thx Guys.

I can appreciate the reason you are considering this action to possibly increase availability. I'm guessing it's not to lower the limit.


I posted this elsewhere to a reasonable comment, and just overlooked others as they were a 'touch' unfair relating to the SPIFSAL update. I hope you'll read it and consider it, and if it doesn't work out, I'll be the first to assist you with your request.


This is a very fair and understandable comment. The first release candidate of SPIFSAL was tested thoroughly over a prolonged period of time to check the impact on a wide range of dynamics (logical progression linked to GS, overall challenge and core needs, fun factor, ability to play solo, existing additional Wasteland gains beyond Vanilla, etc). The feedback was that there were a few primary areas that could do with placing a little earlier on the SPIFSAL list to allow them to be more accessible. This was in consideration of fundamental activities that are critical to survival, particularly in early GS.

However, adding ALL of what we have become accustomed to as being fundamental in the Vanilla build, into the 21 would make SPIFSAL redundant and go against where it can be most appealing, especially because a number of these suggested 'fundamentals' compound (Miner 69er-Motherlode / Master Chef-The Huntman-Living off the Land). This current release is a balanced compromise.

After testing this current build with a variety of trade-offs, there are 3 clear modes of play that stand out:

- A balanced load out. This was carefully calculated to available SPIFSAL and gives the player access to most, but not all key survival elements. Players can thrive from very early GS. In fact, they can reach Skill levels quicker than in Vanilla for many traits and this may come as a surprise. Players new to the Wasteland Mod will recognize these choices when choosing SPIFSAL and this can provide them with a sense of security and familiarity to ease them in. More experienced players may also prefer this load out for what it offers.

- Semi-balanced load out. This still offers many primary survival features, but players will need to be more considerate of where they will need to put in a bit more work. The trade-off will be that specialization that can make all the difference in certain situations. And players can manipulate their game-play to increase these certain situations.

- Specialized load out. Players who really want to be a master of some very specialized feature(s) will feel the challenge in primary survival activities early on and will need to adapt. However, once established, those specializations will be clearly useful, and some may say excessively useful.

On top of the SPIFSAL 21, we are going to find the additional statues to give a permanent +1 to each attribute. As players test a few load outs, they may reconsider that initial SPIFSAL 21 in the knowledge that these statues are to come, and possibly at a time when they are more relevant. In addition, 'time' sensitive or 'inventory' sensitive items will also provide those attributes, as players have become accustomed to in Vanilla, as well as the unique ones we can find in the Wasteland, such as 'Happy-go-Lucky', 'Braintats', and their cousins which I won't mention so as not to spoil the surprises. Players will see how these additions can be used at the right time and for the right purpose when they are most needed.

And with all the Wasteland 'health' drinks from Nuka, customized items, custom general weapons and ammo, abundance of Wasteland food choices to offset the change in Vanilla farming, supplementary Wasteland books also integrating skill features that are fundamental to survival, Power Armor and the abundance of mods, and last but certainly not least 'Legendary Weapons', life will remain pretty good out there for players who are getting their quests complete, looking out for those high value looting opportunities, and making considered choices.

The update is very new. Subjective and impulsive concerns are noted but given very limited consideration. However, constructive feedback based on objective tangible observations based on putting in some time to test things out are not only welcome but will be acted on where re-balancing may be appropriate. Give it a chance :)

4 hours ago, Evilracc0on said:

@bdubyah I wanna add your vehicle mod to the wasteland, how do I go about it?


The Wasteland Mod and Bdub's Vehicles run together without any issues at all. I have been using them both since the first release of The Wasteland. It's as convenient as placing 'Bdubs Vehicles' mod in your 'Mods' folder in your 7 Days to Die main directory.

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If people would spend the time playing it instead of sitting around complaining about it, they would realize it isn't broken like they think it is. Give it a shot, give it some time, and adapt. It isn't that bad...


But on that note, I am done answering questions about changing/tweaking/removing the SPIFSAL feature. I've had enough of it. Either give it a chance and get used to it, or find another mod to play.


If you have legit questions or balance feedback, I'm all ears.

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@ Mr Devolver Thank you for your answer I could change the points according to my preferences now.


@ Arramus. Thank you as well for your insight into the balancing process. Of course players enjoy vastly different experiences in difficulty settings in progression speed in maximum power level that can be achieved etc. 


I play video games for about 35 years now and I know exactly what I like. I played the original Fallout 1 and 2 and even back then I used a Hexeditor to change the starting attributes. Not the skillpoints, not the perks not the money. But specifically the attribute points. Same for Baldursgate etc. I don´t want to criticize the overall design philosophy. I think it is a good system (of course the specific number 21 would always be debatable) it is just not optimal for me because I am an outlier. So I just change 1 small thing and I am much happier with the game.

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On 1/9/2022 at 4:28 PM, bdubyah said:

I think you need to make that change in entityclasses. Need to add something like

<property name="Consumables" value="ulmAmmoFuelGasoline,ulmAmmoFuelGasolineBarrel"/>

to each vehicle. And I think in vehicles, each one needs

<passive_effect name="VehicleCargoCapacity" operation="base_set" value="1000"/>

Just from what I gathered from others asking. Haven't tested myself, so ymmv.


entityclasses line is right


This line

<passive_effect name="VehicleCargoCapacity" operation="base_set" value="1000"/>

should added in items.xml not vehicles.


Tested——>It works

Edited by razorfsy (see edit history)
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Hi everyone.


I am having some issues with the Power Armor in the game. I modified a "Power Armor Frame (Chest)" with the "Power Armor (Chest)" Part - which goes into the cosmetic slot - and it doesn´t show up on the charcter. It only shows the basic graphic for the Frame (kinda like a black shirt). The same is also true for other parts of the armor. It also doesn´t show me any stats in the worn equipment tap when I hover over the chestpiece. But I gain the stats in the "chore character stats" tap.


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Kellnaved (see edit history)
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It only shows up in third person. You won't see it in your character screen. I don't think it is possible to show it there. The stats issue is because they are mods. I need to look into it and see if it can read them and add them, but I seem to remember someone having the same issue and it not really having a good fix. You can always just click on the armor piece itself. They show their stats. It just doesn't show on the frame pieces.

9 hours ago, razorfsy said:


entityclasses line is right


This line

<passive_effect name="VehicleCargoCapacity" operation="base_set" value="1000"/>

should added in items.xml not vehicles.


Tested——>It works

Ah, okay. Good to know.

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@ Bdubyah Thank you very much for your reply. I thought since I added the "cowboy hat mod" to a helmet and it looks like a cowboy hat in the character screen this might also be possible for your power armor parts. It just would have been nice to see the really cool looking armor on the character sheet.


Keep up the good work. This is without a doubt the greatest 7DTD mod I have played.

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Small update to The Wasteland pushed.


The Wasteland v2.75:


-Changed: Tweaked custom door positions to help aligment with other doors/blocks
-Fixed: Antivenom buff not properly removing
-Fixed: Door animation loop on rejoining a game
-Fixed: Energy weapon stat display


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Loving this mod.  The ghoul radiation mechanic is brilliant!


We are running this on a server and all raider POI with raiders as sleepers do not wake up unless you attack one and none of the others wake up, they all sleep until you hit them.  Even if the sleepers are side by side massive amounts of gun fire noise will not wake them, they have to be hit to wake up.  Is there a setting to fix this or is this just how raider sleepers work at the moment. 

Edited by irongamer (see edit history)
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28 minutes ago, irongamer said:

Loving this mod.  The ghoul radiation mechanic is brilliant!


We are running this on a server and all raider POI with raiders as sleepers do not wake up unless you attack one and none of the others wake up, they all sleep until you hit them.  Even if the sleepers are side by side massive amounts of gun fire noise will not wake them, they have to be hit to wake up.  Is there a setting to fix this or is this just how raider sleepers work at the moment. 

This is just how they are till I get everything updated and start requiring SCore and NPCmod. A20 broke the bandit class used for them in a19 and before. It wasn't perfect either but was better than what they are currently. I just had no other options outside of removing them. 


When the next update comes out they will be much better. Maybe even too good...;)

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35 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

This is just how they are till I get everything updated and start requiring SCore and NPCmod. A20 broke the bandit class used for them in a19 and before. It wasn't perfect either but was better than what they are currently. I just had no other options outside of removing them. 


When the next update comes out they will be much better. Maybe even too good...;)


Thanks for the fast reply!  Looking forward to the update, like a lot!




A quick question on the radiation upgrade for power armor.  Does that negate the ghoul radiation zone completely or just to a certain level of radiation?  I see the add base value is 2.  If it negates all possible ghoul radiation levels could I bump that down to make it mostly resistant but not totally?

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