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Is food bugged?


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I have been playing in version 240 without problems, but lately, at day 14 and lvl 39 I suddenly need to eat A LOT more.


Im not sure, but maybe the bug is related to me raising the agility skill. My max stamina is now 140. It seems like food degradation uses percentage of my max food, but food increase uses static numbers.


Which means that the better stamina skill I have, the worse I am, bc when I gain stamina I gain 15, but when I lose stamina I lose X%, so it's bad to have more stamina instead of good.


Just an asumption, Im not sure this is what is happening. But what Im sure of is that I need to eat A LOT more than some levels ago, it's terrible

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You're losing more max stamina than before, since it's based on a percentage, yeah. But you don't have less max stamina than you did when you were at base agility and the same amount of food.


You might want to invest in the metabolism perk that decreases the rate at which you lose hunger and thirst. I haven't personally gone into it, but I imagine that would drastically slow the rate. Your hunger/thirst are also dependant on how much stamina you REGENERATE, btw. Since everything costs more stamina now, you use more of those stats. Hope this helps!

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I notice the same. The more stamina you have, the more activity you do, which is exactly what we want. But then because you did more activity, you have to eat and drink more.

Some nights while mining, I have to eat 7 or 8 times. I do play longer day cycles, but it is still a lot of eating going on. Of course the perks help a little with that too, but it's still a lot of consumption... going down to maybe 5 times per night.

The build before 240 was worse in this regard.

I guess it doesn't really bother me, and I don't want to throw in the reality card, but I think even marathon runners would become Gilbert Grape's mother eating this much.

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I know metabolism skill improves that, but that's not the point.


If like it seems, stamina increase is static and decrease is percentaje, then improving stamina makes you need to eat more in the same time. That's so ridiculous I totally call it a bug.

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With slow metabolism at 4 or 5 points, you rarely need to eat. If you're clearing out POI's the canned food is usually enough that you never need to carry food with you. Also with a Water Purifier on your helmet you never need to bring your own water either.


But it does make sense, as you've got more energy to do more stuff, you need to eat more to keep yourself going.


Sham Chowder gives a ton of stats for the cost, and only requires 3 points into Master Chef I think.

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I have been playing in version 240 without problems, but lately, at day 14 and lvl 39 I suddenly need to eat A LOT more.


Im not sure, but maybe the bug is related to me raising the agility skill. My max stamina is now 140. It seems like food degradation uses percentage of my max food, but food increase uses static numbers.


Which means that the better stamina skill I have, the worse I am, bc when I gain stamina I gain 15, but when I lose stamina I lose X%, so it's bad to have more stamina instead of good.


Just an asumption, Im not sure this is what is happening. But what Im sure of is that I need to eat A LOT more than some levels ago, it's terrible


You dig a lot.


If you do a lot of activities draining stamina, you'll get hungry more then if you were just scavending and driving with a minibike.

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mmh thanks for all the advices on how to palliate the bug.


Now can we move on to fixing it? Raising a skill shouldnt make me weaker. Even worse, if it was a perk, I would just skip it. But it's a skill I need to unlock other perks.


If a game has a resource that is consumed by % and recovered by static values, then increasing that resource max value is bad.


Just change the +15 on the food for +15% for example.

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Kalarro has good point there. if you have 100 stam, it works right. if you have 140 stam, every food you lose (digest) you lose 1.4 stam. every food you consume, you still get only 1 stam back.

examle: your food is worth 15 stam regain. if you (digested) 15 food, you lose 21 stamina. when you consume same food you gain 15 stam. there is 6 stam gap.

you are not getting weaker by getting higher stam gap, but it needs more food to maintain it.

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mmh thanks for all the advices on how to palliate the bug.


Now can we move on to fixing it? Raising a skill shouldnt make me weaker. Even worse, if it was a perk, I would just skip it. But it's a skill I need to unlock other perks.


If a game has a resource that is consumed by % and recovered by static values, then increasing that resource max value is bad.


Just change the +15 on the food for +15% for example.


Every time you restore lost stamina it consumes food and damages your max stamina bar when food is below 100. So if you buy agility and raise it to 200, you can in theory burn through twice as many calories now. So its not a bug, its just that you have more capacity to work now, so when you do the work you are burning a lot more calories up. Perks that increase fire rate exasperate this too.


If your food reserves can't keep up or you don't like eating so often, buy the slow metabolism perks or some cooking perks to make some better nutrient dense foods. In the upcoming patch you can see that players can over eat to +50 food, (100 stamina = 150 food 200 stamina = 250 food)so that you can eat and not look at eating again for a long time.


With a bigger stomach you can see how you could put away a lot more food, but it is not bugged. You can do so much more work than a noob is all.

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Every time you restore lost stamina it consumes food and damages your max stamina bar when food is below 100. So if you buy agility and raise it to 200, you can in theory burn through twice as many calories now. So its not a bug, its just that you have more capacity to work now, so when you do the work you are burning a lot more calories up. Perks that increase fire rate exasperate this too.



If I understand this correctly, our max stamina only goes down when regenerating used stamina? So, if I have 100 stamina and use 50, and regenerate 50, my max stamina will drop the same (in static number not percentaje) as if I have 200 stamina and I use and regenerate 50 stamina?


Well this would be right, sure. But is it really like this? I am really needing to eat a lot more now than I did before. Does max stamina not drop by a % of max stamina just by time passing or something like that?

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