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Everything posted by Rotor

  1. There I was day 82, doing some base upgrades. Supply plane comes by and no drop. I go to my rooftop no smoke, no fire no strobe. I figure no problem, I will just go back to my chores and look for it later. So I am ugrading a block and ...BAM! Insta Deth. Dunno why, no warning, just red bloody screen. Almost like a lag server disconnect death, but I am playing a solo game. So, since I hadnt died prior to that (well except a prior unstable structure construction death :)), just wondering if there is a way to recover the game prior to that point. Otherwise I will restart, handnt come across bicycle handle bars anyways.
  2. Think that is one of them dare cracks in the RWG slider.
  3. As a noob, I dont use ammo. Too skeered to run out. I only break out the pipe MG when my bow needs repaired during a horde night. I dont feel I am swimming in it,......on another note, why do arrows disappear so effing quick? Is it a system load issue? Or ya'll just like to see me grind out umpteen stone arrows?
  4. Saw that book at vendor, should I have bought it? 😕
  5. D79 always wondered what stumps were for. I always thought wood but it would be too little to bother heh. Now I know.
  6. Does the loot come back in 30 days as well, or just the Zs?
  7. So far not bored. Hell, some times I spend a day rummaging through the UI to figure things out. Next thing I look up is night time in game :). In a way I dont want to get the hard zombies before I am ready. I.e. No bike, no workbench, finally got a furnace, think today I will smelt some iron to build the so I can build a hammer. I have 2 beakers :). I do have pipe MG, but 7.62 is not abundant and can mfg yet. I am beginning to think the story line is going to be something like "it has been 10 years since "the event" most of the world has been looted, all common items are hard to find, and the duke hates you..."
  8. Rgr, shooting as fast as my bow will let me hehe.
  9. Dunno, patience? I dont engage more than one zombie at a time for the most part :). I always fight backing away. I dont run out at night. I have stayed in the forest biome the whole time, except for my forays into the city. I have 644 days before end game, no need to rush :). If you mean the bag, one of them young looking zombies got tangled in a spike and I landed an arrow head shot. Lvl 11 too low for D56?
  10. Okay, I guess i need to find out how and what my game stage is. Player LvL 11 Gamestage 26. This is only my 4th or 5th world and the others I never went past D35 as I figured out more things I would restart a game to do things "right". I like this one because I havent died yet :), well other than when I was experimenting with unstable structures heh. Does not having a bike at this time seem odd? I looted a frame, but havent even sniffed a handlebar. I do have two wheels, one a loot and the other I bought from the vendor. I guess I should say I am a slow progresser. I dont run to the hardest part of a game to get the latest and greatest right off the bat. Well except FO2, I did do the "south quest" early on in that one :/.
  11. Got one on D56, with the first kill, none after. Adverturer I get about 20 Zs maybe less per horde moon. I know they "dont" run away and I am killing them all hehe. Anyways, I looted the bag around 4:30 am, so it persisted even though that kill was around 10:15PM. Maybe I am not progressing fast enough or just bad RNG :). I thought they were falling through the cobblestones as I have a basement under base for the sleep bag. But there was nothing in there. Anyways, least doesnt appear to be broke.
  12. K, will try. Just did D49 bloodmoon. Zero bags again. This is a solo game. There were more than 8 zombies knock on the doors as I shot form top. Only 1 for the spikes.
  13. Yes, that is what the 400xp is when I hit or their heads blow up, right? Heck on a previous roll I got bags while they died on my wood spikes and I hid like a girl in my basement. Come to think of it on D28 I only got 1 bag :/.
  14. Interesting. I am not a number cruncher. I protect my pillars with spikes. I am only up to cobblestones. I could add some support to the inner side of each pillar. It is going to reduce my kill zone vision, but maybe I would not have to pay attention to the pillars. Although if I were to start again, 4 columns per pillar would allow the base foot print to be 2 blocks wider therefor kill zone become equal. Think I would have to move to flat ground as right now I am on top of a Mesa just the perfect size for 8x8. Maybe I will forgo a week of looting and start another base. This might on be bad at all, keep a craft base and a horde night base. So many choices, so little time :).
  15. I am at D43. The D35 and D42 Blood Moon Hordes did not drop any bags. "Normal?"
  16. IMO, the short answer is no. If I understand your question correctly. My current base is a made house on 4 pillars 8 blocks of ground. Open center on first floor. At ground level I built 4 corridors one block wide which meet in the middle to form a "plus". Walls on each corridor make the center a one block intersection. I put doors on each side of the 4way stop sorta speak. I line the house pillars with wood spikes. On horde night they just come up the corridor to beat on doors. I just shoot arrows from top. This was default vanilla only change is block damage 50% on blood moon nights.
  17. Do lights increase the heat map or only torches, campfires and forges?
  18. I have tried both briefly. I likes club.
  19. I am okay so far. Last night I was running back to base before night fall and one them dog packs came straight at me. Pucker factor X10, I had just gotten a drop crate which had 4 or 5 of the super med kits. I equipped hot bar with these and veered right running. Figure I pop at least one and may out run or out jump. The flew right past me. I was relieved, but yes they are blind. I was looting a garage, opened a door from afar and old zombie pit is sitting right there looking at me. I ran like a beeyatch. It never followed. So I came back landed a crit on head from the crouch. Then a wooden club to the nogging as it came at me. Not attacking when door opens is weird as heck, but I was glad that time.
  20. This I agree. In my field I am pretty well rounded how things work in RL. So, could I build a pipe pistol? Probably not, but I can gurantee you I can build a "bang stick" fairly quick. As far as the comment on the M60, is fairly easy to handle...as long as you are not 50 pounds. Now if you have a malfunction, getting out of it is not that easy. But for the most part is point and click. Can I build a forge? Yes, the first couple might be crap, but I have the concept in my brain, but again that is the beauty of my job skills. At over fifty years of age, I can still run, although my knees would not like it. Not sure anything over a couple of miles, I am probably done if I dont have some melee weapons with me or the sure firearm. Some of my survival skills came from the military, never had to do the advance stuff, but I have the basics. I hate gardening, but if I have the seeds think I can do it. Just started practicing with bow....because it one of the easiest weapons to make and be fairly effective in a STHF. Arrows are much harder to make, effectively. All that to say, I dont mind how the game starts, but some of the gates are weird as heck. P.s. Every house, hut, teepee, palm tree shack in the world probably has a pot in it, most of them capable of handling a wood fire pit :P. Ps.s. Forgot, Cro-Magnon figured out early on how to put meat on a stick and the concept of a grill wasnt even a dream.
  21. I still dont know what is "normal" progression. I was getting by really good on stone arrows before I gave up the game. Currently experimenting with tower building, have died more times to unstable structures than Zs :).
  22. /tangent RNGeezus is terrible mistress :). I am new. Last night I started a new game same 10k seed map that I've done the previous 6 starts. Except this time I looted a bag that gave me a schem for a forge. I have never even sniff'd its presence before. Then I died on day seven for being stupid......well not really, but trusting a wood building that until that event all basic wood buildings have proven to get me through the first horde night. Weird as hell since I have horde block damage at 50%. The raging debate for me, is whether to restart because I died or keep going because I have a schematic that through all my noob playing time have not seen before. I have gone as far as day 35 on one of my previous games. Not sure this is relevant to topic though, but odd to me the question in my head on what would drive me a to a new game. It is not the possibility of a new adventure, but the possibility of long play without a much needed tool. Maybe I am being unrealistic on whether or not I should know how to put some bricks together, etc. Maybe my character just got out of middle school :). I now there are mods to start with more basic knowledge, but argh! /end tangent
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