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Everything posted by Rotor

  1. I am okay so far. Last night I was running back to base before night fall and one them dog packs came straight at me. Pucker factor X10, I had just gotten a drop crate which had 4 or 5 of the super med kits. I equipped hot bar with these and veered right running. Figure I pop at least one and may out run or out jump. The flew right past me. I was relieved, but yes they are blind. I was looting a garage, opened a door from afar and old zombie pit is sitting right there looking at me. I ran like a beeyatch. It never followed. So I came back landed a crit on head from the crouch. Then a wooden club to the nogging as it came at me. Not attacking when door opens is weird as heck, but I was glad that time.
  2. This I agree. In my field I am pretty well rounded how things work in RL. So, could I build a pipe pistol? Probably not, but I can gurantee you I can build a "bang stick" fairly quick. As far as the comment on the M60, is fairly easy to handle...as long as you are not 50 pounds. Now if you have a malfunction, getting out of it is not that easy. But for the most part is point and click. Can I build a forge? Yes, the first couple might be crap, but I have the concept in my brain, but again that is the beauty of my job skills. At over fifty years of age, I can still run, although my knees would not like it. Not sure anything over a couple of miles, I am probably done if I dont have some melee weapons with me or the sure firearm. Some of my survival skills came from the military, never had to do the advance stuff, but I have the basics. I hate gardening, but if I have the seeds think I can do it. Just started practicing with bow....because it one of the easiest weapons to make and be fairly effective in a STHF. Arrows are much harder to make, effectively. All that to say, I dont mind how the game starts, but some of the gates are weird as heck. P.s. Every house, hut, teepee, palm tree shack in the world probably has a pot in it, most of them capable of handling a wood fire pit :P. Ps.s. Forgot, Cro-Magnon figured out early on how to put meat on a stick and the concept of a grill wasnt even a dream.
  3. I still dont know what is "normal" progression. I was getting by really good on stone arrows before I gave up the game. Currently experimenting with tower building, have died more times to unstable structures than Zs :).
  4. /tangent RNGeezus is terrible mistress :). I am new. Last night I started a new game same 10k seed map that I've done the previous 6 starts. Except this time I looted a bag that gave me a schem for a forge. I have never even sniff'd its presence before. Then I died on day seven for being stupid......well not really, but trusting a wood building that until that event all basic wood buildings have proven to get me through the first horde night. Weird as hell since I have horde block damage at 50%. The raging debate for me, is whether to restart because I died or keep going because I have a schematic that through all my noob playing time have not seen before. I have gone as far as day 35 on one of my previous games. Not sure this is relevant to topic though, but odd to me the question in my head on what would drive me a to a new game. It is not the possibility of a new adventure, but the possibility of long play without a much needed tool. Maybe I am being unrealistic on whether or not I should know how to put some bricks together, etc. Maybe my character just got out of middle school :). I now there are mods to start with more basic knowledge, but argh! /end tangent
  5. I concur forest biomes, so far........are mostly empty or full of chickens and rabbits. I do see the ocasional bear/deer or boar. By ocasional is may once every 2 blood moons. I do like it when I get a crit bow hit on a dire wolf :).
  6. Probably has been suggested before. Anyways, IMO the damage should scale down over time with a zombie when hitting structure. I.e. first you loose fingers, then hands, forearm, arms, lower jaw. After that the zombie can try to repath to the player as a last gasp attemp tto do anything. I can understand demo guy blowing up big chunks or cop burping acid causing major damage. (As soon as I get familiar with the game, I will use one of the mods to take these out, I am not a zombie expert, but of the few genre I have seen, non have that mess :)). I have reduced AI block damage. But that is a set number, not a progressive number, right? If I have a stamina bar where I have to stop before another attack, then it can be similarly modelled to the AI as well?
  7. One problem with the first video. The narrator said "AFK Base".... those are doomsday words right there for that comptraption :). Regards, Rotor
  8. Disregard, i guess, I did not hold WASD long enough to notice. Zooming out on a 10k map took almost as long as the generation LOL. Thanks @Cpt Krunch
  9. Awesome sauce. Confirmed working. Much appreciated. Regards, Rotor
  10. I keep getting java error unable to launch or jnl. wether i run from within win gui or win cmd. I am the administrator on this machine.
  11. Well, I thought I could upload image from mega.nz but guess not, here is a link. https://mega.nz/file/Q5tUiLBR#4SXhKYnWRjBPQJbdhzT3n5r2bZgL5I45XbbkiWM54Hc Here is biomes PNG https://mega.nz/file/Msl0BLyZ#hHEz8FINqfE4EEUwMRsiQESGa33hNZ8kXjRvLiqFyDg Data output log text.
  12. Hello, I tried generating a couple of RWGs. The worlds are generating as expected and biomes PNG is created and I load to the game and everything appears to be okay. However, the preview screeen in the RWG is only showing me a zoomed in version of the map. I.e. I only see like one biome and a piece of the other, etc. I think I have tried all "usual" zoom in/out kboard controls, I am either missing the obvious or maybe my install is borked. Sorry no image. The hosting from URL is one of those BB features that, well havent gotten around to that. Regards, Rotor
  13. Rotor


    Rgr that. Thank you. Rotor
  14. Thank you for trying. I understand what you are doing. I am just one of the ones that likes to roam, not necessarily be within 1k of stuff to do. The biomes distribution and ability to roam at times without seeing a house is my playstyle :). I will just have to hit generate, and see what I get. I wont be running the ratings thing. I have done more searching around the forums. It appears KinGen might be my answer if it gets fixed for A20. Again, thank you. Regards, Rotor
  15. @JoeDaFrogmanHello, Great stuff, thank you for the work. I really like this map. Since I am new to the game it allows me to hide in the forest for the time being and the area distribution is more to my expections of a biome. Anyways, only one question. If I were to use your settings, but generate a 10k world instead, would like I get this result in a larger map? Or would that be a nasty curveball on the world gen? SomatologicalConsciences-8192 Again, thank you. Rotor
  16. Stupid question, I am sure. Do these puddle with water after a rain storm? Just wondering since they are on the map gen, and I have seen some in high mountains where one would think water would puddle after a storm. New to the game and just feeling my way through. Regards, Rotor
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