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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. Sledgehammer update is in the works:
  2. Thanks and glad you are enjoying the mod! However regarding your issue with Compo pack. Many of the prefabs in the pack aren't fully updated to A16 and some of the crates use player associated loot lists, therefore they will never spawn anything in them. If you could contact me on the discord channel and post some screenshots there with those containers in question, I might look them up in the game files, check what loot list ID they use and we can make this work for the future
  3. There's the problem. Most people don't use it, because it's very slow, bulky and isn't very useful compared to other alternatives. Perfect reason for me to make it more relevant
  4. Thanks! And I perfectly understand that, because many are relying on the launcher to play their mods, especially those that aren't too into computers and just want to try out various mods with 7 days to die.
  5. Hey there, any news regarding my issue I posted earlier?
  6. I haven't touched sledgehammers yet, so I guess so. I have to check the code, maybe I can improve it in the next version or so and I should probably make different material tips for it as well. Thanks for telling me about this
  7. Anyone who downloaded update, please redownload it, I forgot to include textures for Minibike UI. Now they should be properly included in the zip. Didn't increase the version number.
  8. New version is out, patch notes: Change: New UI while riding minibike. Change: Birds Nests when destroyed now will give twgis. Bugfix: Items made out of cloth material can be scrapped now again - Thanks leaderdog for reporting this bug. Bugfix: Starter quest chain was displaying wrong number of required wood to be gathered (because of the increased cost of planks in the previous patch) - Thanks Henrique for noticing this bug. Bugfix: Pickle Jar after consuming now gives empty jar.
  9. Made a new UI for the minibike for the next update to come:
  10. Lockpicking update is out - usable lockpicks! Patch notes: Change: Lockpicks can now be used to unlock gun safes, wall safes, desk safes, green drawers and many POI doors. Their price has been raised. Change: Lockpics can now be bought from traders. Change: Lockpics can now be crafted. Change: Knitters Loom is used to craft cloth fragments cheaper than by hand (crafting by hand is 2x more expensive now). Change: A handful of items have received updated descriptions.
  11. update is out, patch notes: Bugfix: Recipes weren't refreshing when you were trying to check what recipes an item is being used on unless the inventory recipe menu was open. Bugfix: Hud missing backgrounds for acquired items and active buffs. Change: New compass for the HUD, includes Core Temperature and Elevation level.
  12. Glad you are enjoying it! Sadly modding forums on steam for this game aren't very active and seems like people don't go there to look for mods that often.
  13. Mod launcher ignores this php header: header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mod.zip"'); As as result in TempMods folder I get download.php, but not mod.zip (the download.php is actually the zip file, but the mod launcher doesn't know how to handle it, because the extension is .php and not .zip as it should be based on Content-Disposition parameter).
  14. @Scorpo Sadek I'm glad you are interested in the mod, however it will not be available for mod launcher in the nearest future because of an issue on how the mod files are stored on my server, that's not quite compatible with the mod launcher. Until that's sorted out, you need to install it the old fashion way, aka manually and preferably on a clean game.
  15. Thank you for reporting that. I thought they were the same, so I didn't double check. I reuploaded server files for 72 slots, so it should be fixed now.
  16. New version is out, that fixes: Minor, but annoying bug, that I overlooked, where some item stats were overflowing the UI ( Revolver bug related to ammo and reloading, it had improperly defined ammo parameter ( Also for anyone not liking Patreon, but wishing to help me out with a donation, I added PayPal donation link to the main post.
  17. In the current version there are no changes to zombies or any other kind of entities. Until the UI isn't all finished, that's not on the radar for now. No problem, was glad to help out. And I have to work on that donation link!
  18. A new hotfix version v1.1.1.1 (very beautiful number lol) is out, that fixes your controller issues, patch notes: Bugfix: Controller cursor couldn't reach certain areas of the UI Bugfix: Cursor icons on item/perk actions were offset. For anyone not using a controller, you can still play v1.1.1.0 version of the mod, the new version only affects controllers. Also @stedman420 thank you for your information, it did help!
  19. @Zombizie The way the mod xml files were created would make it really hard for you to do anything about it, since all the changes are contained within a single line or a few lines of code. Files you are looking for are Data/Config/XUi/windows.xml and Data/Config/XUi/controls.xml, but to be honest I can't help you any more with any kind of guidance where things need to be changed without seeing myself what and where doesn't work. Edit: Thanks for the tip stedman420, I will try to look into that when possible.
  20. The mod should have no issues with Compo Pack, because it's running alongside compo pack on the test server. Regarding your second issue with the controllers, I'm sorry, it's just that I don't own one, so there is no way for me to test the compatibility with it.
  21. New version v1.1.1.0 is out! Patch notes: Bugfix: Wasteland Mechanic magazine learns Grease Monkey perk. Bugfix: Wooden Spikes can't be repaired. Bugfix: Welding torch can't be bought from traders. Bugfix: Whiskey no longer extinguishes fire. Bugfix: Fusion Cell has same stats as regular battery. Change: Most of the UI has been changed/updated and improved, both on visuals and under the hood (cleaner code). Change: Updated Minibike Chassis description text. Change: Updated Minibike Book to include new frames. Change: Updated ALL item descriptions. Some now include information where they are used as tools and what material you will get when scrapping. Change: Removed "Immunity from weather" buff (the icon that was always on) Change: Added description to Noodle Soup Package Change: Renamed Noodle Soup Bowl to Noodle Soup, added description Change: Fusion Generator has battery bank block model. Change: Black Suit Pants and Jacket are now craftable. Change: Iron Armor requires Welding Torch to be crafted. Change: Titanium Armor requires Advanced Welder to be crafted. Change: Animal Hide, Cloth, Leather and Scrap armor recipes altered and more difficult to craft. Balancing: Fridge Coolant moved to Smithing Table and requires Welding Torch to be made. Balancing: Increased the chance to find Bench Vice, Welding Torch, Tool and Die set. Balancing: Increased Meat Stew and Vegetable Stew stats to match ingredients used. Meat stew now will require less ingredients. Balancing: Noodle soup also increases stamina. Balancing: Updated automotive loot groups. Balancing: Changed stats for Fusion Cell and Fusion Generator. Fusion Cell price changed from 600 to 6000. Balancing: Altered Junk Car salvage components and probabilities. Included new engine parts as well. Balancing: Antibiotics no longer cure Infection Stage 4 New items: Canned Pineapples, Pineapple, Rotten Pineapple, Pineapple slice, Rotten Pineapple slice, Paprika, Rotten Paprika, Crankshaft, Piston, Engine Block, Engine Cylinder Head, Engine Oil Pan, Engine Intake Manifold, Engine Exhaust Manifold, Engine Manifolds, Engine Water Pump, Engine Oil Pump, Engine Parts, Lithium Battery Cells, Lithium Battery, Car Engine, Car Engine Recipe, Small Plane Engine, Lawn Mower Engine, Fine Fabric, Short Steel Pipe, Advanced Welder, Keyboard, VHS Tape, Steel Minibike Chassis, Titanium Minibike Chassis, Leather Strip, Brass Belt Buckle New blocks: Advanced Generator Bank (Requires Car Engines to run)
  22. Working on electricity related UIs:
  23. Descriptions are incomplete or missing for many items and over time I will fill them up correctly, but point noted, I will prioritize usable tool items first in terms of creating descriptions. I removed grayed out icons, because most workstations have more than 3 tools, that they can support and the game can't handle more than 3 tool slots, because starting with 4th slot game starts to dupe items. Regarding compass, it's something, that will be changed as well, yes. I plan to change ALL the panels/menus etc wherever possible over time. Priorities on what goes first though is based more on how much free time i have and what mood I am at, because sometimes creativity just isn't there for me some days. And now, remember there is this item in the game called "Spark Plug"? There will finally be use for it (my apologies beforehand for any auto technician out there, but I tried my best and for anyone else, that don't really love complicated recipes, I'm very sorry about that, but an engine is quite a complicated machinery):
  24. Didn't have much free time today, but I did manage to update a few things and clean up some of my old code for the UI. Some pics of new things (top navigation bar and sign edit panel):
  25. Current UI without changing scale would best fit if the backpack slot columns would not exceed 8, otherwise things might not fit into a 16:9 aspect ratio monitor. So it would best support maximum sizes of 72 (current), 80 and 88. Maybe it would be possible to squeeze in 96 slots, but that's the max the UI would handle with the current layout without it looking ridiculous. As you can see in above pics that minibike and creative windows are almost touching the window borders so only way to go is vertically. P.S. UI Scale is at 110%, previous Undead Legacy version, that's currently available is at 120% scale. Also for anyone, who will wish to play the mod with EAC enabled (server friendly), I will be making a 32 (vanilla) backpack size version too of the new UI.
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