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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. Created Discord channel: https://discord.gg/CZY8W2t (updated link, now permanent) As well as Trello page to track changes and to-do lists: https://trello.com/b/fx3ZjrOv
  2. Alright... so... I have done most of the stuff I wanted to do before testing and probably I will be starting to test it out gameplay wise tomorrow with some ppl to iron out any problems, that might occur.
  3. Some update notes for anyone who's been impatient I'm done with all the recipes (including scrap quest recipes) and items for the first iteration. Currently working on what blocks drop when destroyed or harvested and what resources they need to be repaired. Because of reintroduction of planks and twigs (previously known as sticks) as well as electrical stuff, many blocks will be changed and dismantling will be quite rewarding (approximately 60-80% of block creation cost in resources), so, for example, dismantling a door could yield planks, nails, hinges, door handles. Bonus notes: Regarding balancing: All the tool items in the game, that don't have quality will stack at 10, all consumables at 100, most items at 1000 and some basic resources such as scrap iron will stack up to 10000. Duke's coins at 25000. Most ammo at 500, heavier ones (pipe bomb, rockets) at 100. Teaser with the last items added to the mod: Note that after I'm done and it will be tested out and published, new items will be added over time as well as the UI will be fleshed out and default UI bits will be reworked to match the new style. Also I am considering a possibility in the future to edit the .dll file in order to increase the inventory size. I really don't want to do that, because it would require to disable EAC, but if testing gameplay will result in very hard inventory management, then it will be considered for future releases. If all goes well, testing could be started tomorrow or after tomorrow.
  4. I'll be hosting a private server for a small group of players for testing and balancing, since that way clients won't need to redownload the mod, but the server will push the xml changes. At the moment I'm focusing primarily on altering/creating recipes as well as changing what blocks drop when destroyed to accommodate the changes. Once done with that, it will be ready for testing. Any major UI changes and improvements will come a bit later.
  5. Not much. But once it will be out, the first iteration, I will be considering making a project under github, so that anyone interested in helping will be able to do so. The mod will probably also require a Wiki page too because of the overhaul changes on recipes, new items etc. From my point of view it's like a big expansion on top of the default game.
  6. So... good news, because I have some free time this weekend for working on the mod and I've been busy since the last post! ALL items/blocks, that require Electrical Parts & Electric Components have recipes revamped with the new components. Because of this change I also had to adapt, due to the fact, that many electrical items were scrapable to electrical parts or components. Thanks to the creative mind of Valmar (source: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?42142-Ammo-Dismantling ) I made it so that it will be possible to scrap many new items using the quest system. Here's an example: From the first glance it might seem, that everything is looking alright, however the description section of the "Quest" is actually generated automatically based on the recipe raw item names, that is used for making the item. Because of that fact, that some items don't have matching item name with item name in the Localization files, some of the items will show up with a different, but similar name. I decided to go this route because time is very valuable and I rather make the scripts generate descriptions & names than writhing them for every item by hand. This way I can focus on item recipes than writing the same code twice.
  7. I'm gonna be phasing out Electrical Parts and Electric Components out of the game, because for me, resources required to make them don't make sense and they will be replaced by other components for the recipes. Some of them craftable, some not unless there will be some high tech replicator introduced later into the mod. Here's one example: And in the image, because of this change as you can see, there are now two rows for required materials in the crafting menu. Also the last two items in the inventory are twigs, that will replace re-introduced stick items and a mouse trap, that is used as a component to make trip wire posts, because the trip wire post model has a mouse trap attached to it.
  8. Yeah, well being a grownup su**s, so much responsibilities and so little time for fun stuff. KorruptkSwades I really like your avatar
  9. I will try my best, also so that you know, my girlfriend is also impatient and wants me to finish it as soon as possible
  10. Sorry about that guys, I haven't had much free time lately, barely any in fact, been busy with real life stuff. Don't get me wrong here, I want it to be done, but it's not like it is my job or something. I don't get paid for this and I do it by passion for the game and to make the experience more enjoyable compared to vanilla. When there will be news, I will surely post. It's not like there is nothing else for you to do, besides waiting for some single mod ^^
  11. Maybe in the future, as of now I don't have plans to make it an SDX mod, so no custom models.
  12. Very happy to see all the interest in the mod! Thank you all! I'm about 1/3 done with adding/altering recipes. I have integrated back planks, sticks and ingots into the game as well as some other things. Recipes will be more interesting, but within reason obviously, since it's a game, I don't want it to be too hard core, but not as streamlined and easy as the default game. For the past few days I was busy with some RL stuff, but I'm resuming work on this mod starting form tomorrow. I know you guys can't wait to get your hands on it, but I don't want to rush things, since when it will be released I won't be able to shift things around much - change item/block IDs and sort/categorize items properly as well as incomplete loot list might result for new items not spawning in already generated map chunks. (I'm making and adding items if they are missing/needed while changing/adding recipes). And finally I don't want it to be a flop after the release, which is why I need some controlled debugging before going public ^^
  13. Hopefully it will be ready for play-testing/debugging by the end of this week (by a small group of people, that I will share it with on steam) and if everything goes well, next week perhaps? Well see
  14. A16 is out, already? And I'm here stuck at work, doing work stuff. I'm sure I checked it yesterday and it wasn't out yet and last build had so many bugs and glitches. Regarding the mod. I recently added Sulfur items and updated recipes on how to make gunpowder. It always bugged me, that you could make it just using coal and nitrate and don't worry, in the end it will be cheaper to make gunpowder than before, but only using chem station (7 coal + 2 nitrate + 1 sulfur = 10 gunpowder). And it will take me a few more days to add recipes for food and other things before play testing it.
  15. So I've been busy for the last couple of days tweaking the recipes and while I was doing that I realized, that I wasn't quite happy with how ammunition was done with the modifications I made with the mod. In the end I repainted almost all the ammunition related icons and here's the result: Currently in the mod there are following round types: 9mm, 10mm, .44 Mag, .357 Mag, 7.62x39mm, Shotgun Slug, Shotgun Shell, Rockets Bullets that are in 1st to 4th column can't be crafted and can only be found as loot. The idea for this was, that they are basically pre-apocalypse manufactured bullets. However from 5th to 7th column, those are DIY bullets, that have slightly lower stats than factory manufactured ones, since they don't have a coated lead bullet/projectile, but just crude lead poured into a mold in the forge. There are three types of bullets for each round type (except shotguns): Standard, Hollow Point and Incendiary. Incendiary has only DIY version, because they are basically a modified version of Hollow Point rounds with an igniting compound filled in the empty hollow end of the bullet. And here are the bullets and casings for respective rounds: To make the DIY bullets you will require to learn the required perks just as in the default game, but they will be divided into 3 perk levels: 1st lvl - standard round, casing and standard bullet; 2st lvl - hollow point round and bullet; 3st lvl - incendiary round and bullet. Casings, bullet tips for standard and hollow point are made in the forge, but the incendiary is made on the chemistry bench using the hollow point bullet as the base item. As for the shotgun stuff and rockets: They will get some love a little bit later on down the road, since they don't have much variety, just the regular shell and slug. Also, since the stacks are of 500 units for the ammunition, I made this stack for auto turrets, that can't be converted back to bullets or used as ammo for hand held guns: It's crafted from 9mm stock or DIY bullets, however this item will probably be obsolete once I get my time on increasing the slot count for the UI of auto turrets. And as an end note I would like to add, that all the bullets, gun parts and guns have balanced prices (based on existing costs and resource costs of making bullets) and recipes are all done, not to mention, that all the new icons are made with a resolution of 232x160, then scaled down to 116x80, that means that the images won't lose as much detail when rotated, scaled or clipped (such as adding bullets alongside the ammo boxes). Here's some examples: Next thing, that I am going to focus on are all the consumables and their recipes, that will come with the mod.
  16. I am considering it. But it will look slightly different, because the default game doesn't have 6 tool slots for the workstations as well as the inventory space of the minibikes basket is much, much smaller. My primary focus will still be updating/developing the mod, because the UI portion is just supplementary for the mod to give that feeling, that I want to achieve while playing it, since I'm not a big fan of the flat gray default UI. Note: If The Fun Pimps won't make drastic changes to the UI XML structures, it won't be difficult to keep it updated, since I'm not editing XML files by hand.
  17. Actually yes, but I was intentionally not posting anything on this thread, because I wanted to post only when I'm confident to release it for download. But since you have asked, then here's some progress update: Added a new workstation: Tool Bench, that is a workbench, that has tool slots on it. Currently used to craft ammo by using special tools such as Bullet Reloading Press and Hydraulic press to make bullet casings. Default ammo recipes removed from workbench. Added tool slots for chemistry station, because I plan to have tools. Added Mortar And Pestle tool for making paint and plan to add a molecular analyzer tool for making antibiotics. Added even more items (40+ on top of what I had), reintroduced molds - specifically for bullet making at the moment, because different bullet diameters can't have same size bullet tips. Too much to list, so here's a pic: http://i.imgur.com/XQWhv0N.png All the new organic related items such as food can be scrapped into organic waste, that can be used into crafting fertilizer. I will also go through the default ingame food items to make them scrap able as well. I've completed the first iteration of implementing all the new items within the loot.xml and rebalanced some of the existing loot probabilities, since I was unhappy to see, that most loot containers had a chance to get from 0 to 2 items, and most of them I changed: 1 to 3 items to also compensate the increased influx of new items, that can be gained. Currently I am working on adding recipes, that will integrate all the new items in the game, once it's done, I will pass the mod to some people to bug/balance testing before public release. Things, that will probably be done later after the release: Map UI, Skills UI, Journal UI, Quests UI, Players UI, Electricity related UI. ETA: Ready for A16 Non-experimental.
  18. I'm sorry to say, but it's not done and won't be for a while, because it's not a small mod nor a compilation of mods, it grew into quite a big project and I really wanted to contribute to the community, however real life got in the way and currently I have to devote some time on my university studies and had to put side projects aside. That doesn't mean I am abandoning the project, but more like postponed further development. I hope you understand.
  19. I was thinking about doing that, which is why I am using global color variables, that are easily adjustable. Exception is the border glow colors. I need to color them in a drawing program (using paint.net and gimp). Sadly currently am occupied with passing my classes at university, since the semester is ending soon, so sorry about the inactivity.
  20. I'm using powershell scripts to code the "core" of the mod. UI however is done through powershell scripts too, but I'm injecting blocks of xml code for the UI instead of generating the tags like for the core mod features. Here are some screenshots: And here's how one function looks for the script, specifically addItem function, that ads general item to the game: http://i.imgur.com/VLblR9r.png About item IDs, the script generates them automatically, but in a controlled manner and I can define the boundaries before generating the item xml code. I chose this way of making the mod instead of hand writing the code, because I was tired of finding and replacing the code directly and manually by hand whenever a new version of the game comes out. This way however I only need to worry if they remove certain item/block of the game or change their name and I have to adjust the names and that's it. About anyone else, that's been waiting for the UI, I will resume making this any day now.
  21. Server shouldn't require a wipe for the UI part of the mod. About ETA, ehh, when it's ready. Still haven't had time to catch up. Being a grownup has its downsides because of RL
  22. Thanks! About the backpack size: It's why I increased the minibike storage size to OP levels, because I don't want to introduce any dll changes or scripts with this mod outside of xml scope, since my main goal is to have the mod be friendly for multiplayer environment, that allows EAC Anticheat usage (yes it's crappy and doesn't protect much against Chinese hackers, but at least it's something). We will just have to wait when the devs release various size backpacks later on down the road and stick with the minibike storage being expanded (late game hoarding). Also Madmole talked about having a craftable motorbike at some point in the future, so I will adjust the storage later on as well, so that minibike will have 2x smaller inventory compared to the motorbike whenever it's coming out. Containers, that take up 2 block space will have more slots than those, who take up 1 block space, because I think that's just reasonable balancing. So Gun Safes and Fridges will have the most slots. (compared to Fallout 4, where a small lunchbox can contain all the loot you can carry if you wish). However if there will be many of you guys, that will want supply crates and other containers to have the same slot amount as a gun safe, I'll change that. I don't think its possible with current xml modding capabilities. With editing some core files maybe (dll mod with a script), but that would be a different kind of mod and then there would be no guarantee of it to work on a dedicated server, plus you would have to disable EAC Antichieat and I don't want that.
  23. Sorry, I can't say for sure, because I already wanted to make the UI ready last week, but couldn't make it so I don't want to promise anything then live with the feeling of guilt of not delivering in time AGAIN It will be ready when it's ready, sorry
  24. Sorry guys, I have so much stuff going on right now, haven't had much time to finish it up for release, because some homework had piled up at the university, have to sort that thing first. Also I remembered, I haven't done the traders window and I want to do it before release. And about this quote on the poll section: Lockpicking will come with A16 hopefully, so I won't touch that. And about better weapons/tools/recipes - yes, I will work on them later once I get the UI done to support everything I want to add later on down the road
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