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Everything posted by Gouki

  1. That is very rare, the same thing happened to me, no zombie and animal appeared to me, install the mod and they appeared to me, you can try to create a new game and perhaps it will be solved.
  2. Hi AmethystLainey I am currently using it, I have seen some animals, but if more zombies, set it to 45 zombies, 15 animals and 1 claim block, you can try adjusting it to your needs, but it affects performance, at least for me, that's why I lowered it from 75 zombies to 45. Before installing it, no zombie appears, I checked my configuration and everything was fine, I don't know why this error occurred.
  3. Thanks sphereii for updating the core, legacy distain terrain and the whole package, they work fine, great job what you do, improve performance a lot. Hi Pra3t0r 0f R0m3 When you compile the files with DMT, the program automatically copies them to the mods folder, it is not necessary that you copy them, you must create a folder outside (it can be on the desktop), there you must put the files that you are going to compile, at except for me so the program marks me, I use DMT 2.0.
  4. Hi dvl013112 I don't think so, it just makes the inventory big, you would have to install another mod for the vehicle inventory, try the stedman420 mod. I have that installed and no errors. link:
  5. Thanks Damocles Adding highways causes little performance, better I did not put anything. Great tool nitrogen
  6. Gouki

    DMT Modding Tool

    Thanks HAL9000 It worked perfect for me to compile the belt mod. Spherei Core y legacy distain Terrain,they cause an error when starting the game, it does not even reach the menu, I hope that spherei fixes it and that it works for A19.
  7. Hi Wyrm187 You need to start a new game, because in the already started it causes the trees to have 1 hit and you knock them down with one hit.
  8. Hi Scubahalo DUST2DEATH is right, it is not worth wasting time fixing the textures, with the A19 they will be changed, better enjoy what is still compatible. Cheers
  9. Hello everyone to avoid the problem of feeding in animals, you can eliminate the lines where you add what you feed with and leave them with a high or medium growrate, so I did it. Cheers
  10. Hi everyone I have fixed some bugs that I found: Fixed a bug where the seeds could not be planted, they disappeared (jungleseed, desertseed, alpineseed, palmseed), corrected the icon folder, now if it shows them. I currently use Baseline Biome Overhaul and Biome particles effects, A18.4 stable. Thank you very much DUST2DEATH,your effort is greatly appreciated.
  11. Thank you very much xyth and darkstardragon have clarified my doubts.
  12. Thank you xyth and all those who contribute to the creature pack, all your effort is greatly appreciated, day by day they improve this wonderful pack. Question, can survivors be put to attack zombies and bandits instead of running away? Cheers Gouki
  13. Exactly, you are absolutely right, regarding the graphics I think they are in second place, I do not see any sense in improving the graphics and letting much more important things happen.
  14. Hi psouza4 Nice model,Great job, keep it up regards Gouki
  15. Hi doughphunghus It would be very good to see something like you say, packages of materials, food, etc, I have currently made a mod to improve the steel block to carbine block which has a durability of 20000 and everything has worked correctly for me, too I have added radioactive mushroom, recipes, buffs, etc ... Having everything in a package would be great, but it takes a long time, that's what mods are for. Because if there are things you don't like about a package, deleting them can create conflict with other material, you don't think. regards Gouki
  16. Behemoth!!!!!! FInally!!!!!! Thanks xyth and everyone who made this possible, give new life to the game. regards Gouki
  17. Hi xyth Thank you very much for this great mod, something like that was needed, because those of TFP have not innovated anything in that regard. I really liked animals and humans, only that bandits are something to fear. Gouki
  18. Hi Gnex, only allows the spawning of prefabs in it to say a limit of 1 per map not per zone. Happy Holidays to all.
  19. Hi GneX,download the prefablist generator by Xylvier,with this you will know the right position and it's easy to use. Here: Prefablist-Generator by Xylvier https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wfp...hFInbvTuC/view Happy Holidays to all.
  20. Hi Cread,it's for the memory ram,apart you put lots traders near town and you have a mega city,better creates a map 8k and default traders,I hope that helps you. Happy Holidays to all.
  21. Good point, I better leave it in: none Thank you very much for the new experimental update and for you effort and work.
  22. Wonderful ,Damocles Great work,keep it up. Edit: quick question could be eliminated the radiation of border biome or is it harcoded.
  23. Thanks, great job the one you do and Magoli too.
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