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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Based on the data in the log, one of the connection ports was closed while the server was running. Hopefully them migrating to a different server fixes the issue.
  2. Might want to remove the mod. Just nuke the Mods folder. It fails to load because you installed it wrong, but still... Your log also looks like it shows normal exit. Just loaded it up and went back out again.
  3. Might want to remove the mod. Just nuke the Mods folder. It fails to load because you installed it wrong, but still... Your log also looks like it shows normal exit. Just loaded it up and went back out again.
  4. Could you post a full log on Pastebin? Instructions are Pinned.
  5. Yeah, I wrote a mod for this ages ago. Less Tree Seeds Reduces the chance to 20% for one seed. Has code inside for respawning trees as well if you want to enable that.
  6. Curious, exactly what it it you are trying to accomplish. Your settings are for 120 minute days with 18 hours of daylight. What about that isn't readable?
  7. The issue is usually caused by a sync problem with the player, or by them sitting on the death screen and not resurrecting before the server shuts down or they disconnect. Things like this are why I allocate space to perform regular backups so that if a player does get their data corrupted, it only takes me a moment to restore the backup from less than an hour prior. The game is in Alpha development. You might want to look up what that entails, and set your expectations more appropriately.
  8. I find that if you put them on the center of a block, and not towards the edge, they are much less likely to fall through. Placing them on terrain with openings like a cave somewhere below has almost always been a guaranteed drop for me.
  9. You know if we're going to judge by sizes, that'll be about 30FPS. Or maybe a fancy 60 FPS at 720p. Older stores may provide a bit of stuttering though due to older equipment. And forget your gamer tag. It'll never be spelled correctly!
  10. I'm sure most of them are just standing there logged into one of his servers too. I finally got the player kill Achievements knocked out about this time last year. For someone hosting PvP servers, it's a little surprising that GM hasn't gotten that one yet.
  11. As you surmised, It's been shown to greatly improve performance on AMD chipsets prior to the 3rd gen Ryzen. This is largely due to them having pretty pathetic multithreading support. Intel hasn't had an issue like that for a couple of decades.
  12. I'll admit that it's been a couple of years since the last data pull, but in every one done previously, PvP only made up 3-5% of the player base. A lot of people just play group co-op. Dedicated servers aren't the only source. We've even had a few public polls, and in those we saw the same results.
  13. What if you clean slate and try it on a fresh save?
  14. @Grandpa Minion Just curious but why is it that you always start these threads with inflammatory statements, but very little actual information; only to then later basically turn it into an advertisement for your server. (The advert isn't here yet, but I expect it will be coming along shortly as it usually does.) And on top of that, you're spouting about a supposed issue on an unstable experimental version that is likely to see at least one more update with changes before it goes live. So it's basically the equivalent of running around screeching that the sky is falling. Pro-Tip.. Anyone who wants to run a Stable PvP server wouldn't be running with the settings and configuration you have for your servers, and absolutely wouldn't be running on an unstable experimental build. Final note, killing off three percent of the total player base isn't killing off much that anyone really cares about. Especially when it is concerning a feature that the developer doesn't really consider a priority. The game is primarily designed for 8-player co-operative gameplay. Not 50 player PvP raiding.
  15. So the future of gaming in 2025 is basically every AAA studio being owned by either M$ or Tenecent, it's boring AF. I mean at the rate these guys are buying studios lately...
  16. Your connection issue is not related to these messages in the log.
  17. It's even listed in the patch notes. Please do a little bit of research before starting a thread. It will save you a lot of time.
  18. Yes can confirm. Sleeper respawn is now tied to the loot respawn timer. Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
  19. Try it again with the "Perform a clean installation" option ticked under Advanced/Custom install. It's still failing on DirectX so you might try re-running that installer as well.
  20. I'm not seeing anything in the log indicating an issue. What do you mean by "removed steam line from config"?
  21. Use software like Duplicati and set up incremental backups. That way you can have a lot of backup storage, without taking up a lot of space. Duplicati is also one of the few that will successfully back up the files when they are in use. You can also upload to cloud storage easily with it if you are so inclined.
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