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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Step 1. Make your user admin. Easiest way is to log into the server, connect to telnet, and then type "admin add YourName 0" Step 2. Follow previous steps. The path for the files will depend on how you configured your server, but you should be able to find it referenced in the logs.
  2. While you are in-game logged into the server, use the console command createwebuser It will prompt you to open the link is a browser, and there you will create your logein. Literally the first line in your image tells you what to do.
  3. Since a20.4 custom prefabs were stored in the save folder. Nuke everything in the Save folder. When we see those errors, it is usually because you have modded prefabs there. As for the server admin file. A lot has changed since a20. Backup your old file, and delete it. Then let the game make a new one. Then add your admins in via the console. You can then copy the blacklist and custom command permission sections over to the new file if needed.
  4. First thing I see is an invalid entry in your serveradmin file. 2023-06-30T01:58:39 1.250 INF Loading permissions file at 'd:\home\sid_5251713\sevenDaysLatestExperimental\saves/serveradmin.xml' ArgumentException: Not a valid SteamID: 105386699540688 Parameter name: _steamId at Platform.Steam.UserIdentifierSteam..ctor (System.String _steamId) [0x00031] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 at Platform.Steam.UserIdentifierFactory.FromId (System.String _userId) [0x00000] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 at PlatformUserIdentifierAbs.FromPlatformAndId (System.String _platformName, System.String _userId, System.Boolean _logErrors) [0x0006f] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 After that it throws a ton of errors on prefabs indicating that you didn't fully scrub old data out. Have to remove all remnants of old saves, mods, and custom prefabs.
  5. Since a20.4, you need to identify the platform. Steam ID's have Steam_ in front, Epic has EOS_, and Xbox has XBL_ You can also use entity ID or player name if they are logged in.
  6. Add your information to that report then. More data can help them fix it faster. Making a new thread doesn't do anything but cause clutter.
  7. Bug reports go here. Huge red banner at the top. QA will typically not investigate unless you submit it as a bug report and in the bug report forum as explained by clicking on the red banner above. It has to be posted in the Bug Pool section.
  8. The a20 version should work as long as you have it.
  9. Player data file is corrupt. Follow the instructions in the blue banner to scrub everything.
  10. The dew collector is only working when it's making water. If it fills and you haven't emptied it, it is not doing anything and not generating heat.
  11. CPM has this option. It's in the Server Manager thread that is Pinned.
  12. This was actually a proposed feature at once. Decay over time requiring you to maintain your base, so that inactive bases would degrade and disappear, and additional randomness to simulate other factions occupying POI's. I believe it was determined that the overhead required for such a mechanic would be too costly. IIRC, that was around a13-a15 that it was discussed.
  13. There is a difference between cost to acquire, and cost to maintain/use.
  14. Please take a moment to head over to the Console section of the forum, and read the numerous announcements, banners, and Pinned threads over there. All the information you need has already been given. You really just need to look around and do some research before starting a thread.
  15. Yeah, it's not using a GPU at all. From your log... "Renderer: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (ID=0x8c)" Some of the characters are messed up in your Speccy report, because you didn't just publish it. I don't see anything wrong offhand other than an older GPU driver. Download and install the latest driver from here. GeForce Game Ready Driver | 536.40 | Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 | NVIDIA Be certain to choose the option to not install the GeForce Experience bloatware (unless you really really want it I guess), and under advanced options, choose "Perform a clean installation". Also, you need to ensure that your system is set to use the discrete GPU by default, and not the setup on the motherboard. (You don't have a driver installed for it at all that I can tell. Should have been included with the drivers for the MB. Not having a driver for it to be detected properly could also contribute to your issue.) Also note that your motherboard has the "Killer" network components. Do note that the bloatware software they load for those will tank your network performance for most things. I don't see it loaded and running, but a fair warning in case you ever want to install it.
  16. Really think about it though. There needs to be a cost. Just like firing up 20 forges has a cost in generating heat. Or 20 campfires. Or Chem Stations. Or Workbenches churning through ammunition crafting. Or cement mixers as they churn through making mix. Keep your operation small and quiet, and it isn't a problem. Start mass production on a factory scale, and you're going to make a lot of noise that attracts zeds. All they have done is given the dew collector the same cost as the other crafting stations. Maybe the current level of heat generation is a bit high, but that could be adjusted. It generates a balance in gameplay mechanics. There needs to be some risk for setting up a field of workstations.
  17. If you didn't put it in the right place, it isn't likely to be seen.
  18. Bug reports go here. Huge red banner at the top. QA will typically not investigate unless you submit it as a bug report and in the bug report forum as explained by clicking on the red banner above. It has to be posted in the Bug Pool section.
  19. I'm not so certain it's in response to something. They forgot to add the heat to the Workstation and Cement Mixer as well. Both of those got their heat added back in with this update.
  20. I mean, as far as I can tell, they are treating it just like every other workstation. Is that TFP's official answer? I dunno. From a gameplay perspective, it does make sense though.
  21. Bug reports go here. Huge red banner at the top. QA will typically not investigate unless you submit it as a bug report and in the bug report forum as explained by clicking on the red banner above. It has to be posted in the Bug Pool section.
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