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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Huge stack of errors loading the prefabs. I would nuke the entire client folder and re-download it fresh. Then start a new save. Make sure you don't have any prefab data from old mods laying around in your %appdata% folder.
  2. Bug reports go here. Huge red banner at the top. QA will typically not investigate unless you submit it as a bug report and in the bug report forum as explained by clicking on the red banner above.
  3. You should be wiping the entire save between experimental updates. Without details and logs from the server, it's hard to tell you more.
  4. It's only active when they are filling. If they are sitting there full and not collection, then there is no heat generated.
  5. Update just dropped. Nuke everything and try again. Wipe all appdata for 7 Days, and nuke your client. Clean slate the whole thing.
  6. It's Pinned in General Discussion. 🙂
  7. Ahh, I see. Yep it was just something dumb I was missing. TY
  8. Ok, so at this point we're all familiar with the HP bar and how to enable it. What I would like to do is make it a bit smaller, and only have the name of the entity with no number stats. I can see what it is I want to change, but I'm having some trouble working out exactly how to line that up in Xpath. My first attempt was the following, but the last four lines don't get applied. <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowTargetBar']/@visibility">always</set> <set xpath="/windows/rect[@visible='{isnotboss}']/@height">28</set> <set xpath="/windows/label[@name='TextContent']/@font_size">24</set> <set xpath="/windows/label[@name='TextContent']/@justify">center</set> <set xpath="/windows/label[@name='TextContent']/@text">{name}</set> I figure it's because I'm misunderstanding the way to apply the values. I'm trying to get the window to be a bit shorter, and center the name of the zed, so basically I want to take this... <window name="windowTargetBar" controller="TargetBar" visibility="godmode"> <!-- never,godmode,always --> <rect pos="-200,-85" width="400" height="36" visible="{isnotboss}" > <sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" type="sliced" width="400" globalopacity="false"/> <filledsprite depth="2" name="BarContent" type="filled" color="200,0,0,180" width="400" fill="{fill}" globalopacity="false"/> <label depth="3" name="TextContent" pos="9,-4" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="left" pivot="topleft" text="{name}:{currentwithmax}" height="30"/> </rect> And probably have it come out similar to this.... <window name="windowTargetBar" controller="TargetBar" visibility="godmode"> <!-- never,godmode,always --> <rect pos="-200,-85" width="400" height="28" visible="{isnotboss}" > <sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" type="sliced" width="400" globalopacity="false"/> <filledsprite depth="2" name="BarContent" type="filled" color="200,0,0,180" width="400" fill="{fill}" globalopacity="false"/> <label depth="3" name="TextContent" pos="9,-4" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{name}" height="24"/> </rect> Again, I'm almost certain it's something stupid simple I'm overlooking, like somehow I need to target the rect inside the window name windowTargetBar.
  9. A similar feature was actually tested for a bit. RWG would create the spawn points to be within X distance of a trader POI, or just near that end of the city on the road. In the end, it was better for the overall experience to continue in a similar fashion to how it is now. I think the distance to the trader may be clamped some, so that you aren't 1-2km away when you spawn in. Also may just be coincidence, but on the last several maps I had made, most of them spawned me in within 50 meters of a T1 or T2 POI.
  10. That is curious. I brought it up, and we will see if they can get that fixed.
  11. Sure. Here is the top of the page of instructions... That button will open a new report in the Bug Pool section. You can also open that section by simply clicking on the address above. Once in that location you will see the "Add new report" button, as well as an "Add New Record" button that does the same thing. You can also see on the right the categories to peruse to see if the issue is reported already so you can just add your information to it instead of making a duplicate like the one linked above by NekoPawtato. After that, it's basically the same as making a forum thread. Just be sure you copied the form and provided all of the details. All in all, it's pretty straight forward. The buttons and information are literally right there.
  12. Which is exactly why you would post a new report in the correct section. The Support forum is not the correct place. It would need to be posted in the Bug Report pool. I provided links to the locations, along with the link that shows you the Known Issues list and takes you to the instructions on how to report an issue. Which you managed to copy correctly, but then went and posted in completely the wrong section where QA won't see it. Which seems to be a real problem lately. The ability of the average player to read and follow instructions correctly is quite lacking. Do people need a YouTube video put together because reading is hard? EDIT: No, that wouldn't work, because it would require research to find the video.
  13. Bug reports go here. Huge red banner at the top. QA will typically not investigate unless you submit it as a bug report and in the bug report forum as explained by clicking on the red banner above.
  14. Yeah, sometimes you just get a bad egg. I had a nice Corsair 850 Gold die after only a year and a half. Then it's replacement only lasted about 8 months. I switched brands, and went with an MSI MPG A850GF. My previous PSU was an OCZ Fatal1ty 750W that lasted about a decade, and then was replaced under FirePower with a similar unit, but the 24-pin connector plug was completely different so it's useless, and they were being a pain to work with in getting one. Had to run to Microcenter and grab something, so I got the Corsair.
  15. Been there, done that a few times. Usually if the CPU is crashing under load, it's because the PSU isn't able to supply the necessary power. PSU's degrade over time. The longest I've had one last is about a decade.
  16. I could if you had given us any real information to work with. Would need logs at a minimum. Information on how you set it up could be useful as well.
  17. I'm thinking the spikes may be more related to the CPU getting throttled. Common problem with laptops. If you can ensure it's adequately cooled, and maybe even get a separate cooler (I have one for mine), that might help. I set mine to max fan, have the cooler, and force it into maximum performance. Also because of the laptop CPU, drop your resolution to 2650x1440. Ultrawide isn't doing you any favors with a voxel game. Higher resolutions require more CPU performance. We have a similar screen, and run the game like this without issues. We're on an R9 3900X and RX 6800XT's. In terms of performance, our system is only about 10% faster than yours.
  18. 1. Absolutely ensure that the client is excluded from Defender. You cannot actually turn Defender off, so it must be excluded. Do both the game client folder, and the save folder in %appdata%. 2. The 12-th and 13-th gen processors have had some real performance issues because of the E-cores, and the way Intel is clocking the CPU's to a set temperature instead of by load. Disabling the E-cores, and ensuring maximum cooling is available. 3. Kill Teamviewer while playing. It's virtual GPU could cause an issue. 4. Turn off Ambibox. RGB and similar software has been shown to cause issues in the past with Unity games. SteelSeries is supported though. 5. If it's still giving you trouble, try dropping to 1080p. That GPU can handle the game at 1440p all out no issues, but your weak link is the CPU with Intel's weird architecture no one is coding software for. Also note that because of the architecture on that CPU, you're going to see about a 15-20% improvement in performance with Windows 11 over Windows 10 with an application like 7 Days. Most things you won't see a lot of difference with though. Yet another grab by Microsoft to get you to switch to 11.
  19. Bug reports go here. Huge red banner at the top. QA will typically not investigate unless you submit it as a bug report and in the bug report forum as explained by clicking on the red banner above.
  20. Drive should have 40% free space for optimal operation. Less than that and performance will suffer.
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