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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    Is the game not supposed to not give quests with LCBs or bedrolls already in them? I thought it would ignore those POIs. If not, it should. It shouldn't take a third party tool to accomplish that.


    No, it doesn't do a check before it randomly chooses a POI. Doing that would require a LOT of overhead. 

  2. Corrupted player data on host. 

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at GameManager.PlayerId (System.Int32 _playerId, System.Int32 _teamNumber, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile, System.Int32 _chunkViewDim) [0x0005d] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at NetPackagePlayerId.ProcessPackage (World _world, GameManager _callbacks) [0x00000] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection, ClientInfo _clientInfo) [0x000c8] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x0016a] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 

    Host will need to go into the Players folder inside of the Save folder for that game, and delete your files. Should be something like EOS_0002e19bdc834556b5c5dc8bc1a41dbe.ttp and .ttp.bak

  3. A few things for this.


    1. The game is designed for co-op gameplay with a maximum number of eight players. It is not designed for public MMO servers with 30-50 players.


    2. Server owners have the ability to use 3rd-party management mods which can prevent this. Not only can they select options to disallow bedrolls and LCB's in all POI's, but they can also choose just the quest POI's to be restricted, or to restrict only specific POI's that they choose. These managers also allow the ability to restrict entire regions, or even custom drawn areas.


    So really the issue isn't the game itself, but in how it is being used, and in how poorly some people are at managing a server when they choose to exceed the specs the game is designed to.

  4. 5 hours ago, ungkor said:

    They change things so drastically alpha to alpha

    I mean, that is basically what Alpha game development is. They are still designing the core features and mechanics of the game. It is the time period in development where you try something, like it or not, and then try something else if you don't like it or get a different idea about how you want the game to be.


    One of the main reasons for changes to loot balance, locking things behind gates with the magazine system, and jar removal, is to extend the gameplay of the game. It's to make it take a bit longer for you to become heinously overpowered. I mean look at Alpha 16. You could be fully equipped so no horde was a challenge in just a couple of game weeks. People were complaining that the game was too easy, that it got boring too fast. So the developers decided to stretch out the initial gameplay to a span of 30 hours. Now they have decided to make that closer to 50 hours.


    And unlike many other studios, TFP has made it so that most of the previous Steam releases are still available to you. So if you liked a16 the best, you can keep on playing it.

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