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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. That is a warning, and not an error. It can be ignored.


    Your real issue lies elsewhere. Most likely a file was corrupted and then got reset. Would need you to post your logs to be certain. The instructions are Pinned.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    I wish they gave streamers Thursday and Friday so we could play it over the weekend. 


    TFP devs have been pushing hard on getting the build ready. They would rather have a weekend off to let a larger audience test and find game-breaking bugs they may have missed.  You would not be getting a release over the weekend regardless of whether streamers get to test.

    And to be very clear, the release on Monday is an opt-in unstable experimental build. It is not a solid release you should be looking forward to long-term play on.

  3. 1 hour ago, FramFramson said:

    You know, all the talk about new triggered one-time events reminded me to ask:


    Is the fact that the propane tank at Scarecrow Farms* explodes if you so much as look at it funny from the street actually an intentional scripted event?


    *(I think this is the POI name. The one with 4 trailers for temporary farm workers and the very dense cornfields with only a single living cornstalk.)



    LOL I remember when I first ran into that when testing.  That is one of my favorite POI's now.

  4. 34 minutes ago, MarcusFenix1983 said:

    There used to be a minimap? Must've been before I started playing (2019 on console)


    Yeah WAY before the TellTale flop on the console. Alpha 8 was in 2013. 

  5. Minimap was removed in Alpha 8. I don't believe a return for it is planned at all.


    Definitely too late for a feature like that to make 1.0 release or any that lands in the next year anyhow.

  6. Yep, those E-Cores are going to be an issue. Either disable them, or use software to circumvent their use. If you want Performance without spending a fortune, AMD is where it is at. Has been that way since the 3000-series released. They are even kicking Nvidia's ass as a 6900XT will run the same or better performance as your 4070Ti for nearly half the price. The only reason to get the Nvidia card would be for RayTracing, and that is a pretty steep markup for a single feature that isn't used in 90% of games that exist. Those basement bargain drives will end up costing you in the long run as well. A Sabrent or Samsung drive costs only a slight bit more, is 33% faster, and has a track record as being one of the most reliable drives around. Your choice by SK Hynix is about as reliable as any off-brand product like Kingston or Inland performance. Expect failure to occur within a year or two instead of around a decade from now.


    Some reading for you because you will run into issues with Intel chips if you decide to stick with that choice.





  7. 8 hours ago, Shermoney99 said:

    yeah, i know there is a bunch of support for setting up serves, and I'm appreciative for that. i was just unsure if the current server information would work for the final release. thank you!


    There may be some minor changes to configuration settings, but that is about it. It isn't like they are suddenly making drastic changes to how things function.

  8. 10 hours ago, Space4Ace said:

    Just to be clear, The Fun Pimps are now around 70 people (Rick mentioned it in one of the 1.0 dev streams). 30 people was years ago.

    Some of the team are working on a, still unannounced, Unreal engine game. It's hard to say how many people are still on 7 Days to Die. So your 30 people could still be accurate, at least for 7 Days to Die. 😁


    Last I was aware, it was mostly just a few artists that did not have any current work on 7 Days to do. I would imagine there are still 60+ working on 7 Days. 

  9. 3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Make sure you are running Steam as administrator 


    That should not be necessary in most cases. The one exception would be if you are on a limited user account, which is not common.

  10. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:

    Y'know, in all honesty... the current console version should have been delisted from the Playstation Store and the Microsoft store as soon as.. no, right before, 1.0 was announced. It's kind of dishonest to keep it up there, as a lot of folks are buying it now thinking it's 1.0.


    Is it up to the customer to do their research first? Yes, of course. Is it scummy to keep the old version up until right before the new game is released? Incredibly.


    IMHO it should have been de-listed like three years ago. At that time I don't believe TFP had the ability to do so though.

  11. 2 minutes ago, GoldenFox said:

    on a side note: why do you use such a big font to write?, it's a little bit annoying to read, but maybe it's just me.


    Most likely they are using a translator app and just copy-pasting the text. Forum's default is to copy formatting as well.


    Also correct. I don't believe TFP have any plans for animal husbandry, and they have said this numerous times. Thankfully, they designed the game to be modded from the ground up, so you can get a mod for that.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    My thing is when are they going to add hand models for food I'm tired of eating the piece of bread

    That is what the OP is talking about. IMHO it looks like food wrapped in wax paper. One that has been used a few times already.


    Pretty sure there are plans to update this, but they are probably at the back end of the list of things to work on because it isn't as important as a lot of other features and balancing.

  13. 40 minutes ago, treos said:




    turns out this problem is actually more common that you tried to make it out to be. and it looks to be a problem that dates back as far as 2020, if not further.


    edit: resolved. it was nothing i could do to fix it. it was this FING DAMN WINDOWS 11 OS BEING STUPID!


    rebooting the pc fixed whatever in WINDOWS had broken.


    so, who knows. this whole situation could've been cause by literally ANYTHING when that is the fix.


    Sounds like you had a Windows update partially installed that was pending a restart.  This will often cause problems with network connectivity, and other software issues.

  14. You happen to be on an Insider Preview build?


    If Steam is truly in Offline mode, you would not get the error message about it being unable to initialize a connection.


    However, if you are running an obsolete OS that is no longer supported or one that behaves abnormally because it is still in development, Steam will have problems like this.


    Since you have now excluded the game, validate the files three or four times. Once never fixes everything, and the second pass isn't much better.


    Edit:  Also note that today is Steam Maintenance day. It could be possible that the Steam authentication servers in your area are just offline.

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