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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. 57 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    I think you are being sarcastic? I am terrible with sarcasm.  I just want to make him work harder to find the next busted thing so TFP can keep fixing force fields untill they are entirely gone.

    A popular 7 days streamer beat you to it.   Jawoodle managed to figure it out within 20 minutes about a week ago that the exact same blocks you posted can be used to stifle the zed AI.

  2. 7 hours ago, Speaking The Truth said:

    I just wanted to express my gratitude to this bit right here. You are making it clear that you disagree with me, without being disrespectful. There is not enough of this as of late and I appreciate the response to the topic.

    Honestly, I hope im getting better at this.  Roland is a mountain of grace and I look to him as an example.  Thank you <3


    In my experience, I don't nearly see as many dog or wolf packs anymore.  I'm often very much checking my sight lines, and I know when I see a dog carrier in a POI i give it a wide berth if I feel I can't take it.

  3. It always amazes me when I hear about folks that never see any screamers spawn ever.

    And then I read this where there's 15-20?   Wasn't there a discussion some time back about there being a cutting off point for exponential screamer summons?


    Also, remember to check other setting and make sure that these things are scaling with your difficulty level.  That might be part of the problem.


    My experience is that I run into one every so often because of my stations running.  Sometimes they ladder screamer summons but it's not very common for me.

    In a horde night situation, they seem to show up at the end after several minutes of full auto fire.   I almost never see them before that.

  4. eh...


    No one complains about the wolves because old oldbies have been there, done that.  It is meant to be one of the challenges of the game.   Be glad you weren't here for the ninja bear brigades or the invisible zombie dogs.  Sure its annoying.  Dying to something superior to a fresh spawn is really frustrating.  But it is one of those things you learn to develop a sense of 'gotta stay away from all that for the time being'.   It's the same with all the difficult content in the game.  You could skip most of the safer biomes and go straight to the wasteland if you like.  Experience directs what we may consider what is fun and what isn't.  Sure, dying early to a wolf pack kinda sucks - but.. the early game is meant to be deadly.  The game doesn't just decide that like it doesn't make any sense.  Since this has been in the game for so long, I must assume at this point that it is  intended gameplay.   Pro tip:  If you're surrounded, get to kiting.


    And your argument for what is easy or hard in a horde night is kinda a YMMV argument.   There are really only two ways to run a horde night.  1.  Looking good, looking good.  or 2.  HOLY CRAP THEY BREACHED.   What you are missing in this is the idea of examination of what that problem is meant to instill.   Was there a weakness in your base design?  Did you take everything into account?  What could you have done better?  When you are able to examine the failings of a base, then you're in a position to make a determination about how to do it better and more efficient.   Without specific examples, what you're offering is in the abstract at best.  'Sore Thumb'?  'Crazy Cement Pyramid'?

    What do you consider 'natural and in sync with the game?'   Do you realize someone else is gunna have different ideas of what those things mean?


    I gotta be honest, I've not seen a Pyramid base since like.. 16.4.   I didn't even think that they were interesting or efficient back then either.   And if you're here to make a case for 'cheese bases' then believe me, no one is gunna wanna hear it but other people that have hard line opinions of what 'cheese bases' are, and the criteria for which varies from poster to poster.   TBH, it's sort of implied with the type of AI that the zombies have - you're sort of meant to take advantage of that.   Now, we all know that the zombies are beefy AF, olympic trained swimmers, and now with the ducking mechanic they have become MMA fighters as well - If you're against cheese, then don't do it.  It's really that simple.  You have choices.   Your choices may or may not yuck someone else's yum.  So be prepared for that.  What you think sucks or is hard to look at, may in fact - be one of the best options someone might have that is limited to a specific playstyle (I'm looking at you INT specs and your area denial tactics).


    You're meant to learn from those clutch moments.    And while I wont just come out and spit the 'git gud' trope, but sometimes a little bit of self examination makes all the difference.

  5. 3 hours ago, Howlune said:

    There is no reason not to rush wasteland and get T6 every other loot container before you even hit level 70. Theres barely a reason to craft anything now because of this.

    Point of contention:  To rush is a choice.   A choice not everyone is going to make.


    No one is pushing people toward it.   It might be incentivised but that comes with a difficulty attached, and it requires a lot of ammo to secure locations just so you CAN loot them.


    There are plenty of reasons NOT to rush.  On my MP server, we put up a quick and dirty base in the Wasteland before we even know what to expect and it's a constant resource drain to maintain it +me +5 others.  The total amount of resources we use up on just a daily basis did not meet the rewards we were given.  To quote you right back, 'Just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should.'

  6. So let me see if I am framing this correctly.

    Coords are being posted via a bug.  Coords that people don't actually have a full sense of when its comes to actual virtual location?  I mean some folks can be good, but the actual map environment has a role to play and that compounds that difficulty by quite a lot.


    and you're worried that someone out of that small percentage of people who can read that and understand it perfectly will find you?

    and you're worried that someone out of that small percentage of people who can find you, will execute you instantly?

    and you're worried that because of that small percentage of people who can kill you instantly, from a perfect understanding of virtual coordinates is going to kill the PVP community of this game on PVP MP servers?

    I mean.. this is just about something as simple as kill counts right?   Because I posit this is more about ego than actual gameplay.


    My question to the OP:   If the pillars of heaven are shaking this bad, why not just report it properly?

  7. 11 hours ago, GlyphGryph said:

    I was sure I remembered them doing so in previous versions but I've realized I haven't actually witnessed it in a long time now, never seen it in a20 at least, and was wondering if it still happens and maybe why I haven't seen it.

    I honestly loved this about spider zombies.   I kinda miss it.

  8. On 1/15/2022 at 11:22 AM, canadianbluebeer said:

    Remember trying to find out just where your minibike was after it bugged in 16?




    I see your Ugh and I raise you a 'Holy Crap how the hell did it end up in a wormhole to the delta quadrant?'

  9. A lot of my friends that I play MP with wanted to do Navezgane when a20 dropped.  One fly through on Navezgane convinced me that wasn't a great idea

    because the best thing that was advertised about RWG was all the cool new city stuff.  Navezgane did not see a lot of upgrades at all, and the map is not

    8k.  There's nothing wrong with playing Nav, but when you know every single crag of it by heart, and you know what path you wanna take to get what you

    need - I don't see it as being particularly exciting anymore.  Even though all the big cities have all the same stuff, the randomization of city blocks make

    it nuanced enough to be considered a scenery change.

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