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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:

    Saven uses what information is given, including your dismissive and condescending attitude towards players who disagree with the Fun Pimps.


    Everyone uses what information they are given.  Some people are not given all the information, and are generally taken as misconstrued when their opinions are up against people who have all the inside information.   That doesn't make them condescending.  That means they are trying to get through to you, and you're not listening.  Let that stew under your helmet for a wee bit.   Taking a single sound bit, removing the context, and projecting your own hot take on that is literally the textbook definition of lazy research.

  2. On 10/18/2022 at 11:33 AM, saoron666 said:

    lately its been so quiet, no updates, no motions in the game..

    was wondering whats going on either than the event..

    This could be construed as a controversial point but:


    While you sleep, the world makes plans without you.

    Same can be said for game devs.  :D

  3. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    No less likely than turrets. If an entity renders before the terrain around it does then away it goes. 

    Ugh.  Yeah okay, I've seen this phenomena before, but it's not universal.  If you could make this happen to road clutter and rocks, so I can drive through open areas at breakneck speeds, that would be lovely.


    The amount of @#%$&$%* shopping carts I hit in the road as they render makes me wanna pull my hair out.


    And before you ask, no I do not have road rage tendencies.

  4. 16 hours ago, Jinx_DG said:

    It is possible to actually sneak into the room, sneak move around the room to better postion oneself for a sneak shot. I do this all the time. This is made even easier if you are doing a clear quest as the little red dots give away the zeds postioning. Granted if not for a quest then clearing a poi in sneak is challenging and sometimes the zeds will get the jump on you (as they should), at least until one is familiar enough with the poi and possible zed placement. What should not, nor ever happen is for a player to be able to kill Every Single Zed from an open doorway in sneak. That's..... just lame and defeats the purpose of choosing a sneak style of play. Having that happen for one or two, here or there I can see, but never all zeds. 


    But but but that means Scyris has to take responsibility for their own playstyle failings!    It's so much more fashionable to rage against Devs and call them out!

  5. Youcantgetridofme:   "I'm angry and I'm leaving damnit!"

    TFP:  ...

    Youcantgetridofme:  "I meant it!  I'm so done this time!"

    TFP:  ...




    Youcantgetridofme:  "I'm serious!  I'm so done with this game!"

    TFP:  "Okay, see ya."

    Youcantgetrideofme:  "I'm gone already!  See ya, bye."




    Young Man Crying To Get Bad News On Phone Stock Image - Image of ...


    ONE YEAR LATER (with a new account/name change)





  6. On 10/12/2022 at 12:42 PM, ElDudorino said:

    The armor thing is a good point. Like in The Walking Dead, one character wears full riot armor for part of a day and can just walk through a horde of zombies shrugging off their bites. But then he gives it away and apparently it's the only armor on the planet because it never happens again and everybody goes back to walking around in tank tops and just hoping bites don't happen.


    In reality, even on a hot day you'd probably cover up at least your most bitable parts.

    I would scarcely consider wearing heavy riot armour and just walk through crowds of zeds.  Even if it protected you 100% from bites, you better hope you have amazing cardio or you're gunna run outta energy fast.   I did combat sports when I was younger and those 3 minute rounds of full contact can be devastating for some folks, and that's with just the basic protective gear.  But, for biting zombies - keeping pace - and using your body for quick escapes, I bet cardboard and duct tape could go a long way.

  7. I'm good with all necessary survival skills, but the moment I'd have to run for my life my mobility issues would be a serious detriment to that.

    To compensate (given enough time) I'd make some kind of padded bite resistant armour that I could use while riding some kind of motor vehicle.


    I live in a pretty large city too.  Luckily, there's a lot of very good bug out zones in my state.   This has led me to believe that I'd prolly spend more time

    fighting other survivalists than fighting the undead. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Roland said:


    He just wants A16. These threads always sprout from the A16/A17 fork. It take about 6 months of internalized dreaming of "What if the devs had done all the A18, A19, and A20 improvements on the A16 foundation instead of the A17 foundation?????" before it has to spill out into an angry post about how the game all went wrong in 2019.

    I get that, but at this rate - and with the amount of new players were getting into the forums (which is great!) each one of these re-hashed threads sounds more and more like gaslighting.   I'm not using this term lightly either.   I've seen it happen before and I'm really not wanting to sit in silence about this kind of selfishness.  This is one or two people dressing up a stealth problem as a developer problem, and then saying it's everyone else's fault they aren't able to evolve past it.    They wrap a noose around their neck and then complain that someone tied 12 knots into it instead of 13.  It's just silly.


    And I'm honestly cool about people liking, wanting, and needing A16 to stick around.  It's a fabulous edition.  It holds a lot of nostalgia for me.  I play it every now and then to remember my glory days too.

  9. On 10/8/2022 at 4:25 PM, Melange said:

    Meh, if you can't take the extra seconds to parse long (large) numbers into groups of three (should have learned this ability before junior school), and understand what the hell it is that you are looking at, then well, don't try to count your money. I can help. For a small fee.

    Are you trying to middle-man the subtext of my own idea back at me?   That's bold.

  10. On 9/21/2022 at 11:16 PM, Mob_1262 said:

    Anyone else wish there was a flamethrower of some sort of fire trap for the horde? Also what about 5.56 ammo and 5.56 weapons? be cool to have like something looking like a P90 in the game.

    Undead Legacy has everything you asked for but I haven't seen a flamethrower yet.

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