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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. On 3/28/2023 at 12:03 PM, tdevine said:


     Or i dunno, maybe your toxic spew is empty of any substance to the discussion of improving the game.

    Let's not forget the energy you brought with you.  I have this knee-jerk tendency to return that kinda thing back to sender.  I mean so far its been formulaic that you have pointed fingers at everyone else, even going so far to do it again when responding to me.  Rest assured, if the whole world smells like dookie to you, its prolly time to check your shoes.


    But do go on about how the ills of your experiences are totally everyone else's fault.

  2. On 3/16/2023 at 8:32 AM, Reporter said:


    I have 5000 hours in this game since A1 so don't mess with me dude with your little 1000 hour


    I might be a little late to this party, but after reading your entire backlog I'm getting a massive whiff of the Dunning-Kruger Effect all over you.

  3. Good to hear you're enjoying them!


    And to answer your question:  Without knowing what settings you play with. and only speaking for myself - spears have their own set of limitations and aren't quite on par with the other melee weapons by a long shot.   When difficulty, game stage, and horde nights start to ramp up, you're going to see more and more of those limitations.





  4. On 2/17/2023 at 1:38 PM, fragtzack said:

     Dawn of the Dead is The second film in the birth of the zombie craze we enjoy today. The roots of 7 Days to Die comes from these "of the dead" films made by George A. Romero. Without George A. Romero (RIP) and the 3   movies he made about zombie apocalypse , seems doubtful there would be the zombie cult followings we enjoy today..this game is just one.


    A giant shopping mall like in Dawn of the Dead (my fav of the 3 movies!) would be so  awesome in 7D2D.


    Night of the living dead, the first zombie horror film didn't enjoy mainstream success until  Dawn of the Dead. 


    3 cheers for a giant shopping mall POI and oh yeah put George Romero name somewhere in the mall! Give the man some tribute for birthing this craze.



    I could split some hairs with you on G.A. Romero's fame and his later productions and how good they are or were, but - I have so good news for you:


    You can download something called the compo pack and within there is a POI called Eden Center Mall, and it's a massive POI that can take quite a long time to explore and secure.  Enjoy!

  5. 9 hours ago, zztong said:


    What? I love doing POIs at night. Leave the game's brightness setting at default and turn off all the lights in your house, turn off the secondary monitors, no torch, no helmet light, sneak. It's a lot of fun. You can get used to seeing the outlines of the Z's in the dark once your eyes adjust. I tend to play with a shorter day than most people to get more darkness.


    I'm glad you had fun.

    This sounds terrifying and I want to try it now.

  6. On 1/21/2023 at 9:39 AM, euclid said:
    • BM horde spawns closest at about 30 blocks from the player's position. If you want to prevent them to spawn in you base then you are restricted to a 29x29 (28x28 to be safe) building area. That is a shame as I'd love to build big. A setting for the minimum horde spawn distance would help here.


    Cheers for mentioning this.


    One of the things I really enjoyed in past alpha stages was that zombies used to swarm a bit more sparsely.  I used to be a big stan for the Prison as a starting base and I would get absolutely wrecked by spiders who could at the time simply scale walls.   The hordes felt more random and dangerous then.  Currently the AI causes them to bunch up on their own very often without the need for using area denial tactics and funneling them down into killing fields.   While I feel the current changes make sense from a developmental standpoint, I had to make my bases *less* secure in order to preserve my own sense of excitement.


    And you did mention that mods are a last option, but as someone who felt the same for years I can tell you that some overhaul mods (like Undead Legacy, Darkness Falls, or Romero mod) are VERY MUCH worthy of checking out as game changers.   Don't knock it till you try them!

  7. On 1/7/2023 at 12:59 PM, Kyonshi said:

    Please stop with these complaints and use suspension of disbelief in a @%$#ing video game. There's always one, always lol.



    I often chalk situations like this is as the result of neuro-divergence.  These kind of folks exist everywhere.  Try not to hassle them, because they have a hard time with lots of things that don't make sense to them because the world wasn't built for them.

  8. On 1/5/2023 at 7:06 PM, ElCabong said:

    All the YouTube videos I've seen are done by an idiot that doesn't know what the @%$# he's doing.


    Including one by MadMole. He forgot boars are aggressive. Lol

    My fave Madmole mistake is when he placed his gyrocopter within shooting distance of his dart traps.   He then turned the dart traps on during horde night, and the dart traps ate his gyro.


  9. Can I add some extra realism to meat fabrication here for a moment to offset the 'Realism' argument, because there's more to that concept of realism than you think.  That is the realism of pitfalls.


    It's far more complex than making the statement of 'Realistically, a 100 lb fawn can easily yield 45 pounds of meat, or ninety 8oz servings... So two servings of grilled meat for one deer seems a little weak.' 


    I say this as a professional in the food service industry:   It's not as easy as you think it is and requires some education about spoilage, food preservation techniques, sanitation, proper tools, and proper working conditions. 


    I for one, am grateful that in 7 days to die, a zero experience survival character in the end is able to identify how many portions of meat are actually healthy from the moment you slash at it with a knife.  In the real world there are bones, internal organs, chances to taint your meat, identification of parasites or contagions in game meats, and the ability to just ruin your fabrication and not get the cuts you are hoping for.  Sometimes, a person cannot tell with the naked eye which bits are actually healthy.  Anyone that has ever gone from farm to field to water body to garden all the way to table can tell you the path to the end product is a detailed path.   There are a lot of steps in this process, and a lot of moments when things can go wrong.


    The perks can soften the blow in the argument between realism and a survival video game simulator.

  10. I tend to be the guy that makes my group all the cash as lately I've been really into INT builds this year.


    Things I didn't think made a lot of money but definitely can:  stacks of iron pipes, car headlights, lead items (why scrap them?  easier to mine lead), scrap spare engines for 30 mechanical parts (then sell the stacks), stacks of cloth, and wire tools.  This is in addition to what's been mentioned above.


    And if you're playing undead legacy?    Yeeeesh, you can almost pick up anything off the ground and sell it if you want to.

  11. On 12/13/2022 at 10:37 AM, Greybird said:

    Would it have any effect on horde night other than the length?  There would still be the same number of waves, unless I misunderstood the mechanics.

    as the days lengthen, so do the nights (as per usual) but that can also be trimmed in settings.  The hordes still scale towards your gamestage, last i understood.

  12. I frequently play with settings and I can tell you that less time or more time is pretty relevant when you trim the amount of resources you can reasonably gather in that time.  This includes mission rewards, looting, mining, xp gain, etc etc.  It means you can dilate or tighten up how much time you intend to spend doing things before horde nights.  These are the biggest impacts I have gathered so far.  Finding the right equilibrium of fun Vs resource gathering Vs building is sublime if you hit it right where it feels the most satisfying.   I play longest days possible, but my gathering and looting is tuned down, making sure I need to fill that day doing what I NEED to do for my character to survive.  Every day is a grind for that survival and just feels the most fulfilling to me.  Night times (as per usual) are the times I craft and replenish stocks from raw materials.


    Effectively what this does for me is to extend the early game quite a bit, which is arguably my most enjoyable part of the game.  I get much more bored with well built characters because most of my needs are already met by the time I'm level 100 ish.

  13. Ironically, one of my MP companions decided to convert an old mine (in the wasteland biome) into a horde base about three weeks ago.  We've used it twice now and while the digging thing is still problematic for the health of the landscape and it makes it look even more ugly as sin, so far, its never been breached.    One of the more interesting features is that there is a tunnel system outside of our concrete areas that seems to push the zombies all onto their hands and knees.   This was actually a net positive for us.  While they swarmed at us like the Aliens in the air shafts scenes in the second film, they were also MUCH easier to get head shots as they were moving toward us at what seemed to be a slightly slower clip.


    The AI of the tunnelling zombies is just as manipulable (is this even a word? IDK) as they are above ground.  They very often wont punch walls if there's just an easier way to get to you.  Essentially an underground base just becomes a subterranean form of killing corridor, and often the results are the same.  It's just another form of area denial (which is a playstyle that most INT based builds can capitalize upon) couched in a different perspective.


    One major thing we DID learn (the mine went all the way to bedrock) is that drones REALLY don't like following tunnel structures, and that if you are at bedrock level during a bloodmoon while you have a mountain over your location - the zombies don't really get a chance to spawn into your chunk.

  14. Yeah I'm not a fan of this either.  I think it should be completely allowable to have a melee combat that results in the zombie hitting me 0 times.  I think it's pretty sketchy to allow zombies to have a hitting range that is longer than their physical form even suggests.   There are a few issues with that as well, as this also comes from having zombies slap me through thin blocks and solid doors as well.  It's prolly one of my top 3 beefs.

  15. TFP admitted to changing this in a recent interview.  But, i've been calling this phenomena 'Teleport Hands' for a while even before I learned of it.   The reach of many of the mobs in this game was extended based upon the most popular ways to fight most of the enemies.  Most hit and move, often going backwards.

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