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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. As much as I've complained about very little things, There are two games that hold my top rank in hours played over the course of time.

    My top game is Age of Empires 2, which I've been playing since it came out.  It is the best RTS game I've ever played.  My second game is 7D2D

    and I bought and DL'd it the moment I learned of its existence.


    I've managed to get all my closest people to play it, and 2 of them are hooked even more than I am.  TFP have brought us a lot of joy over the years!


  2. I came off a little more harsh than I meant to.  Apologies for that. @Kyonshi


    I've just gotten exhausted at the raised hackles over my unpopular opinion, particularly so when I feel that this opinion may be nuanced but I don't wanna write a thesis that will just go lazily ignored.  I'm pretty sure everyone has to deal with this at some point in their various feeds. 

    23 minutes ago, ElDudorino said:

    The only way it makes sense that zombies are sleeping nailed into crates is that they were placed there as a trap. And I guess that's not impossible assuming Navezgane is one giant game show.

    Ha!  You mean like SCUM?


    That would be an interesting turn of events should TFP choose the notion that The Duke completely seeded the map with his band of rag tag misfits.

    I could get behind that.  Something like that would make me excited for the future of the Navezgane map as well.


  3. 9 hours ago, Jinx_DG said:




    ^^^ This last quote sums it up. I've been clean for 15 years so it's with experience that I can say those who are out of their minds from doing the bad DO look for, crawl into, and hid in all the places mentioned above. And yes, this includes boxes. (No nails needed and No, I'm not going to say how. It's info not needed). 


    I imagine that the zombie infection isn't exactly "natural" and that while trying to cure a "flu" pandemic our best and brightest in Gov F up'd, and the combination of the cure drug and whatever infection mutated turning those who took the drug to fight the flu into "out of their minds" closet hiding zeds. 


    Just my take on it. Also, one more thing.... anything is possible if you let yourself believe. If you can believe in zombies then those same zombies hiding shouldn't strain the imagination to much I would hope. :)

    I think you're missing my point, and then totally skirted past the actual nailing part.   I'm exclusively stating the separation of believability between the sheer mass of fictional zombies hiding in every cupboard, ceiling tile, and storage crate in a building, versus threading a single example of what a desperate drug user may do to save themselves.

    When I make a generalization about scope, I don't need to know there will be exceptions.  Of course there will be.  Humans are pretty resilient and adrenaline is a beast, but the widespread dev use of zombies as a wild hair jump scare mechanic removes a lot of believability for me.  And we all know we can get pedantic about the zombies in a hundred and one million ways, but this particular thing is something I do kinda get annoyed by.   If your argument is to convince me not to be annoyed by that, you're in for a long thread.


    1 hour ago, Kyonshi said:

    My comment that you quoted was done regarding 2 things : game design/gameplay and technical performance. Not speculation about the lore.




    Please don't come to me with a 'WELL ACKTUALLY...' *nerd glasses*  when someone asks me about my personal opinion.  I understand completely why the devs do what they do, and in a lot of ways I'm fine with that.   But there are finer points that just don't tickle me, and I'm okay with having those opinions as well.   I kinda don't see the reason why I need one or two people dogpiling on my opinion that humans do not crawl into hard to reach physical spaces en masse when they are torn apart by your typical joe shmoe zombies.


    Now, if we wanna start a new thread about possible Cordyceps themed zombies, hoo boy... that would be pretty interesting and I would give that subject way more wiggle room.



  4. 8 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    I see. But the idea behind the decision to hide Zs in closets and such is of course to have an element of surprise and sustain an entertaining aspect of tension and impending danger, but also to to lighten the technical burden of having zombies already loaded in houses and freely roaming.


    I agree that Zs shambling around in POIs as opposed to them appearing once you set a foot in the room would be better, but that would mean an heavier toll on the game's memory capacities and on our rigs. That's a compromise I can live with, since we already have fluctuations in performances that we can't really circumvent.


    You don't really need to spawn zombies outside since there's those already roaming around in biomes.


    The counter argument with that is that is while it might make a compelling game mechanic ( particularly in 7 days), in my opinion it really estranges me further away from my sense of survival immersion, which this game does not get to control.   The Fun Pimps get to control the fiction and the narratives of the story and the zombie element, this is a given.


    But, when the world before had all the same treatment and medical materials that we have in the current stage of the game - but somehow, during the apocalypse that didn't help?   Zombie attacks maim and damage humans, but somehow while infected or worse - they hauled their sorry for themselves butts into a ventilation duct in the ceiling of a pizza parlor so they could just die and reanimate?


    Theorize with me a moment.  Would humans actually *do* that?  Do pigs and dogs get to climb ladders without the actual anatomy to make that sort of thing true?  Can human bodies, mutated/undead/magical or not, be strong enough to rip through massive steel reinforced walls?   These are some of the arguments I wade through when I clicked on various game toggles.   I would rather wade through a massive horde of things I could only get headshots in on to destroy, than to believe for one moment that a zombie has become super human for whatever reason.   It's easier to create a sense of desperation knowing my enemy is relentless and innumerable, and I have 3 bullets left in my pistol.


    I wont tell anyone else how to enjoy their game, but this is how I view it personally.

    10 minutes ago, Maharin said:


    Nonsense... the final stage of infection right before you turn is to find a hiding place.  It's the sedentary butterfly effect.

    So, you can nail yourself into a crate without help, while infected and suffering some form of body trauma?   Please show me the video of how this is done.

  5. 21 hours ago, eXSe said:

    For me, the most disturbing thing is that all the people decided to crawl into closets and false ceilings right before they died.

    I frequently complain about that to my friends.   No matter how much I see it, it still just amazes me how irrational that is.   People from 'The time before the zombie nightmare' must have lived like rats in walls and in ceilings.


    18 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    I've been wondering how far people get in the character progression before they've had their fill of that game and start over.  Do you keep playing until you have enough skill points to unlock all levels of all skills, under every attribute?  Do you pick your attribute specialty, and max out that tree?  And is reaching max level(s) a major milestone that affects when you are 'finished,' or is it just something that can happen along the way as you pursue other goals?



    I get about 2-3 points and then spend them.  In MP I typically get to level 150 ish before I feel the rest of the group feeling a little strained to keep playing.  I very much prefer early play.  The first 30-40 levels are usually the most exciting and challenging, particularly on warrior difficulty.   In a long game, I'm often maxing out at least 2 trait lines, and I tend to max out the necessary combat/stamina related perks.


    Mostly, perking just happens as I grind out.


    In a solo game, I rarely last past level 50.  I get bored easily if I'm just playing on my own.  I prefer playing with a group by far because I'm always thinking about them and what they need to get on.

  7. 12 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Are you saying the silencer on an ak or shotgun would actually reduce stealth compared to no silencer? It may not be as effective as on a pistol, but the silencer being even detrimental to stealth would surely be a bug



    I suppose I should clarify that its not the single shots from long arms that's the problem.  On semi-auto and doing double taps you might be okay.   It's those oh-crap-moments where opening up effectively renders any attempts at stealth to be moot.   I find it to be mostly useless in shotguns because there's better mods to fit in those slots anyway.


    You can stick a silencer on a SMG but you render its benefits useless the moment you start spraying.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Yes, 100%

    but be armed, I live in the city of the wastelands sense it makes it harder


    Making noise causes zombies too come too you, sense the wasteland can now almost spawn every zombie under the sun...
    so if you shoot your gun.. expect to see solders, ferals.. pigions, bears.... doggos and fat bois

    feral sense just makes them mad but damn its fun hiding and throwing rocks seeing a TON of zombies going after it


    Doesn't feral sense include a component of the zeds always knowing where you are, despite full cover and stealth?


    I thought I heard this during the dev streams, but I've never actually used it because I already think the zeds are too powerful for what they actually are.

  9. On 2/25/2022 at 7:35 PM, OneManStanding said:

    Are silencers simply less beneficial on bigger guns?

    Correct.  I recall there was a thread about this a while back.


    If I am remembering correctly, the silencer on anything but the basic pistol results in less effectiveness of stealth but also adds a dmg debuff as well.  There is a perk book that removes this damage debuff but I think it names only basic pistols directly.    It still has some use in rifle builds, but if you're putting it on shotguns or anything automatic - it's really not that promising.

  10. 3 hours ago, ChickenWings said:

    All I do is live in the wasteland, in a city (eventually),  and from a base defense point it's not nearly as hard as you are describing.   I'll have to see what my player level is but I'm sure it isn't very high, and I'm on day 27 or so, single player insane mode.   Most nights I have very few zombies coming by, it's pretty quiet.  There's a strategy to it though, when a random horde comes by just sit tight and be quiet.  You know, as if you were in a real zombie apocalypse.    My base defenses for the first 3 horde nights were stone arrows and wood spikes, with some iron spikes thrown in as I could make them.   My horde base is a garage next to a house.  The house roof has all my supplies.  And I killed them all, I didn't have to resort to surviving until 4am hit.


    There are tricks to it though, ways to survive.  And I'm real hesitant to post them here because I feel like I will be punished for coming up with ways to survive in the wasteland by the developers.  Not cheesy ways, or exploits.  Just using my brain like anyone else.  You know, like posting how to wrench land mines, or shoot them with arrows.   Now in 20 that doesn't work anymore.

    I am level 163, game stage 350+, Warrior difficulty, a downtown POI that is gigantic, and I play with 5 other people whom are of similar levels.


    As a single player, at your level, on insane, with a small one person base?    Of course you're not going to see the level of difficulty I am describing, which is why I don't recommend doing what I am doing.

    2 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

    if you have feral sense on expect to have a whole battalion of zombies coming at your door if you make enough noise at night it's not so bad mid to late game but all the wasteland spawns in the night time are always feral aswell as more bear spawns so that means if you decide to make a base there early game you better have a damn good game plan lol

    Out of curiosity, If you have feral sense on - how does not making noise make a difference in avoiding said battalion of zombies?  

  11. In my MP game, we have a very large POI Wasteland base.


    I find it to be a bit of a mixed bag.   That first night we started to work on it, we were constantly under attack.  I had to stick and move, build and shoot the entire time.

    Eventually we managed to fortify the walls enough to make it not worth their while to hit.   I had to personally build diversion walls, lined with wooden traps stacked on

    top of each other.  Occasionally, a demo will show up, and put a big hole in something.   Eventually we fortified all the doors into vaults.  We have two main entrances in and out through the front and the back, but we also have a bunch of different parkour related escape routes.


    The Good:  If you have shotgun turrets monitoring your entrances and you modify your entrances to be more viable as breaching points for zombies, you can actually chill inside for longer than 5 minutes if you need to.  It's not the most efficient, because there's usually loss of rounds as sometimes the turrets just pound away until the corpse disappears.  Which sucks, but if you need a breather, its the best defense you will have.  If you build in a wasteland metropolis, there are often a lot of working vending machines that will sell rations and peas, making some endgame recipes a bit easier to get your hands on.   Trust me, you'll need those.


    The Bad:  It is a nightmare at night if you don't have proper base defenses.   It's a constant stream of rando zeds and they sometimes get outta hand if you have a very large base like we do.   If your POI base is connected to another building, you better come up with a better place to lay low.   Zombies will often tunnel their way through adjoined buildings so they can climb up stairs and then beat down on a roof to get to you.  It blows my mind the level of tactical thinking they will go through to find the easiest way to you and circumvent ALL of your base defenses.   I had to reinforce several nearby structures to avoid them pathing this way.  Not only did a few of us have to lay down a series of LCB's in a specific pattern to suppress sleeper spawns, but there was a lot of filling up hallways, reinforcing windows, knocking out stairs.  Hours of work just to keep the zeds from finding alternative passages into our base from higher than our roof.   We built a garden on top of a parking structure across the street (complete with bridge from our rooftop) and wow was that a mistake.   I had to completely demo out large sections of the inside of that POI, reinforce walls, and make sure there is no way they could tunnel upwards within walls or corpse ladder their way towards the garden itself.   And when I mean reinforce, I mean all the way up to steel.  I hated the amount of work needed to complete, and I was disgusted by the amount of resources I blew through doing these renovations.   It took more resources to fortify the neighbourhood this way than it did with the base itself.    *throws arms up in frustration*


    The Ugly:  Simply put;  If you want a base in the city in the wasteland, be prepared to deal with a multitude of logistical problems.  Most are solvable with enough time and resources, but you need to be extremely mindful of how the zombies will path through to get to you, and many of your defenses will require daily maintenance.  One of the more frustrating issues is hearing my shotgun turrets running 24/7.  After a while this sound starts to drone in my head, and I have to turn down the appropriate volume just so I can hear my friends on Discord.


    I think if I have to do it all over again, there are plenty of inner city POI choices that would be a fraction of the headache I had with the one we chose.   The new Cathedral, for instance - has a small house unit off to one corner that would have taken significantly less work to fix up and maintain for long periods of time.   At least we learned enough about the wasteland that finding a good spot for a Horde Base was much easier.   In a pinch, those bridge overpasses can be built upon and walled up in such a way to make them worthwhile.  It also took a lot of resources, and ours uses every kinda trap there is, including land mines.  Luckily, cooking pot mines can be very cheap and quick to produce.  One word of caution however is be careful not to place them in rows or in clusters.  It's best to spread them out, or else runners will gleefully run across several of them in row before the explosion catches up with them.   Use barb wire or wood spikes in between them in checkerboard like fashion, and you will end up replacing far less the next time you need to use the space again.


    I'd have to say that honestly, I don't actually recommend it unless you have the manpower and the resources to build and maintain it.  Not only am I the builder, but I'm also the primary miner as well.  The benefit here is that I was able to keep up with my own resource demand.   It's actually much more worthwhile to build on the cusp of a city, then build downtown.  It's also less costly and demanding if you build strategically just outside of the wasteland biome and then just go into the wasteland city when you feel like going after jobs or loot.  In one week, I've blown through entire stacks of stacks of mineable materials.  I want to also state that this was a setup for six people including myself.  A single player or a duo will require less work and materials, but you'll also need to be on higher alert at all times.   For example, if you're mining solo in the wasteland, be prepared for Bears and Dogs that will block your mine shaft exits, and may not always announce themselves when they arrive either.  You may also want to forgo using an auger altogether, because the noise and the heat will definitely complicate things.


    To end this little novel I've written, I should just say that If you're something of a masochist - everything in the wasteland will seem like a paradise.

    And if my friends decide to do this again, I will make an attempt to persuade them to choose either the Desert or the Snow biomes.

  12. There was a time in this game I used to throw out empty jars like idgaf.

    Now, im level 150 ish on my MP game with 5 other people and I made 500 of them with more incoming.

    The level of jars in general needed for water in end game recipes is off the charts, but by far not complaint from me because I also make sand for my concrete mix.

    Add in the need for molotovs and I just wish I could auotmate the process of replacing jars.


    I really dislike how I don't get the jars back unless its for drinking.

  13. On 2/22/2022 at 2:46 PM, howard_e_frogge said:

    I am on a generated map and the trader keeps giving me the same poi jobs even though there are many unexplored poi's. Is that just how mafia works or what? Happens on all job levels.

    I guess I just have to write the poi name down if I want to avoid repeated jobs and just loot the others myself.


    You can always opt into doing POI's that aren't on the trader job list.

    For instance, I raid farms simply because they have seeds and decent loot.  I hit the laundromats when I need clothes and cloth.  I frequently raid gas stations for early game vehicle parts.


    In short, you don't need a trader to lead you around a city. 

  14. On 2/22/2022 at 2:52 PM, Slingblade2040 said:



    This whole new player excuse is beyond ridiculous. Most new players don't bother reading the journal, changing the settings past what's default or even playing past a certain amount of hours because they get bored. This game is not so difficult or has such a high learning curve that things need to be dumbed down to a 5th grade level. It's almost the same excuse given as to why we don't have more advanced options because they don't want to overwhelm these new players when they can simply not screw around with those settings.


    Hard to believe but some new players might want a challenge from horde night or atleast for it to be something better than what it currently is.

    You don't get to speak on behalf of new players like that.  Your cynicism about the vanilla settings is absolutely NOT shared by all.  And as Roland has already pointed out, these settings have multiple nuances.   I would rather focus on a discussion talking about those nuances and how they may affect a game, rather than shoving them into the death simulator while you wax poetic about how you turned horde nights off for yourself.

  15. 9 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Been playing with more mods since Vanilla has gotten stale. The bigger roaming horde mod has easily become my fave along with turning off horde night. I've also tried the random horde night which actually makes it fun but it still feels like something is missing. I have also in a previous alpha tried with a lower horde night count like at 4 with the random horde night and while it was fun it just felt like what the larger roaming horde mod is now.


    So has the horde night lost its touch? What can be done to improve it and make it special again? Should the pimps replace horde night with just massive roaming hordes we randomly get that vary in what type of zombies appear? Maybe they can just make what appears on horde nights random and just ditch the whole gamestage thing? Yes I am talking about possibly getting radiated zombies or a demo on day 7 horde night.

    Don't touch it.  As a standing vanilla game its just fine.  You want more excitement, there are mods and other base designs to explore.

    If you enjoy lower count hordes and complain of boredom, that's on you.   And sending demos on day 7 after new players as part of the regular game?

    If you do that, then you're gunna ruin the experience of brand new players who have not played as long as you have.

  16. This may be related to the same issue where I'll find dead zombies out in the streets in my MP game.  Also, if you shoot beyond your ability to render, those arrows dont just simply disappear right away.  They do land, and they are often just forgotten.   I've found dead vultures, dogs, arrows, and even a pipe bomb just laying around before the despawn timer took it, sometimes days after.  If I had to make a guess, it may have something to do with the fact that these things only resurface once a player comes within the appropriate distance to the item, where it respawns from the previous code save.  Just an opinion based upon what I observed.

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