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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. On 9/23/2021 at 2:56 PM, Matt115 said:

    this change of "rules" - like coh3   total war,dow2 retribution  etc. Just more advanced change of difficulty 

    But this is not endgame - terraria have rly good endgame, some ff. 

    For me 7dtd went from horror into  RUST or ARK

    You come at me like somehow I was arguing what Endgame content was.

    Yes, its a change of playstyle, Sherlock.


    But if you want to argue semantics, let's do that:


    Rust and ARK both have their nuances, but the Horror Genre that you are propping up also doesn't technically have a defined end point in terms of gameplay.   Without a storyline the goalposts are moved towards something a little more subtle.  Now, Survival Horror as a genre does have a point to it, and it's written on the tin.  Survival.  Survival means you end the game when you want to end the game.  You die.  You come back.  You can choose how to deal or mitigate when you reach that point of liminal space.  If you keep surviving, then you've skipped the notion of accepting death.   Therefore, death IS the endgame.   You get to choose how you meet that point, and what to do when you get there.  At least with ARK there comes a defining point at which you get to decide to ascend or not.


    I would seriously caution you to not put everything into neat little bite sized boxes.   Nuance is the mother of all precedents.  And Assumption is the mother of all *&%#ups.

  2. Out of all the options presented, its the replayability that brings me back.   Also, when I want to look for a change of pace, I try to actively build outposts and expand operation here and there across the map.  I do this both in SP and MP.   This keeps the game fresh for me because sometimes I have to change my environment to feel like things are progressing.   I don't really have much fun sitting in giant fortresses and crafting bases for weeks at a time.   And that's the key thing to me.   When I get utterly bored of a map I make a new one, and start fresh and the challenges start anew.  Once I get to about gamestage 150+ everything slows down considerably for me.


    I think keeping things fresh is really what gets me to cycle on.   Also, trying new scenarios REALLY digs me in.   I @#$#$ love Romero mod in single player.   The initial gamestage challenges make it damn near impossible for me to fully raid medium sized POI's from start to finish without having to drag the horde into the street and lining up your headshots.  Large POI's are a damn nightmare, but it just... gets to me.  The futility of survival.  Also, loosing your backpack and toolbelt I find to be integral to actually feeling like there's a death penalty.  If you never loose anything, the death penalty feels hollow.


    That's when survival starts feeling like a reward, when you have SO much to loose.

  3. Lemme light some candles on the philosophical cake here for just a moment.


    Question: "What is 7 Days to Die?"

    Answer: "Whatever you want it to be within the framework of the game that exists."


    I keep a fond eye on the idea that people play games for a plethora of reasons, and these change over time as needs and desires change.  Any one or more of us could put just about any game into genre box, but ultimately if you look at just a larger picture you may potentially loose the nuance that could be the catalyst that hooks any given persons interest.  In this case, the game has several elements and more than 1 thread has begun over what kind of salad this game is, and quite frankly I feel the answer to these questions lies in the experience it brings.

  4. This reminds me of a tabletop session I had for a game called All Flesh Must Be Eaten.  A zombie game set in modern day, much like 7 Days.

    One of my buddies was playing a character that SCA/HEMA trained and decided to become a 'Paladin' as a means to deal with his growing

    mental health issues in the face of dealing with an actual zombie apocalypse.    He made his own chain mail and used his replica sword to

    crusade against 'the growing darkness'   lol  The character also played WAY too much DnD.

  5. I'd also examine your game settings.  Are you running 30 minute/120 minute days?  That will skew your numbers.  Do you have the difficulty tuned up?  Harder fighting increases food and water usage (even IF you're shooting!).   Travel around much on foot or by vehicle?   That has a factor in the equasion as well.

  6. 21 hours ago, Gazz said:

    Weapon types are bad enough but it gets really funky when you translate mythological creatures when there is no cultural / language reference to that kind of pantheon or races. =P

    Or at one point in time, the only language translations that are commonly known in scholastic circles at the time are in Greek, and are prolly spoken with the same care as people use in Spanglish lol.  For instance, I watched a video somewhat recently I think it was on TikTok where someone pronounced all the Egyptian deities in actual ancient Egyptian, opposite of their Greek names.


    It happens in Paleontology all the time.   My most recent experience with something like this was learning Quechua (Incan tribal language) from someone who knew zero English, but also spoke Spanish.   I had to translate the words in my head from English to Spanish, so he could translate it from Spanish to Quechua and then back again.  I had to add in Youtube sessions to even out my practical understanding, and even then the accents were somewhat different because of regional variances.  It was a fun but also frustrating exercise.


    TOTALLY reinforcing how bad humans are at language.  At least in many Asian and Middle Eastern countries, there were concerted efforts to standardize a national language.


    Don't get me started on Gen Z's internet coded language, or my experiences with Bostonians and most New Englanders in general. 

    lol, but.. thats just MY damage.

  7. The Kukri is not the only blade in the world that is also unrealistically called a Machete.  There are a plethora of other weapons that also share the same misnomer.


    Also as someone who minored in linguistics, I recognize that as much language as people use - people are actually REALLY bad at language.

    I can tell you with confidence that linguistic science also takes that disparity into account.

  8. On 9/4/2021 at 5:31 PM, Nifty_games said:

    Feel free to comment and tell me your opinion.


    My opinion is that I have so many fine points to debate about realism and firearms from actual real life experience to debate your entire reason for posting.


    Not that I want to come down upon you and make you feel bad for posting, no.  Actually, I encourage the exchange of ideas.  However, there's this .. gut wrenching knot im left with and you DID solicit us for our opinion.



  9. On 9/3/2021 at 2:22 PM, Mastermind said:


    That's like...  1 year old news! 😛


    Happy birthday! :D 


    Snarky.   But consider the fact that regardless of the information you provided, I still have zero desire to actually eat out of virtual trash cans anyway.  I can still be happy for those that do, however.



    On 9/3/2021 at 5:37 PM, Roland said:


    He's been waiting all this time for his big batch of A18 Hobo Stew to finish cooking. That's why he wasn't around to find out about A19 Hobo Stew until now. ;)

    I just gave up on the idea of it being valuable as a food item when I found it so much more economically approachable to simply use the undead hamburger to make garden plots so I can enjoy other foods that took less time to prepare.

  10. On 9/1/2021 at 1:22 AM, Roland said:


    Here is truly the hardest thing to teach new players: When zombies rage, turn around and run away from them. Don't back pedal. Turn and run.

    If you have a high level of combat skill with melee;  The spear and the sledgie have enough range you can do the backpeddle and still be okay.

    Definitely not for newbie combat though.

  11. On 8/28/2021 at 7:02 PM, BFT2020 said:

    Play Romero mod if you want more zombies.   Nothing like going to a trader and having to take down a 40+ wandering horde just so you can turn in your quest and get your sweet sweet rewards.


    I like having more zombies, but I understand TFP's position.  They are optimizing the game around the normal default setting and lower spec computers so more people can enjoy this game, not around those of us that can spend the extra money on a new machine.

    Romero mod has made me scared to go out into the city again.   I love it.

  12. I'd like to see them roll up 4-6 deep.  They approach player camps/bases with a big white panel caravan.   They empty the contents of these vehicles in the form of about 12-20 zombos of various types and unleash them on the players.   While we are busy dealing with the zombos, they are attacking with a plethora of different weapons both ranged and melee, possibly molotovs.  The zombos do not attack the bandits, only players.


    It will feel like a really real raid.  But, that's just me.

  13. Well.. with an M-60, AP ammo, and Penetrater 1 perked I've sawed through them well enough in a straight line.   Some activate and some

    don't in live situations.  I imagine the button itself isn't always perfectly in line with the ones behind it because they do tend to twitch a lot. 

    Not sure if that makes a big difference in terms of coding, but it's the biggest detail I note when im on horde duty.

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