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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. 19 hours ago, Matt115 said:


    Honestly i think orginal zombie teens from Dawn of the dead were too much "comical" that serious but TWD have good zombie kids. 


    Ugh.  This is the part I age uncontrollably and fall over as a pile of bones.    I'm talking the original 1978 version, where the two zombie kids bust in on the main characters searching the airfield for AVfuel.

  2. On 12/19/2021 at 12:30 AM, Silverjohn said:

    Violence against children, even zombie ones, would get the game banned in a lot of countries, most notably Germany.  This goes back as far as the original Black Isle Fallout games in the 90's.

    IIRC even before the 90's.   Children as zombies has been a hot button issue for quite some time since the scene in the original 78 Dawn of the Dead.  The scene with two children were quite controversial.  Later, in zombie film culture - the genre had more and more directors and make up artists pay homage to Tom Savini and his protege Greg Nicotero have since managed to conjure it up in a way that didn't hurt too many hollywood (and abroad) sensitivities.  The Majority just didn't want to see that kind of thing.


    The Japanese film industry in particular had a full range of outright artistic embrace of it (particularly the Dawn remake) to full scale rejection of it.  The reaction so far has been when zombie films are produced they have certain editions cut to fit official censorship boards and regional sensitivities.  For instance, there are Russian zombie films so violent and disgusting they aren't very popular here in the states for our own marketing reasons.

  3. The other night I was able to loot a brew barrel in someone's yard for water.  This used to be a thing in A19 for a very short time before it was coded out in the next patch.  Is this back and working as intended now?  Anyone else having this issue or was it just me?

  4. On 12/23/2021 at 11:12 AM, ~Kevin~ said:

    Almost back to my base, hit a zombie a few times with my club, stamina is out, feral zombie runs up to me, hits me several times and I die.   I can't run nor can I fight back because I am out of stamina.  I respawn, go back to my pack, and there are the zombies guarding my pack.  


    Rather than making the game more fun and enjoyable pimps has turned it into a grind of frustration.  I play games to be entertained, to pass the time, and not for the frustration of it.


    From my steam account - Play time 1,552.9 hours


    Screw this, I am going back to Alpha 16.

    So lemme see if I am catching this framing correctly:


    You're frustrated because the game is working as intended.. properly.. in a common scenario that WE ALL have had to deal with, and you have over 1.6K hours in game, and it's the Pimps fault for giving you a very typical day-in-the-life-of-the-zombie-apocalypse?


    Me?  I'm literally planning ahead for my MP wasteland base and I expect to never have a moments peace.  I expect round the clock shenanigans in a place where I think mining locally is going to be a nightmare.  I am likely going to ask my friends constantly to be my bodyguard while doing so.


    But hey, you do you Boo-boo.



    I'm pretty well aware of those differences between food and water..  But, I framed that as a challenge with how they feel, and now you're re-framing to mean something else that was not as specifically stated (even removing one of the conditions), which is the exact same thing the OP did with his own argument.    While humans in particular are pretty adaptable to a lot of situations, including hunger and malnutrition, that doesn't repel the fact that your body is still suffering in a lot of ways.  It wasn't my intention to go through an exhaustive report, especially when the OP linked an article and it was already reprinted there.


    Also, I'm not sure why you are speaking to how much you are annoyed by a thing, but then go to the lengths of adding in your own stack onto that problem.   Are you picking a lane or no?



  6. 5 hours ago, fragtzack said:

    When an animal is hungry, certain senses are heightened


    That right there is a personal reinterpretation of a single line within the stated report.  You've completely missed the forest for the trees, and it was right there staring at you.


    My work that I do in real life is driven and surrounded by science based, medical, nutritional, and psychiatric health treatments that focus on revitalizing the human body post trauma, including alcohol and substance addiction with nutrition.  There are so many factors that play about in what all that means you CANNOT just toss them anecdotally into an argument about a video game that doesn't have a detailed focus upon that.   What more is you're looking for an audience to share your thesis with in your very first post, without actually knowing the facts about what you're arguing about, and then calling the state of that focus within a video game illogical.  You followed this up by misquoting the single line you were banking on to support your statement.  This is a shallow argument at best, and is abstract within the context you chose you to pose it in the first place.


    I'm not seeing what you're trying to sell here.


    And furthermore, even if game devs are aware of such things (and maybe they are?!) sometimes these things are not what they are focusing upon and don't care how much realism is attached to it, because they are trying to present a theme park at us all at once.  I'm educated on this topic and I still don't see a reason to pose it as a legit problem for TFP to solve.  I don't think it was ever their intention to sell that as a distinct and complex simulation of adverse affects.


    If you wanna get REALLY pedantic, let's talk about the realism of dysentery and how it got to be a thing in this game while there is a plethora of other more harmful and interesting things that exist when you aren't in full grasp how to clean wounds,  lack of electrical power, or sanitation, or refrigeration technology.   Oh boy!  Botulism and tissue necrosis!   Itchy.  Tasty!





  7. coincidence completely.  There is a running bug where while you are on vehicles you can hit an invisible wall and be knocked straight up into the air.

    Vultures get a speed boost when they chase you on vehicles.  The birds didn't do it, but I bet it looked like they did. 


    I experience this bug randomly all the time, and this goes back several alphas.

  8. 38 minutes ago, fragtzack said:

    When hunger < 50%, the player gets a performance penalty.

    People and/or any animal do not have degraded physical performance at 50% hunger.

    This design is just plain illogical and the opposite of immersion and QOL design.

    As a person with a nutrition certification, I challenge you to go 1-2 days without eating nor drinking water.  Drink nothing but sweet beverages and tell me how you feel.

    Older people have to be even more careful with nutrition and or staying hydrated, as well as proper sleep cycles, because those bodies require more upkeep.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starvation  <--facts.  It's even possible to go several days without eating and no longer feel hunger because there's a neurological feedback that tells your body not to expect being fed and there's so many other things going on.  YOU WILL SUFFER even if you think you're feeling fine.


    So, about that immersion?


    Consider verisimilitude;  Immersion is a very personal experience.   I garantee you what you are arguing is an abstract problem in a game that frames the fight more important than the nutrition.

  9. 6 hours ago, saltychipmunk said:


    Well if you have a wrench you pretty much instantly gain access to several extremely useful resources as well as the ability to basically infinitely produce and maintain pipe guns.


    And the current iteration of the pipe weapons are pretty over tuned ( pistol and smg specifically are way to good for how easy they are to make)


    And being able to survive in the desert and snow biomes without protective gear effectively means you can use the new game stage multiplier to effectively skip straight past early game  since you will instantly start getting loot that you would probably not see until several days into  a fresh start. 


    And with said pipe weapons , surviving the zombies in the snow / desert biomes is not actually that difficult.


    This is simply a case of there needing to be a larger gate on the pipe weapons  and the exposure system being more lethal to people who have not found at least some appropriate clothing. 


    And I am inclined to agree with this.  Hell even if you do not exploit the game like he did , you can still have multiple low quality t2 weapons  (specifically pistols.. they are mega common even on the first few days)


    and ammo from questing is still so plentiful that you really don't need to make ammo still.


    And its also very very easy right now to skip whole tiers of tools and weapons.  getting quality 4 items is sub level 10 possible. 


    Honestly I kinda miss how the old weapon component system ensured that guns were actually rare and valuable. 


    I also wish that more of the item tiers were find only.  no real point in finding all of these quality 1 -3 items if you have people making those items before day 5. 


    Although now that I think about it that is more an issue with how the current system is far too generous with awarding quality upgrades per point invested in a skill. 

    The gates for certain materials and supplies are not strongly kept for a reason.  I am pretty sure that TFP want people to enjoy their ENTIRE theme park, more so than to scrutinize every single tedius and ultra realistic aspect of personal and individual expectations.   Despite this list of personal issues, you can trim your own settings.  Trimming settings is also part of the game and I feel the amount of complaint posts don't bother to address that element enough.  And yes, the act of gathering resources makes the game easier.  That's very likely working as intended, and its been easy to get a day1 wrench for quite a while now.


    The pipe pistol honestly I don't think is very good.  Its pretty and the animation is fun to watch, but the damage is garbo if you play on anything past medium difficulty.

    If you're sticking to a single pipe weapon in your hotbar, I don't think people are utilizing the resources of the game much.  And then when people have 3 or more, they think that the game is just too easy.  I want people to pick a lane, and stop wasting threads about how this game doesn't live up to the plethora of personal wants and needs.


    And ducking into the Snow and Wasteland biomes with nothing on, then I would posit this playing is purposely gaming the system for its faults.  It's something I might even do, but after playing a wasteland series in A19 - holy crap - go ahead and roll the dice because you won't be able to stay there for long.


    I'm kinda over the whole gated or not gated content argument.  A flurry of these saltposts fly in during every experimental phase, and people also seem to forget its experimental.  A lot of folks don't seem to realize that experimental phases means were the guinea pigs.  And if that's true, expect that things are not going to stay the same even over time.   A lot of these issues can be solved by just being patient for the micro changes that get implemented in patches.

    As a side note, I was watching a streamer just last night load up a bunch of mods and things to make the game super hard, with massive hordes and low levels of loot, and they were miserable and hadn't even managed to get through an entire day without dying ten times in as many minutes.


    If that's what a small vocal minority think is fun, please consider that not everyone wants that.

  10. As someone whos dabbled in PVP, some of it occurs in either underground trap bases, but more so in open world.  It's just easier to one shot someone who's looting than chasing them into their fortress.  PVP bases are built with an entirely different set of ideas in mind.  They create narrow fields of fire, extra walls and supports, breaking lines of sight,  internal turrets and traps, and complicated redundant airlock systems.  Hence, hunting players in the wild being more lucrative.


    I'm not understanding the logic here.  If you're worried about PVPers theoretically shooting at you while inside a perfectly see-through-shoot-through base, why would you even build it?




  11. On 12/13/2021 at 6:58 PM, just.dont said:

    Furthermore, now I'm using a mod that increases maxcount on those entries to 1,4,8 - and with that, things are barely starting to look lively, but still even on zombies speed set to "run" and feral sense on, it's highly unlikely you'd ever deal with more than 4 zombies moving on you at once. And you'd have to stay in the area for some moments for that to happen.

    (also increasing spawns via mods is painful as it breaks XP gain rate and zpacks drops, so for every increase you'd have to dial that down too, or else you'll keep getting overleveled and overfed by extra loot; but I digress)


    I'm playing on Warrior in my MP server, moderate zombie counts, and no mods.  There are times when things are really quiet, particularly at night.. but there are definitely some clutch moments during the day in open world and im surrounded by 6 without it being a micro horde.  And it just gets worse in the wasteland and snow biomes.


    Are you sure those numbers aren't just bad luck?

  12. On 12/13/2021 at 1:42 PM, saoron666 said:

    finding a wrench from start makes the game also very easy from start... 


    being able to run to the desert or snow area butt naked or with plant fiber  gears makes it too easy.. 


    infinite torch makes it easy to run around also in snow area or night time..



    Uhhhh... no offense but this sound mental.   torches, wrenches, and plant fiber clothes make this game too easy?

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