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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. One of the reasons I stopped playing public servers back in 16.4 was the sheer amount of wandering I would do.   I could travel 4Km on my mini bike, die from something stupid, and loose everything.


    in A17 the particle effects were killing my machine.   Seriously, I'd loose about 55 fps from dust clouds.  Ugh..


    Don't think I've rage quit since.

  2. 6 hours ago, Nazrex said:


    So there's probably no way I could salvage/recover, from this, and rebuild the Tower?

    You can.  But, it requires a lot of work and materials, and you may not be happy with the final result.   It would involve digging up almost everything and replacing it bits at a time with solid blocks.  Essentially, it would loose its natural look and feel.  If that's not a problem, by all means.  You'd still need to stop all mining operations below it.

  3. While I do miss the dual jail door airlock front door, they aren't really very necessary any more either.

    There are so many different other options that do the same thing.  Some of them even cost less in materials.


    My best advice:  Just like life; improvise and adapt.

  4. This is a good question, as I have been wondering that since we have armoured locations that the zombies hit path might intersect with specific parts of the PC's body, or maybe its just a random thing.  The ability to score specific body shots on zombies would imply the inverse is true.  Because of that thought, I sometimes allocate specific mods to protect.  Like the banded armour mods in the legs or the arms with the hope im protected from sprains/broken bone debuffs.


    But to directly attach to your experience, I too have an easier time with specific attacks done by specific weapons through their animations.  I frequently do the forward/back move shuffle when it comes to melee combat.  I brought up one example in an earlier thread about how I think the basic pipe baton is underrated as a weapon for just such a reason.  If you power attack with it and move forward, there is enough hang time at the end of the swing that makes it very easy for me to score head shots with little difficulty using it to gain a range and stagger advantage at the same time.





  5. I watched this earlier today and it is my understanding that he has had his ear to the ground for a long time.  I imagine he feels a certain amount of loyalty to the game that has helped him assemble a life out of being a streamer for such a long time now.  I know if I felt that the game was threatened from within, I'd likely want to say something about that thing too.  He loves this game.  You can hear it in his voice and the amount of effort he gives towards that devotion is enviable by myself at least.  I'd say that the above video was him reaching out to not just his viewers but an open letter to TFP as well.


    I can't fault him for having those concerns.  Without knowing, they may even come from a place of insecurity.  I feel his view is valid, even if I am not having the same range of emotions about it that he and Rjay has.  Reach is very strong with sharing his feelings within his own community.


    What I personally think is that he could use some reassurance, particularly the kind that could come from an official(tm) position.   He may be looking for answers to help not only himself, but his community as well.  They could be looking to him to light the way.   I do feel a level of empathy toward his plight.  He was not only able to buy a house but also he just moved in not long ago, and this in South Africa, which he has shared has its own fair number of economic crisis at the moment.   That would scare the hell out of me if I were to risk loosing it over anything I couldn't control.

  6. On 7/27/2022 at 11:09 AM, Fox said:

    I think the only time I've ever used a pipe bomb or any explosive at all was to simply troll another player. I find them to be useless and a waste of materials against zombies. Maybe it's just personal preference though.

     I personally love pipe bombs.  Even if you have 1 perk in explosives and atom candy, and its more than worth the cost.

    I've gone through many stacks in a single blood moon.   I love tossin' em down hatches too in POI's.


    Though, be prepared for the stealth builders to complain about the noise level. 

  7. 2 hours ago, canadianbluebeer said:


    Same for the pipe bombs.


    Junkyard is great for this on BM.

    The pit in the garage section.   Zeds do gather there.

    Toss a bunch of unlit bombs, then 1 molotov, then 1 lit pipe bomb.


    Bonus points for bouncing a flaming zed off the ceiling!   :D



    I love it when people do their homework.   5 stars.   You don't even need perks in it to make the fireworks worthwhile.


    As for ElCabong, I think it has something to do with the fact that PER builds have a more narrow focus so they get the special pyrotechnics.

    AGI is really about flexibility, and thus they have a lot of little love spread out here and there.


    Personally?  I think both aspects are useful.

  8. On 7/25/2022 at 6:38 AM, Viktoriusiii said:



    I feel that I  don't have the ability to influence your decision.  I don't think many of your reasons are logical, practical, or even applicable, and at worst seem selfish to me.  You want the game to change to suit you instead of acclimating toward it.    The game exists as is because that's the way its coded with a specific design philosophy in mind.   You might not agree to such philosophy, but just because you think its broken for you, doesn't necessarily mean its broken for everyone.  Changes you are implying to suggest would have dramatic side effects and would utterly change the way the game is played for everyone involved, not just you.   I feel like you're trying to romance an idea of 7 Days instead of acknowledging what actually exists.


    The questions I asked you were a form of trap.   You seemed to hold onto the strength of the notion of how you were wronged, instead of how you *might* be wrong.    You argue for being rewarded instead, for playing in a way you say that is factually true, but yet you still feel like you're being punished for doing it because it isn't working.


    Consider this:  Maybe you're not as effective at stealth as you think you are.   I have all the same problems you describe, and yet I still am able to combat those issues without complaint.  There's never any guarantee that if you do everything right that you still might not succeed regardless, but expecting a reward out of failure despite your best effort - then this isn't about the game.  This sounds like its about you.

  9. On 7/22/2022 at 4:14 PM, Viktoriusiii said:

    I'd agree if there wasn't a single factor

    I always say:
    Don't punish the player for doing the right thing.

    Stealth NEEDS to be able to work perfectly.
    It is a mechanic. A mechanic can not be random (if its not a specific feature of said mechanic).


    Well, let me ask you this two parter, in relation to your thoughts.

    1.  What exactly is the Right'(tm) thing?

    2.  Are you actually being punished?


    Stealth doesn't need to work perfectly.  There are too many factors to take into consideration when determining the outcome, and those too are also 'mechanics', and just because you felt like you were just performing the play style doesn't mean you get to evade all negative outcomes.   That's not only unrealistic, but also would make the game just plain boring if 7Days turned into a zombie sniping simulator.   There are app games for your phone if you want that sort of thing.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    This summarizes everything wrong with stealth.
    "hey you know that specialization that oyu took, that is absolutely useless in combat?
    Yea its only going to work like 70% of the time and otherwise force you into combat. Also good lcuk on hordenights :) "

    I don't agree.   I'm not going to say you are wrong, but I also don't think you're right either.  I think it actually is a good thing to be taken out of your comfort zone so you can gird against one-trick pony weaknesses.


    As you had mentioned 'specializations' are, to me, (I play the same map for months going for level 140+ at times) are illusory at best.  I think while it pads a comfortable skillset that you might choose for a large portion of your gameplay, I don't feel its powerful enough to be so defining.   Just looking at the stat boost increases, they are small and only when you have maxed out perks and mods does it even start to feel like it.  Maybe it's me, but I also don't feel that hyper 'specialization' into a single attribute tree is singularly a worthwhile experience either.  Hybridization and challenging myself to express different strategies has always been my strongest asset.  These strategies are not always represented accurately with numbers.  Your environment plays a huge factor into how strategies pan out.

  11. I just wanna state for someone whom also has had a fairly large number of hours also playing in stealth builds.


    Stealth IS NOT, absolutely NOT the answer to every single combat situation.


    You WILL be forced into personal combat at some points.  The question you get to ask yourself is how to change your pitch up if you had to walk into an AUTO-wakeup situation.  You can get pretty far with stealth, and its a fun playstyle, but do not let yourself be deceived that you can just snipe your way through everything.


    It's also a bit annoying to have to be super patient when you use stealth when you're running very short day/night cycles.   It's wise to be flexible, and it's always good to keep an SMG handy in case the world decides it's had enough of you.

  12. On 7/20/2022 at 2:04 PM, ReadyPlayer said:

    Just recently started playing with 5 friends and never have I experienced so much lag from any other game than this one. Every horde night, or even Tier V POIs everyone's PC halts to a crawl and this is even at extremely low settings. Heck my Fallout 4 save with more than 500+ mods runs better than this! Even our minecraft server with huge mods and contraptions runs better.


    I've dug a bit deeper and found out devs keep changing the core mechanics of this game and that it's been on Alpha for almost 10 years now, just why? We've been enjoying this game but optimization issue, lag, and the upcoming change to the system will probably kill our game time. Is there any plan to fix the optimization issue? How about the other mechanics? Are they gonna change it again? All this new info about the development history of the game makes me feel so depressed as a player. 

    Welcome to the forums.

    How familiar are you with how the game actually works?  Also, its pretty common knowledge (and im sorry you come into this late) that the game has not been fully optimized for everything, and its been discussed that high end machines are not well suited to run a game of this calibre.


    When you say 'keep changing' you're really oversimplifying what's happened in the history of its development.  There have some core changes, but as the devs ambitions for the game continue to grow, so does the work necessary to make those changes work when stable versions are put out for public consumption.  It is realistically okay to put the game down until it comes into a focus you can roll with.  Many here have done so already, including myself.


    As for the rest of the answers you need, there are plenty of people more qualified to answer them, but the best method is to just keep your ear to the door and check up every now and then and see if its going in a direction you like.


    Also:  Really?  Like actual depression?

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