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Everything posted by Spatch

  1. This! I have been wanting to play a city-only, as well. No mountains, no janky roads, just city and suburbs, kind of like an "Escape from Phoenix" type map. I tried to create one using the new generator but when I went into the map it looked horrible. If you find one, please let me know!
  2. My son and I are playing on a server with loot abundance at 200%. We found the acid book and since that time have wrenched about 100 cars with 1 acid found by each of us. This nerf has definitely been too much, in my opinion! We are on day 19 and have found zero beakers as well. And I loot everything in the POIs. We need 7 acids and 5 (I think that is the count) beakers to finish a vehicle for me and a chem station.
  3. I'm torn because it does add danger back, and dammit I don't like that much danger! But it is cool that now when a trader offers one antibiotic or 3 herbal antibiotics, its no longer something that I just ignore. in every previous alpha I have played, I'd have never taken one antibiotic for a reward or even 3 herbals. I do now!
  4. Day 13 in our two-person playthrough and ammo is still scarce. I have maybe 80 rounds of 7.62 and have to be very judicious in its use. And to answer the OP's question, nope, that is not too much! That looks just about right!
  5. Is there a plan to allow a crafter to make a lower quality item then the max they are spec'ed for? If I am a shotgun guy and can make level 5 but I just need to make a level 2 pump shotty for a person in my group, and I only have enough parts for a level 2, it would be a great feature to be able to do this.
  6. The point to my post wasn't which is easiest, the point was that it was disingenuous to me to support one way but not all ways. My idea of letting people run and hide in fear, should not be something that is discouraged by TFP and it clearly was - there was no other reason to add heat-seeking vultures! I know the way the wind blows though, so I'll continue to cheese the horde using their stupid AI Still love the game, just miss some of the old ways of doing things.
  7. My $0.02 regarding the running around during horde night - I find it a little disingenuous, by the defenders of this strategy, to state "why not?". In two posts above, the defense was essentially "why shouldn't the player be able to, if they want to?". So where was that defense when some of us liked to dig deep underground bases and crouch in fear during horde night? Where was that defense when some of us liked to ride our mini-bikes around during horde night? TFP should be consistent - either make it where players can play how they like on horde night in every different way they want, or make it where they are forced to get battered by the horde. So I agree with the OP on this point - it shouldn't be possible, if TFP makes it not possible for other play styles on horde night, to run around and survive a horde. But my solution wouldn't be to nerf that ability, my solution would be to bring back other ways of surviving. Heat-seeking vultures? Nope - no more! Digging zombies that can dig down to me at bedrock? Nope - no more!
  8. I love them as-is. Not all of your players are l33t survivalists and need the spray-and-pray to stay alive. Instead of nerfing them, why not just make it an option? Many of you on this board forget that there are others playing this game that aren't perfect at it. I like to play perma-death so the pipe machine-gun is a welcome addition, and as others have stated, ammo is so scarce it hasn't been OP on our playthrough so far. Its been just right!
  9. For what its worth, I had the same issue on HostHavoc. I finally gave up on them and will be cancelling the service this week although I paid for a full month.
  10. PREGEN10k map - started and ran up through hour 8 and then logged off (after I finished the starting quests). Then I logged back in and I was back to a fresh character with the starting quests again. So I deleted that world, started over, just played to day 3 and WAS having a great run of RNG luck. Logged off and when I logged back on - my character was gone, it was still day 3, and I was back to a newbie character :(. Is there any way to recover the first character? The settings are persistent profiles - on - so not sure why it would restart me as a new character.
  11. Since this topic comes up a lot, I want to put my $0.02 in on the inventory system; it is what has kept me playing this game for years and 1000+ hours! I hate inventory systems that work with puzzle-like fitting of items into your inventory, or weight limits, or other gimmicks. The fun-factor of not having to jack around with my inventory to get stuff to fit or having to worry about weight limits has kept me playing this game for years as opposed to other survival games that I have started and almost immediately stopped due to the inventory system. So, FunPimps, one vote here for keeping it as-is! As a related topic - food not spoiling is the other thing I like! Keep that as-is as well. Drove me crazy in Subnautica to have food spoil so rapidly! That combined with the inventory system had me play until day 2 or so before shelving it!
  12. Has anyone done a mod yet that will display the loot stage on the screen all the time instead of just in the character model? I'd like to know when I've entered a more dangerous area without having to stop and bring up the character model screen. Maybe I'll make it my first mod if someone hasn't done it already.
  13. I wish I could have played op's game! I have over 1000 hours in this game before this alpha and just started my first world on this one for single-player. Normal settings other than nomad instead of adventurer. First POI - get surrounded in a room by 5 zombos, two of which came from outside. No pipe weapons, or pipes for that matter, and I died - morning of day 1 - my last playthrough on 19 I played perma-death and quit when I got bored. This game is no longer easy mode, in my opinion. I'm turning it back down from nomad to adventurer and starting again, since I like the challenge of perma-death. However, if I have another death on day 1, I'm going to keep playing until I get better at this alpha. Props to OP for being WAY better than I am. P.S. I'd call my play style "capp00-style" - I panic just like he does, and it usually gets me killed!
  14. Has anyone encountered errors like this in their log files? This is with the PREGEN8k map. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.509 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_strip_01'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.510 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_business_03" failed: Block "woodPoleSCTR" (358) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.510 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_business_03'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.511 ERR Loading prefab "remnant_oldwest_09" failed: Block "woodHalfRampStairs50" (356) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.511 WRN Could not load prefab 'remnant_oldwest_09'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.511 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_jail" failed: Block "woodPole" (391) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.511 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_jail'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.512 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_business_10" failed: Block "woodBlockBaseboard4" (359) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.512 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_business_10'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.513 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_business_13" failed: Block "woodHalfRampStairs50" (356) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.513 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_business_13'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.513 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_business_12" failed: Block "woodHalf" (365) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.513 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_business_12'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.581 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_coal_factory" failed: Block "woodHalf" (367) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.581 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_coal_factory'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.582 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_strip_04" failed: Block "woodHalfRampStairs50" (356) used in prefab is unknown. 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.582 WRN Could not load prefab 'oldwest_strip_04'. Skipping it 2021-12-09T17:47:34 61.582 ERR Loading prefab "oldwest_strip_03" failed: Block "woodHalfRampStairs50" (356) used in prefab is unknown. This is only about 1/20th of the number of actual prefab failures in the log file. Do I need to reinstall this server?
  15. So, for those of us with OCD, there is one major problem with the new weather! Its blowing cats and dogs, trees and grass are whipping in the wind, the trader flag is stiff and flapping, and the smoke from the trader serenely is floating straight up! Ooh, maybe this is part of the back story - intelligent smoke-like aliens?!
  16. Oh wow! I did not know it only needed the GPU during generation! I'll just use a basic Linode server (quicker than refurbing one of my older unused chassis)!
  17. All, What are the minimums needed for me to set up a dedicated server? I'm a Linux guy so am able to set up my own but also am not against using linode (have used them in the past) or one of the game server hosting companies (have used them as well). The problem I ran into in the past is the need for a good graphics card on the server and my old machines lying around don't have great graphics cards. Maybe its time for me to retire my current PC to the Linux server farm and buy a new gaming rig! Thoughts for the best way to run a server? (Note, it will be for no more than 4 players - all family and friends)
  18. The thing I run into a LOT (at least in 19) is that the crafted items I can make at tier 5 are many times only better in that they can have one more mod. The stats, many times, are worse than my tier 3 and tier 4 items I've found. Makes it frustrating to build a tier 5 item only to eagerly grab it off of the workbench and see that it is worse than the tier 4 you already have!
  19. Anyone seen the unending horde problem where hordes just do not stop and just keep coming? This is not a horde night - it is night 30 and we are getting overrun with constant zombies. It was fun until it killed me after us fighting them for 20 minutes. When the admin types 'killall', they immediately start spawning again. We really don't want to start over this world as we are having a blast on it.
  20. Thanks for all the suggestions! We have now implemented the looting of quests based on who starts it and it is working great! Regarding ally vs. party member, yes I mean party member, not ally. BTW, none of these are things I'd leave the game for - have been playing it for many years and love it in each new iteration.
  21. I have been playing a new playthrough with my son while waiting for A20. It has brought to life several QoL issues that should be addressed (and maybe they already are in A20) at some point. 1. We need a way to be able to keep quests that are shared when allied with someone and not have to constantly reshare our quests every time we team up. This is not just a QoL issue but has resulted in lost quests after the quest holder and ally have completed the quest but not yet turned it in and then we have to log out for some reason. The ally loses the quest and the holder can no longer share it on the next log-in. 2. We need a way to add an ally who stays an ally until we un-ally them. Having to send a friend request after each login is just annoying. 3. Ally selection should be able to be done before joining the server and the server should allow allies to spawn in the same location on first entry into a new world. One of us is invariably multiple klicks away from the other on first spawn and one of us loses the protection of the spawned area not to mention has to trudge through often very dangerous areas to get to the other. Yes, we could just wait to ally when we are stronger, but the game should have a way to allow those who want to play together from the start, a way to do that without the long treks. 4. This one is not one that I am passionate about, but a round-robin loot system, or individual loot in an end-poi chest, might be something to consider. I'm not sold on this idea but it is something we run into and it would be nice if we didn't have to "race" to the end to see who gets the loot. This is already done on the quest rewards so I would think it wouldn't be too difficult to add. Or, to keep it more realistic, have the option of two loot chests if teamed up. Like I stated, not sold on it, but I do feel like something is missing in this regards. Trying to teach my son to share so that may be the solution. 5. I might be missing something on this one but have a way to share a land-claim block. Only one of us can "rearrange the furniture". Now as I am typing this, I wonder if I can put down a land-claim as well in the same area? If not, a shared land-claim is the way to go. 6. Traders allow us both to turn in our quests at the same time but not access the inventory. This could be due to not wanting to worry about duplication issues or something programmatically difficult, but sure would be nice if one of us didn't have to stand around waiting. Looking forward to A20!
  22. Yep! I remember when Ultima Online came out, and I still miss the loot system that it had at that time - you could find anything at any time and it made it exciting not knowing if that low level mob was going to be carrying something really good. I agree with the OP, yes we can mod it, but by default it would be nice if there was a real chance, however small, of finding good loot. As a loot fiend, that was the best thing I liked about the game - never knowing if that box or safe was going to have something that would be really cool or a game changer.
  23. Does TFP have any choice now but to name "house_old_3" "Cooter's place"!? I think not! 🤣
  24. For me, the only trader changes I'd like are: 1. Add a way to specify favorite items so when I bring up the list of items, I can just click favorites to find the ones for which I am looking. 2. Add the ability to do all previous quest levels. Once you have leveled up to quest level 2, then you should still have level 1 quests available, level 3 should still have level 2 and 1, etc. 3. Add a feature where POIs are not reusable as quest destinations. This can be a configuration option but I'd be OK with never reusing a POI. This also would remove my worry that a quest might reset the POI I've taken over for either a base or horde-base since I can only have one land-claim block. (Alternatively, having two land-claims would remove this worry). 4. I'd be OK with removing invulnerability, but since most players, after 50 days or so, have super-fortified bases, I'd be OK with stainless steel trader bases and regular vault doors that just lock after-hours. If we can do it, it goes to reason a trader could as well. Add a guard or two that will shoot-to-kill after hours and that would be fun.
  25. I still don't understand why some players complain about other's choices for how they play the game! If you don't like a certain tactic, just don't use it! I personally still miss being able to just get in a vehicle and drive during horde night, or tunnel down to bedrock to hide from hordes, and the mindless zombies that didn't know how to find a way to you better than you yourself know! So, the bases where you can essentially go AFK during horde night... I love that idea! You don't? Then don't use it! Each player should be able to play this game how they want to play it and this is what attracted me to 7 Days initially. With each release, it seems to be getting harder and harder to make it what I want to make it and instead we get dev- and player-directed changes that some of us just don't want. And before ya assume how I play, I now play dead-is-dead. It makes the game difficult in a way I want to make it difficult. No dev interaction required!
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