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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 6 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    Inversely no current zombie looks good anywhere in the wilderness, it would be good to have some wild zombies that spawn when you are a long way away from the city

    I like that Idea!

    And it would in fact fit perfectly in the apocalyptic background story.


    I mean when things go f***ed up, there would surely be a bunch of prepper/survivalist/backpacker guys retreating deep into the wilderness.

    There already are some smaller pois where those guys would probably be expected, e.g. those very small encampments with two tents and a campfire (those don't show up anymore since A16/17?)....or even the tiny ruins with just a broken wall corner of the building. 


    But I hope/expect when once bandits are introduced, there might also be a zombified version of them,

    and those would more or less "fit that gap".

    Because bandits would have "evolved" from people who escaped the "big bang"


  2. 7 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    A player who gets challenged by default difficulty will not see any small differences on insane because he will die constantly with any weapon.

    Hey that's me 😬



    7 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Also and more importantly difficulty settings change balance. A weapon that is balanced at normal difficulty could be stronger on insane, or weaker. To show that with a simple example the stun baton is ideal. In 7D2D the damage of the stun baton will increase by the same percentage as the club, but a very important stat of the stun baton is its stun damage and stun duration and those two do not scale with difficulty. Should they? I don't really know. But you can imagine that there are a lot of effects in the game that would need to scale with difficulty to make the balance the same at all dificulties.


    Still don't really get the point that different difficulty levels can be better or worse balanced compared to others,

    but given that I haven't really tried highest levels for a longer period of time, I will just assume you and Forgotten Memes have a point there.


    So be it, you convinced me, balance has to be balanced better, because difficulties are too difficult...well at least some of 'em.








    ouch my head aches...I will go throw stones at my barn door...and maybe give it a few shells too just to relax.

  3. 15 hours ago, Forgotten Memes said:

    You probably aren't even embarrassed that you're arguing against making the game better for everyone.

    There might be enough players who get along well with highest difficulty, so I kindly ask you to not quote yourself as a speaker for "everybody else".


    I myself am not embarrassed to admit that I mostly play on a mid difficulty level (one above default, sometimes even lower just for casual or trying out stuff).

    I have tried higher levels, but those were too much for me, didn't have fun, so I reduced to levels which are challenging enough without bugging me too much. 


    It wouldn't come to my mind, when I actively choose the highest difficulty level and see that it's too hard to survive for me, that the game is badly balanced.

    Difficulty levels per se cannot be imbalanced, they ARE the option to change game balance from easy to hard.


    It's not that you only have two levels, "insane" and "pony farm", there are many smaller steps.

    And hardest difficulty level is called insane for a reason.

    When you actively choose to play insane and even self-impose yourself further by deciding "permadeath", then you can't blame anyone else but yourself when it doesn't work out as expected or you can't make it.


    There's no shame in lowering difficulty, it's your choice, just try and find a level challenging but not overwhelming for your playstyle.

    Of course when you perk into machinegunning you can choose a higher difficulty than when perking into melee, that's part of it too.

    Throwing a stone isn't the same than firing a shotgun...if you dont't believe me ask my barn door 😄


    ...just kidding I don't have a barn 🤭

  4. 52 minutes ago, Forgotten Memes said:

    I'm guessing you've never played on insane/permadeath.  Imbalances are far less noticeable on easy mode.


    It's a very different game when a power attacks no longer 1 shot everything and death is meaningful.

    Plays on a difficulty level where you can one-hit kill everything with a melee weapon:

    “Meh...boring I can easily kill everything“


    plays on a higher difficulty level where you have to make several hits to kill an enemy:

    “what is this, I can‘t one-hit everything. Game is badly balanced. Weapon needs to be buffed“


    Pro tip: there‘s a secret weapon damage buff function hidden in the main menu. It‘s called „difficulty level“ ;-)

  5. 2 hours ago, Morloc said:

    Are these drones going to function indoors?

    I would guess they're trying to make it useful also indoors, but it's one of the main reasons they postponed it several times.

    It's like with all pets/sidekicks/followers in any open world rpg.

    They easily get stuck behind corners/walls/doors/stairs/... which is annoying when you often have to return and jump/dodge around to "help" that thing come loose.

    And just making it teleport back to you whenever it got wedged somewhere again...well it just does look stupid and buggy when that happens too often, would kill the fun of it.

    So getting that straight might be much harder to reach than expected, especially in that destructable 3D environment, where you often break open your own paths.

    You do want to progress, and not care about "will my drone be able to follow me or will it get stuck?"

    Poor guy working on that, I really hope he/she makes it happen.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    As it is now and has been for years it is a perfectly functional $20 game.

    and divided price paid by hours played it easily makes it the cheapest game I ever had.

    Plus the extreme fun included it's priceless anyway.


    ...minus high need of fresh underpants...priceless nevertheless

  7. 1 hour ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I miss the old background whispers and strange sounds plus the occasional dog barking in the distance.



    I agree.

    Strange/spooky sounds are atm bound to just the wasteland, I would love some more in other biomes, fitting the scenery (like cracking wood and crusted snow gnash in the snow biome)

    But ambient sound improvement is a point on the A20 list, so it will get some love (fingers crossed).


    The whispering blabla got annoying pretty fast, so I don't miss that.


    The dog bark has become part of the blunderbuss firing sound, noone knows why. 😄

  8. 7 minutes ago, Trankitas said:

    That is actually a great idea, I still remember when the screamer first showed up after an update...I didn't followed the development of the game back then.
    I would lie if I tell you I didn't screamed like a @%$#.

    Yeah, like in the K-fee commercials.

    hooray, great idea, let's poop our pants.

    Hopefully noone of the devs reads this and picks it up...wait, what was this thread about? ...oh-oh🙊


  9. 8 minutes ago, Trankitas said:


    What about the new screamer skin?

    Sorry I had to kill your expectations considering water.


    I am also very exited about the new "HD-screamer" and hope that they will showcase her in one of the streams. All the other new skins mentioned in the first post have already been shown, so there's a good chance they keep her as a surprise...hopefully they let her jump into the screen totally out of context and everybody poops his pants 😂


    ...oh wait, that would include me...ah whatever, might be worth it 😬

    5 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    He gave an estimate with the answer, I have seen things like this happen all the time.

    We will see.

    Yes you are right, flukes happen all the time. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    We will see....



    you assume that there already is an unbreakable release day/date that he just doesn't want to tell.

    Consider that game developers can't see into the future, and that many things can still happen that may cause a delay, even if there is a definite timeline today.

    In fact, it is absolutely unpredictable how many weeks and months it will take, and whatever outcome there will be, whether your "reading" turns out to be right or wrong,

    it will be an absolute fluke.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I have a big thing for words, particularly when someone speaks or writes without preparing.

    less than three months seems likely, maybe a small delay takes it past three months. Over that is unthinkable.

    The maybe & possibly part are key. Maybe is a soft vague commitment, possibly is an unconscious cover your ass statement.

    A-ha. And was he consciously lying or unconsciously serious about the "never pooped my pants" part?

  12. On 5/25/2021 at 9:42 AM, Matt115 said:

    And maybe icon "danger zone "  and first letter of resources like : Iron - i , Pottassium - P , LEAD - L , Oil - O , coal - C

    I can't imagine that being more convenient if I had a really long list of different icons to scroll through and pick the right one from, instead of using the already implemented "mine/cave-icon" and just type in the corresponding letter into the text box.

    The text box though is too limited/short sometimes, (8 digits?) so you always have to use abbreviations like "Fe 3" for "there are three "surface-boulders" of iron close together"


    So yeah, that whole system hopefully gets some love, but I'm not a fan of long/overloaded (drop-down-) lists.

  13. 7 hours ago, Burrfly said:

    Why oversimplify the build path? [...] this oversimplification of the upgrade path literally ruins my excitement for alpha 20 [...]


    Suggestion: try to not completely set your mind that it is oversimplified.

    They try to make it less complex for several reasons that seem to make sense.

    If it turns out that it really is oversimplified (meaning less funny/playable/immersive/[insert positive adjective of your choice here],

    it might be changed back, or onward to another yet-to-be-developed state.


    For now, don't be too worried, wait 'til release and give it a fair chance.


    7 hours ago, Burrfly said:

    And I think I speak for a big part of the community...

    And I think I speak for an even bigger part of the commmunity than you 🤪


    7 hours ago, Burrfly said:

    I love this game

    Me too

  14. 39 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

    This game desparately needs more zombie models and more variation in zombies' abilities. Even a beginner notices after an hour of gameplay that there are the same zombies all over the place and they can't do anything but getting close and swing after you. They don't have to be completely new models from scratch with costly artist work required. Variation in colors, maybe just a variation of faces on the same body, add some scars here and there for variation, different hair, let some zombies spawn with only one arm etc.

    Last weekend I played 7D2d 2 with madmole, and it was so annoying: the biker zombie stole my motorcycle, and when I tried to chase him by foot I stumbled over a pile of bricks the construction guy zombie placed in my way. Laying there, a nurse zombie intoxicated me with a fully drawn up syringe of some tranquilizer.

    Last thing I saw was a lumberjack zombie throwing all the wooden ammo crates in my base into my freshly crafted industrial forge, then everything went BOOOOOM.


    So if you ask me:

    No Sir, no zombies with abilities, I will stay with the boring dumb ones!


    sidenote: I might or might not have just envisioned smaller parts of or the whole story above

  15. Too bad to hear driver didn't solve it. Fingers crossed for the new DIMMs to fix it. Damn I hate this undefined and not-reproducable stuff.

    If it doesn't work then, my next best guess would be an unstable PSU after all, but that's the next step, let's see.

    Good luck and keep us informed.

  16. 45 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Giant Zombieboss: Cut from the game. Won't be included ever in this game.

    The Bandits: Will not be in A20 but the player animations as well as the new models for the NPCs in A20 are all more steps towards bandits.

    Flying Drone: Ready to go for A20. Won't be postponed again.

    NPC system: If you're talking about reputation or the random encounter system then there is no word on when or if those systems are coming to this game at this point.

    Pets/Followers: Replaced by the drone. The drone is the evolution of the pet/follower idea. There will not be other pets or followers in the vanilla game other than your faithful drone.

    Survivor Rescues: No word on when or if such a feature will make it into this game. The stretch goals mention NPC characters (which could be fulfilled by bandits) and merchants.

    Build NPC village: Most likely not happening for this game. This feature was mentioned as a dream feature by Madmole but is not listed in any of the original goals. What is listed is an NPC controlled safehouse.


    There are lots of things the developers would love to do beyond the scope of their original goals that will become part of their next game. Their focus is on getting this game finished so they can achieve some of these dream features that couldn't quite make it for this game into the next one. 

    Cool Roland thx for the update,

    way better than the "any features might be added, changed, postponed, cancelled,... that's why it's called development" reaction i expected from staff here, love it! 👍


    Any chance btw the first post gets an update too? There's still much stuff saying "details coming", and it don't.

    If it is just to keep me excited, I'm ok, but the others might not understand 🤪

  17. 4 minutes ago, pipermac said:

    How would this be staged?  I guarantee that it is not. 

    Feral Wight day 1, not attacking the player but watching "the girl's fooling around" yeah sure it isn't spawned in cm.

    And I just don't care I'm too busy laughing and cleaning up my monitor (spread my cup of tea all over it)

    THX for that btw it was dusty anyway and deserved the wiping cloth for a long time. 😄

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