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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. On 5/4/2021 at 10:19 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

    Basically imho it's more fun to play without the markers. First it puts some pressure on the player, either go for the airdrop right now or risk to never find it again (or at least place an estimated waypoint where you think it landed). Second, since the airdrops have the signal light and the signal smoke, they can be found really easily by just knowing a rough direction where they were going down, even if there is no exact marker on the map.



    Yep. Put a first marker on your exact position, and then a second marker further away from the first marker in the direction where you see the parachute (look, pick a landmark, open map, find landmark on map, set marker)

    Then "draw" line over the two markers and you almost always have an absolutely exact direction to follow, easy even if you do the search later.

    Just be careful to give the two markers corresponding names of course so that you don't twist them with different drops 😆

  2. 51 minutes ago, Morloc said:


    But dad!...






    That newspaper is completely outdated and has nothing to do with the zombie apocalypse.

    It actually was displayed in Navezgane's library as part of a "cold war exhibition".

    Just look at the date which is drawn at the upper right edg...oh.


    Doesn't matter, the real reason must be the also ruled out "volcano" scenario though.

    Other explanations than seismic activity for all the way-too-bumpy roads would be absolutely far-fetched.



    -don't have to sign my post cause there's an avatar doing that job

  3. 10 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    Can't speak to FPS, but the laptop fans are spun up whenever 7D2D is running. Main menu, horde night, doesn't matter. I suspect TFP is mining Doge in the menu.

    😆 You may be right there.


    Same for me, fans go rabid from the very start/loading.

    I make a use of it though: when it's my turn to clean the house, instead of utilizing the vacuum cleaner I just do a short quest for Jen, and then i scratch the "fur" from my case.

  4. 12 hours ago, tenchikun said:


    Also, the 1660ti is a newer card that the 2060. The 2060 super I believe came later though. So this is by far an outdated/older card. 

    If you ask me you're right, if you ask NVidia it IS an absolutely outdated card (older than 1 year) and you can always buy a 3090 to solve your driver issues 😄


    12 hours ago, tenchikun said:

    Sadly Nvidia doesn't have drivers past november. I'm 100% positive that if I rolled back to a driver from august i'd probably not have these problems anymore. 

    There you go:



    two older versions of early and mid of 2020

    they are there if you know how to look...of course not can be found by the standard "search driver" page... guess why... 


    I hope one of them works for you



    oops I saw I got the german links/languages...hmmm...does that mean google knows where I live? What magic is this? 😅

    Here are the english (UK) versions if that suits you better

    First link is from August2020, version you specifically asked for






  5. 1 hour ago, tenchikun said:

    Not sure wtf nvidia is doing with

    That‘s the downside of unified drivers. Focus lies on optimizing the latest generation for some more fps in a handful of AAA games, not fixing issues with older cards.

    I have experienced same with my outdated R9 390. Updating driver often caused more issues than it fixes.

    “install latest drivers“ doesn‘t seem to be a good standard advice anymore.

  6. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Does it really matter much what worked in A11 or A6? Important is that vehicle+pressure plate is on a bug list and will probably work sometime in the future (line 52 in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YNo1DLatARAXCyRWwLxOhrjKnZKLL-onr4hwc3IIUuI/edit#gid=0 )


    Ah so it is a bug and not an intendedly removed feature cause it was too exploitable like the "floating drawbridge base thingy" or whatever (that's why I was wondering).

    Thx for the info.

  7. For me it's always TRex because stamina is a useful thing during whole gametime also lategame, but especially for the first days/weeks.

    Rest goes into the weapon type I chose and the corresponding main stat.


    Miner69er for stone-axe damage. I use that even late game for all "casual-stuff") because it hits fast and has more or less no stamina drain. 


    I don't spend a single point into pack mule, I always get lucky to find (or can craft) enough pocket mods relatively early.

    Anyways I'm not the guy who fills his packpack with all the stuff I find just because it will become useful sometime later (ends up just stacking in my crates forever anyway),

    so being encumbered is mostly no problem for me.


    As i like to be fast/agile I like the parcours perk, but nothing goes there early game (running shoes and college jackets are almost everywhere, which is sufficient at first)


    Concerning food I also seem to get lucky everytime. Looting food cans or stepping on a chicken/rabbit supplies me more than enough (yes you are fast enough to chase and stone-axe a chicken to death with said playstyle) so no need to perk into that part for me.

  8. On 4/28/2021 at 11:48 PM, BFT2020 said:

    Nope, vehicles right now don't activate the trigger plates.

    Hm but then, did it work in a previous Alpha?

    I'm so damn sure I saw a vid where somebody drove through a "wired-up" automatically opening garage door with a motorcycle, going back and forth several times, trying from both sides. It didn't work every time though, but the concept in general was functional.


    It is long ago I can't even remember when and also searched youtube for that vid, didn't find it.


    Maybe it WAS done with motion sensors though and not with trigger plates...🤔


  9. 8 hours ago, starscream said:

    the combat is... crap. and it will always be ... crap.

    7 hours ago, Boidster said:

    Far out in the Pacific Ocean there is a small island where the inhabitants worship the very concept of wrongness. In the center of the island's village, high on a plinth and visible for a mile in any direction, is a statue of you. 😄

    If he's referring to the melee part of combat, put my statue next to his.😎 

    I would love to have some variety there, quick lunges, sideswings, blocking, slamming downside (if you played skyrim you know that I mean).

    Just "hit hard or hit normal" feels a bit meh when you imagine to rather being able to smash/ragdoll Zeds into a specific direction (e.g. over the edge of a roof) if you choose the right attack type.

    So if you also like games (tekken or alike) it will suck for you.

    Hopefully that's getting some love.


    The gunning part of combat is already big fun.


    The building/creative part is absolutely great.


    Freedom/variety of choice how you spend your time / aspects to focus on is the most outstanding aspect in the game I think,

    which is already well balanced.


    Graphics is a point I don't really care about. 

    Yes it will never reach same visual greatness as many other today's games (voxel based game...hardware and game-engines that could manage that simply don't yet exist for "mainstream" desktop PCs). I have it running on my 10year old CPU (i52500K) and a R9 390, with some mid-low settings, (reaching around 70fps at 1920x1080), and I love playing it.


    So my opinion:

    Buy it, play it, and be part of the community to share the things you like and you don't like.

    What was already said, you will at least be heard.

    The devs are around here so often that I sometimes think the game would already have gone gold years ago,

    if they focused on coding not chatting 🤪.

    Seriously: it's brilliant and an outstanding example of the whole "early access" concept!





  10. 10 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    @tenchikunprovided a very detailed speccy report, so maybe read the thread before throwing shade.

    wtf I even specifically wrote that I was just kidding and no offense meant, and it doesn't really matter whatever Ryzen 7 CPU it actually is,

    and you nonetheless pick that one sentence out of context to "accuse" me.


    it must be my angry-looking avatar...really I try to help here nothing else

  11. 20 hours ago, tenchikun said:

    The only thing i've upgraded was the mobo from an asus rog b350f to a b550f-wifi. And from a gtx 1050ti to a 1660ti. Had no issues with the previous set up. the power supply is an evga gold 650watt psu.  Oh and I upgraded from a ryzen 5 to a ryzen 7. 



    So you "only" changed your whole platform (CPU, GPU, mobo).

    Sorry I have to ask more specifically:

    You said "fresh new install of Win", meaning what?

    In your case it should have been a total new install to a fresh empty partition on your harddrive. Everything else (repair install or via some "migration tools") might cause all kinds of undefined bs-behavior of your system. No cleanup tool or similar can then provide a fully functional Win on that drastically changed hardware (esp new mobo).


    Insufficient power supply can cause same, but your PSU should be more than enough,

    even without further details given about your CPU..."I have a Ryzen 7" is ridiculously (no offense meant) unspecific...next to possibly other peripheral devices built in your rig.

    ...at least you could confirm that you haven't running a handful of USB water boilers 😄 just kidding, PSU can be dropped from the list I guess. 👍

  12. On 4/28/2021 at 11:11 AM, Scyris said:

    It would be my current game, I have cleared 2 entire towns pretty much of cars, I have storage chests full of batteries and engines, but know what I don't have, a SINGLE frigging headlight so I can make my damn minibike. The 2 traders I know where they are at haven't ever stocked one either. I think i've easly wrenched over 200+ cars, and not a single headlight.

    does your wrench look like this?



  13. 13 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Is it not to be evil to use a monkey's emoji while teasing another person? Okay then

    No that one is just part of the three "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" monkeys. (from some japanese proverb)

    It means - more or less - "You don't speak about evil things" (which I did, so meaning "I know I better hadn't / shouldn't") 

    I definitely didn't want to call you an ape if you interpreted it like that.

  14. On 4/13/2021 at 7:32 PM, saoron666 said:



    -automatic garage door opener (remote) when i am in a vehicle and coming to my base i would like to be able to open my powered garage door with a assigned key

    ex: press # 9 or 0 or wtv so the garage door opens and i don't have to come out of the car and run to it open it and then run back to the car and go in and come out and close it..


    what is the point of a powered door if you cant open it by distance like the remote in your car..


    I think this can already be done by wiring a pressure plate to the door, so that when you drive over it with your vehicle the door triggers/opens.

    Never tried it myself though, but I'm pretty sure the devs even showcased that during a vid/stream.

  15. 1 minute ago, bachgaman said:

    If I write this, I argue strongly. You're just spraying bile. Don't you see the difference? If a man writes that a wooden frame is better than an LCB when meeting a horde, isn't that nonsense? That's nonsense. And I explained why. I wrote it as part of the discussion. You wrote this as part of an attempt to insult and hurt. So it's not for you to read notations on how to be polite in trying to justify your barren useless toxicity

    Really, I didn't want to be mean. Thats why I used the "speak no evil monkey" emoji btw.

    I make myself clear once again: I am sorry! 

    Good now?

  16. 1 minute ago, bachgaman said:


    Nice just other opinion

    It's very convenient to ridicule any offer of fixes of even the most obvious holes in the balance sheet and offer nothing in turn. Just sitting and wiping out people who are trying to help make better. Fine fellow

    Dude, just let go.

    It is you who is using aggressive phrases like "it is stupid to"..."don't tell nonsense" in communication with others,

    so don't be @%$#ed when I hit you with some sarcasm, take it as you deliver.😉


    I am sorry and I will be nice from now.


    Believe me, I see you have a point there. 

    And maybe it even will be fixed.

    Well at least you might have drawn the devs attention to it by defending your point so hard...seems to have become a top theme around here 😜

  17. 4 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    You described good solutions, but I don't even undertake to voice such things because I'm thrown tomatoes for offering to nerf the broken LCB by changing its crafting or strength. These changes are made in seconds, but people still yell that developers shouldn't waste time and resources on such fixes

    And don't pick on the words. You won't meet spiders or cops at the beginning of the game. And the fact that they climb on each other, it was not for nothing that I mentioned two wooden blocks, not one

    It's about starting the game, by the time spiders and cops appear, you own an arsenal

    Ok point goes to you, I really missed that it was all about just the very start of the game.


    Btw, you are not thrown tomatoes at, and you are not disliked.

    Other people are not of your opinion, and when they say so, you are offended, as I can see.

    Just read the answers carefully, noone said "this is a bad/stupid idea" or anything. 

    It's just facts against your opinion, nothing personal there.

    I can see you desperately want your suggested change being implemented, that's ok,

    but if it isn't considered a "must" by others, than it should be ok for you too.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I'd rather @faatal makes it so zombies attack the weaker of the two blocks in front of them rather than hitting the top block first and then the bottom block second no matter what. I assume the exploit is to place a frame then the LCB and then another frame on top of that? They spend their time trying to break the LCB until it is gone before trying to hit the frame beneath.


    My question is: Don't the zombie pile up on top of each other and destroy you anyway? I mean you claimed ANY wandering horde could be defeated. Plus, can't you just nerdpole to the top of a building and be safe? Even if they changed the LCB somehow you could still get on a nearby roof and pick off the zombies.

    or what about some Zeds even don't bother tracking the player but just rage around knocking down random blocks all the time...some kind of perma-rage-mode instead of that just-some-seconds-stuff



    I also don't get the point of that "LCB-frame-stack exploit thingy".

    Spiders would jump right into your face, cops puking, vultures,...can't call that stack a safe place for long.

  19. I want TFP to remove the motorcycle from the game.

    Other people abuse it to move around very fast.

    I don't like it, I am pedestrian playstyle.

    I can't stand my party allies keep abusing motorcycle-hole in the game and being faster than me.

    I Have even seen many youtubers abuse game by motorcycling around.

    Don't tell me I can fix speed via xml.

    I don't want to fix it.

    I want it to be fixed in general.

    I...what am I even talking about?🙊

  20. 20 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    So, what are you guys most excited for in A20?  For me its the new shape menu and building updates.  Can't wait to see what POIs TFPs build as well as what the community can make. 😀


    For me:


    1st: new quest types (digging improved and the totally new "restore power").

    I just love serving Jen all the time. Still hoping for some kind of easteregg, that after being 100times "employee of the month" she shows me all of her goods...if you know what i mean 😜

    More variety in questing will be fine for my playstyle.


    2nd: changes/improvements in loot progression/gamestage.

    I just don't like it nowerdays that you more or less exactly know that when you have a maxed out stoneaxe, you will start finding the first iron axes, and you know they will be definitely crap quality and totally useless in comparison to your stone stuff at first...and so on. It's too predictable.

    Really hoping for a different solution, but I can see this whole system is one of the most crucial and complex things with big impact on how the game as a whole is balanced.

    Big one though, I hope they figure it out.

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