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Posts posted by warmer

  1. After going back and forth over the same area for a while I noticed it's actually redrawing my FOV and stuttering the lighting/shadows for each redraw. That is why it feels like it's zooming in.

    Almost like that effect you get in some games when you sprint and it sort of tightens and zooms in the FOV. Only this Does it after I stop. It's very disorienting.

    Watch the trees on the right side when I stop. This is making me motion sick it's really disorienting

  2. Not sure how to describe this exactly I have a weird zooming of the FOV and shadow flickers after running.


    It's like there are highlights on shadows being drawn only when I stop moving. When I move walking/running it gets slightly darker, and then when I stops it looks like a lot of highlights are drawn in.

    I am using an RX 6800XT, this wasn't something I noticed in the 100 or so hours I put into A20

    Anyone else?

    The longer the run the more it stutters and redraws it once I stop. WEIRD?!

  3. 3 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    It's currently 9am in Texas. 

    TFP's main office is in Dallas.

    Sometime this afternoon in TFP's timezone it will be released.


    Aside from that, you aren't likely to get any more specifics. You will know with the rest of the world the moment it is announced.

    nope its 8:06am currently. I work for a company out of Houston. Lol 

  4. While a lot of these suggestions seems to achieve a higher degree of realism accuracy, the cost in cpu cycles to track that vs. a single elapsed time measurement is everything you need to know why they aren't making this more "realistic" there anything TFP can do to minimize unnecessary cpu calls to tracking game events the better the fps result will be.

  5. First let me say pure quantity of hours dont mean much if you rack up 5k hours in the last alpha by running a server for a year.


    That being said, 


    I have played solo and multi player with friends on every Alpha since 6 for at least 25-100 hrs each, and that is all it really takes to understand the difference between them.


    I miss a few things a great deal and I feel that the games environment/mood really suffer from a few key changes.

    These below I've added back with mods;



    falling through the roof of a cave ceiling running through the forest is one of the most intense moments I have had in 7D2D. They took out caves due to world gen time last I heard. Give us that want to wait a tick box


    Fire/burnable wooden structures;

    It just brings you into real world tactics/consequences/realism territory. I suppose this was removed because of frame drops and pvp abuse, but I go straight to cobble stone once I build a custom, so that is never an issue for me.


    Lootable/Persistent zombies that slowly decay to gore;

    This is another realism/grit/setting thing that is incredibly effective at making the game feel more immersive. I never liked the loot bag, and would rather zeds be looted. Not to mentiom how awesomely/horrific things look after horde night. When you compare that to vanilla  Vanilla is really tame in comparison to how it makes you feel after a slaughterfest.


    Now changes I would love to see:


    Level system/skills

    I really miss learning by doing. Ala old Elder Scrolls style of leveling skills. I would love an rpg game where you dont even have "skills" just passive bonuses for getting better at repeated tasks. That is a true-ish "role" playing game. I think the new system if the loot table is balanced well against player behavior, this should influence it in a similar direction.


    Lockpicking/safe cracking;

    A simple mini game would be great, vs whatever magic RNG is going on behind the scenes. I have never been a fan of a skill being pure random chance influenced by skill level. Let me the player influence the outcome as well. Elder Scrolls games are some of the best example of simple and effective minigames. Now picking a "safe" needs to be addressed. That makes no sense. Give me a code I find in a desk, or a stethoscope from a nurse. This whole pick business is just silly. Make a note with a code (auto unlocks like the keyrack for doors) or an item that is required and a similar mini game to lock picking. Nothing overly complicated, but give the player a hand in the outcome.


    Storage Broadcasting;

    Storage broadcasting allows a crafting station's usage and access to materials from all unlocked/shareable storage chests in a given proximity without requiring to have the materials on you. This is a huge quality of life/more time having fun feature. Everytime I play with a big group someone is always overly anal about organization and makes the whole group wait for them to satisfy their OCD. Broadcast chests solve a lot of that micro managing time we spend doing things that have no gameplay value. The biggest reason I never finished Diable 3 was how exhausted I was when it came to inventory management.

  6. 10 hours ago, doughphunghus said:


    I suspect that it may he possible if you used custom server scripts/tools to copy a player and belongings to a new server running a new map (spawn in a safe zone?) and then disconnect the player and have the player rejoin a new game pointing to the new server/ip 

    oh this actually makes a ton of sense. The ip could be the hidden piece of the puzzle you have to find. Once you do, it save your character/backpack log onto that ip server in order to play the final map, and you get a snapshot of your backpack. So the limit could be what you can store on you to the new map.I think that is super doable with a mod for a character save state.

  7. It would be interesting to have a quest once you get the gyrocopter, to fly off the map and then enter a new map that is just a major city and the finale is finding the lab where stuff was created and getting a cure formula or something. Then you fly over Navezgane and drop it from the sky and cure the population.

  8. I definitely miss swapping out parts for higher tier guns. I think that aspect is really fun. Brings it closer to Fallout4 style weapon crafting. Would love to see more modd added over time like barrel length and grip/stock mods

  9. repair penalties can be incredibly annoying. A rule that we used at an old game company I worked for was, "does it make it more fun?" if the answer was no, we moved on.


    Repair penalties are anything but fun and does not add additional realism, but does add the cost of spending time to gather resources, but your gathering of resources, damages the item you are repairing!


    Real world objects can be repaired to 100% think an ax with a broken handle or head. There is NOTHING stopping you from repairing that to 100%


    The cycle is neverending and NOT fun.


    If there was no bloodmoon to prep for, this wouldnt be such an issue, but the penalty is just a penalty with no game play value in my opinion.

  10. On 5/21/2023 at 7:42 PM, Telric said:

    And a super secret ending where the player explodes, Sonic style, showering everything with turds from never pooping!

    In Scum you will literally stop mid firefight to take a dump if you haven't for too long  The realism is both incredible and overly cumbersome at the same time lol

  11. play dead is dead. Plenty of penalty there. Thats the only way I like to play. Makes every decision or encounter matter. water is going to be much harder to come by A21, so survival will certainly get harder.


    There are so many settings available to increase difficulty. Too much loot, lower it. Too easy to kill zeds, increase difficulty. Dont need a base for a long time. Make horde night every night. 


    The settings are there, and TFP has done a great job of giving us the flexibility built into the framework to achieve the desired game configuration.

  12. 12 hours ago, bobrpggamer said:


    The only ones I can think of is Ghost Recon and Rainbow 6 series also Red Orchestra, that are more realistic and makes you conserve all your ammo by shooting off that last bullet in a clip. Most Doom , Quake, Half Life and Far Cy types of games do not penalize you for it

    there are dozens out there that penalize. Metro series/Ready or Not, and many more. Anything that hypes the tactical aspects typically tend to have realism in ammo/reload. Scum and Dayz require you to load your own mags. Many variations in realism.

  13. the snake looks like a copperhead to me, and those guys are poisonous. 


    the debuff should be like getting progressively more drunk and getting blurry vision and wobbly controls until you pass out/die


    time to death dictated by your fortitude stat in game hours. Poison cure should be a trader Jen, only doc visit treatment. No home remedy. Cuz you know, she has to suck the poison out.

  14. 3 hours ago, Raptortwenty2 said:

    The new update looks amazing so far but I gotta say after playing the game for 4+ years. I’m sick of the scopes having a big black box around it and I constantly get hit because I can’t see what is AroundMe well sniping. Everyone help me to make the fun pimps change this

    Do you have your sound turned off? It's pretty easy to tell where they are when I use headphones. 

  15. On 5/2/2023 at 8:06 AM, Syphon583 said:

    That persistent UI in the middle of the screen kills me. If that's what the end product is going to be like, no thank you. There's better ways to handle that.


    Of course, I'm not trying to take away from the rest of it. It's also very likely that they have very little control over that since, you know, they're trying to port a game that was not built for VR into VR. Good on them for making this much progress. Seems like a really fun project.

    if they could anchor that in the corner I'd be onboard, but as it is right now jerking around that will make me motion sick like headbob does.

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