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Everything posted by Star69

  1. A couple of things and I’m not sure if they are related. Gamesense is software that you have installed outside of 7 Days, it can be rgb mouse or keyboard. I guess 7 Days will work with Gamesense allowing some data to be sent to it. The Gamesense error states that the Gamesense server is actively blocking your connection to their server so if you want to use their software, I’d contact their technical support to find out why their servers are blocking the connection. Could it be an issue where something in the latest experimental broke compatibility? I honestly don’t know. Start with Gamesense support. If they say it isn’t on their end, then submit an official bug report by clicking on the red banner and following the directions there so the QA team can take a look. Until you can get this figured out, for now uninstall the Gamesense software and the error will disappear. The other errors in your log point to your player profile on that server being corrupted. The only way to fix that is to have a server admin delete your profile, however that will mean you will be starting over at level 1. Hopefully the admin will use the creative menu to give back items and money you lost and for them to give you the experience to get your levels back. Could the Gamesense problem corrupt your player profile? If you crashed when that error first popped up then yes or they could be unrelated.
  2. Have you tried excluding your 7 Days folder from your antivirus/antimalware software? Seeing your whole log could give us more info if the antivirus exclusion doesn’t fix it. Instructions are in the pinned topic above but here’s the link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  3. Can you post your output log using a pastebin link? Directions are in the pinned topic at this link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  4. In A20.1, a fix for this was applied. Players are reporting that it’s mostly fixed but still happens occasionally. I haven’t seen it yet since I updated while in A20 it was happening all the time. They are continuing to tweak the fix.
  5. Normally, I completely clean/uninstall/reinstall the game with every update but I was lazy with A20.1 and just updated to it. I know with the updates to an alpha that you should be able to keep playing the same seed but I’m beginning to wonder if that isn’t a good idea this time. With this crash and all the reports of player position errors that maybe we should be reinstalling the game. I did clean all my saves before starting 20.1. I think I’ll play around with trying to consistently get it to crash on my end as well. I’ll be curious to hear about how the reinstall works for you.
  6. I haven’t figured out exactly what’s causing this yet. I “think” it has something to do with the code that was written to fix the vehicle/zombies/turrets falling through the ground issue that was addressed in A20.1. As to why it’s happening to some player positions, I’m just not sure. If I was to make a wild, unsubstantiated guess, I’d say cleaning all worlds/saves using the game launcher and generating a new seed with A20.1 and see if that fixes it. It might be that worlds made with A20 are not compatible with A20.1. That’s just a hunch though.
  7. Same for me. If I play on an online server, disconnect, then try to start a single player game then I crash with that same error code and it’s only happened for me since A20.1. I make sure to exit 7 Days before starting a second game. It’s only happened one time though so haven’t submitted a bug report until I can reproduce it.
  8. I’ve rented from Bluefang for many alphas & have nothing bad to say. Support is quite fast if you need them.
  9. Seeing your entire log would help but that error generally means that some of the data being sent/received is being blocked. Depending on if the error is in a client log or a server log will determine which advice is given to you. It's best if you start a thread for your own problem versus tagging on to someone else's thread. Use the pinned topic at the top of the forum for instructions on how to post your logs. Post a copy of a client log and a server log if possible and they should contain the error that you're seeing. The solution to your problem needs more info than just that single line of the error to diagnose your problem.
  10. You could try deleting the region file and have the game reload a fresh copy. Understand any player-made stuff in that region will be lost. There might be a different way to fix it but I’ll let someone else with experience it chime in.
  11. It’s a known issue. A partial fix is in the experimental A20.1 release but it still happens, just less than in A20. A fix is coming, just not sure when.
  12. Same error another person just posted about. I’ve only seen it since A20.1, ray casting having difficulty with player position. I’d love some info from somebody official as this is a new error. For what it’s worth, I think You should post this to the official bug report section so that we may get some feedback from the QA team on this error. Instructions are found by clicking on the red banner at the top of the forum.
  13. Something is still blocking your internet connection to not only Gamesense but EOS as well. If you were successfully able to exclude 7 Days from your antivirus, do you have any background software running that monitors or adjusts network traffic like for example Asus Game First? Does 7 Days appear to have permissions through your firewall? There is something blocking those connections on your computer.
  14. Good to know….. I wonder if it’s a temporary EAC issue that will be fixed with their next update? Hopefully you can at least continue playing without EAC until things are worked out.
  15. Interesting log. The entire log is filled with warnings of the player position being in the wrong place and the game is constantly adjusting the origin until finally the game crashes. I haven’t seen this type of error before at least this many mentions. I wonder if this has to do with Fatal’s changes with ray casting to attempt fixing of items and zombies falling through the world as this is A20.1??? A big guess on my part. Not sure what to recommend. Was this a rwg seed started in A20 then continued in A20.1 or is this a fresh rwg with 20.1?
  16. I don’t know the lingo or what it exactly means but has something to do with ray tracing and colliders and some other stuff. Fatal is the programmer assigned to fix this. You can click on his profile and read his recent posts explaining the error and what he has been doing to try and fix it. If you understand any programming talk I’m sure you’ll understand what he’s saying but it’s all gobblygook to me. Or go to News and Announcements->Developer A20 thread to read the discussions. He posts quite a bit about his work on the game. It’s fascinating, the parts that I understand anyway.
  17. Yes, that’s due to too-busy eac servers. If you are playing single player or only on servers with friends, you can turn off EAC on your rig and the server to deal with that. I don't think’ that is causing your issue but at least that’s an easy fix. Hopefully someone else here has some other thoughts on your freezes.
  18. My understanding is the fix applied in A20.1 improves the issue but it is still occurring, just not as frequently. Fatal said he will continue work on it.
  19. There is a discord channel for 7 Days, there might be someone there to talk to you but they really would need to see your log. Pastebin is really easy. Go to pastebin.com and paste the log content in the box and it creates a link, you post the link here, easy peasy. If you need help finding your log, its location depends on your operating system. Directions for finding the log are in the pinned topic in this forum, which also has instructions for using pastebin. Here is a link for that: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/ Edit: Did you try excluding you 7 Days folder from your antivirus??
  20. Is anything being reported in Windows Event Viewer about the freezes? Is this been a recent thing or have you been able to play A20 fine up until recently? The reason that I ask is the logs end abruptly with no errors. That usually points to an issue outside the game that fails while the game is running. The game is a massive cpu and ram hog, so it can bring out problems in hardware. You’ve updated graphics drivers, checked system files and hard drive health which is great but I’d also test your ram using Memtest, my fav, or Windows built-in mamory diagnostic program. Check for any chipset updates as well. Be sure that your 7 Days folder is excluded from your antivirus/antimalware software too. This problem, unfortunately, could be many things.
  21. My understanding is that quest progression is trader specific which means he needs to finish all the tier 2 quests at the same trader before getting tier 3. I think it’s maybe 7 of them?? Anyhow, if he wants tier 3, tell him to stick to one trader. As soon as he goes to a different trader, it starts over at tier 1. I don’t think that there’s an edit for allowing certain tiers but you could read through the quest.xml file and see if there’s a way to edit the number of quests that you need to do before getting the offer of the next tier. I’m on my tablet not my pc or I’d check it myself.
  22. Exclude your 7 Days folder from your antivirus/antimalware software. If that doesn't fix it, post your entire log here using a pastebin link so we can look for other hints however, usually it's the antivirus.
  23. We really need to see the entire log so if you can use pastebin to link the whole log that’d be great. With only one line of the log to look at, my first guess is that you need to exclude your 7 Days folder from your antivirus/antimalware software but really need to see the entire log to be sure as there could be other hints, not necessarily errors in other parts of the log file.
  24. Looks like you removed the following line from the config but don't know if that's the cause or not: <property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value="SteamNetworking"/> <!-- Networking protocols that should not be used. Separated by comma. Possible values: LiteNetLib, SteamNetworking. Dedicated servers should disable SteamNetworking if there is no NAT router in between your users and the server or when port-forwarding is set up correctly -->
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